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Contemporary knowledge about God, Evolution, and the meaning of human life.
Methodology of spiritual development.

Who Is the Owner of Everything Here?

Essays on the Main/Who Is the Owner of Everything Here?

Who Is the Owner of Everything Here?

This article is for adults. Children should first develop their bodies and learn to control them before assimilating the information in this article. They also should first mature intellectually, and begin to master the stage of self-awareness through constant self-critical control of thoughts, emotions, and actions, continuously checking them to see whether they are in accordance with the Teachings of God.

Let us remember that children can start “playing meditation” and, in such cases, their behavior will become inadequate.

* * *

There was no cosmic “Big Bang”: these are the fantasies of materialists who are able to see and discuss only matter, without taking into account its Creator.

There is also no “antimatter”. But there are eons (layers of multidimensionality), filled with the Creator, Holy Spirits, non-incarnate souls (spirits), also — “building material” for matter and souls. There is also hell — the “rubbish heap” of Evolution.

And there are no “parallel universes”: that is also a fantasy of atheists, violating the foundations of the methodology of spiritual development. But there is a Single Universal Organism of God (God — in the Aspect of the Absolute), Which is really multidimensional, that is, multi-layered according to the “subtlety-coarseness scale”. The ultimate subtlety on this scale is the Creator and the Holy Spirits. At the opposite end of the scale is hell.

What has been said is not fiction. After all, God really is cognizable by a refined human consciousness prepared for this (assuming complete ethical purity). Become such — and then, among other things, the uselessness of huge monetary costs for the construction and maintenance of colliders will become clear! How much more important is personal cognition of God, interaction with Him, and service to Him!

* * *

There is a continuous process of the Evolution of Consciousness in the Absolute. We are its participants. It is desirable for us to realize what has been said — and then vital problems and difficulties will gradually decrease. God helps worthy zealots to overcome such obstacles if we do not “pray for salvation” and do not beg for “blessings”, but actively eliminate our shortcomings and build up positive qualities.

* * *

One can talk about the Evolution of the Universal Consciousness — and about the evolution of every soul, including oneself.

We must develop ourselves intellectually, improve ethically and psycho-energetically. The latter implies mastering the meditative stages of perfection. The main thing here is to develop oneself as a spiritual heart.

* * *

We are embodied by God in these earthly bodies of ours for the purpose of gradually developing ourselves as consciousnesses — up to the achievement of Divinity. Then, we merge into the Creator and continue to participate in the Evolutionary Process, doing so from the Divine level, being Parts of Him.

In order to accelerate our growth, we can actively refine ourselves-consciousness. This is the main line of development that allows one to cognize God in all His Aspects. We can refine ourselves through harmonious communication with the best states of nature, as well as gentle and caring communication with harmonious people. In addition, sexually colored tenderness is a great opportunity to bring oneself closer to higher states of consciousness.

(Of course, success can be achieved only under the condition of ethical impeccability: impeccability — from the point of view of God, and not of certain groups of people at a given historical time).

As a result of our personal self-improvement, we merge into the Creator. But for this, we need to merge as consciousnesses into the Unified Whole. And we must do so, most importantly, from a state of love!

We first learn to merge consciousnesses in ordinary earthly life through falling in love with each other. There is also an “auxiliary” meditative technique — called “total reciprocity”. But even this sometimes turns out to be not enough, for there is often a strong desire to preserve one’s “i” in the world of other people and matter.

The task can be formulated as follows: having practically cognized the entire multi-eon nature of the Absolute, one should eliminate one’s already developed “i” — so that only one “I” remains: the “I” of the Creator.

The following meditation can also help with this:

* * *

God is the Master of everything. Nothing here belongs to me, everything belongs to Him.

Moreover, the Creator created His Creation by densifying a Part of Himself. Therefore, everything that we perceive, we can feel as His Parts, if we look from the multidimensional Depths.

Tune in, one by one, with all the material objects that were previously perceived as belonging to me, and meditatively assert:

“This belongs to Him, this is a Part of Him!

“My material body also does not belong to me, but to Him.

“I — as a consciousness — also belong to Him.

“And everything that I observe in the universe is also He, the Absolute!

“As a result, I — as a separation from Him — no longer exist.

“I think and act now from the state of Oneness with Him.”

* * *

Mastering this meditation is not done in just one try. On the contrary, it can take weeks, months, or years. And there is always the opportunity to take a break, a pause. It is also possible return to one’s initial state.

Also, when mastering meditation, do not forget about the need to behave adequately in relationships with society.

Including, before making important decisions in connection with changing your life on the Earth, you need to take your time, think well, and consult with close ones. For example, if someone, wishing to abandon his/her family for spiritual purposes, refuses material care for children, then this — in the eyes of God — will not look like a “spiritual feat”, but a serious sin that forms a very negative destiny (karma) for one’s future.

In our published materials, you can find everything you need to fully implement what has been said in this article. Read, watch our films, and draw up your own individual development plan for yourself. Implement it gradually. It will work better if you work together with like-minded friends.

But what if the meditation absolutely does not work out? This means that there are flaws in the previous steps. They must be found and eliminated.

In particular, one must master abiding in the initial highest spatial dimension — the Abode of the Creator and the Holy Spirits.

And one more thing: in the now old book “How God Can Be Cognized”, I told how God once suggested that I perform a sequence of inadequate actions concerning the theme of forest seclusion. And when I was exhausted, He gave the following admonition: “Trust in God, but take care not to make mistakes yourself”. It always makes sense to remember this principle!

To conclude, allow me to recount an event that also happened a very long time ago: while I was in confession with an Orthodox priest named Lev (in St. Petersburg, then Vyborg), he uttered to me a phrase that helped me a lot in the following years. He said: “Remember, Vladimir: there is only God — and you; there is nothing more!”. Of course, this phrase does not reflect the reality. It is just a meditation. But this meditation contributes to the formation of a right relationship with God. As a result of mastering it, we come to the perception that there is only God.


Don’t seek praise from others!

Be love and an example for them!

And it doesn’t matter how they respond in turn:

Evil has no power where the Light prevails!

Connect yourself-love with the Love of God —

And bright will be your life, and straight — your Path!

With love in your heart — do not be afraid of adversity!

You will not get confused if you are led by God!

Written down by Anna Zubkova

in November 2020

Sathya Sai Baba

Do not live as an “i” that seeks fun!

Live — by the power of Love, which is manifested by you!

Say “YES!” to God!

What will change in your life

If you say “YES!” to God?

Maybe, you think that this is a trifle,

That this is a little thing, and nothing more?

But everything will change forever

If your life is measured out with Me!

Doubts and fears will leave your home,

And blissful peace will come!

In every moment of every day

You will begin to feel My Will!

And you will understand: I always am with you!

I take care of you and love you!

Written down by Anna Zubkova

in November 2020

Huang Di
Here and Now!

I am here, now, and always!

I, in your heart, am like a star,

Like the Sun that gives its Light!

… There is nothing impossible for My Might!

Written down by Anna Zubkova

in November 2020

Huang Di
Look into the Depths!

Here, in the Depths,

There are Living, Gentle Divine Souls!

Only love permits one to enter here!

Here, All are One!

Written down by Anna Zubkova

in November 2020

About Conscience and Repentance

Deep in one’s soul, in the clear questioning of one’s own conscience, every person knows what he or she will reproach himself or herself for on the threshold of the death of his or her body and after it, looking over the years, days, and moments which have been lived...

But the majority looks for excuses for themselves in external circumstances, or blame other people for the troubles. And some even drown out this quiet whisper of conscience...

It happens that pride or lack of will, prevent one from seeing one’s problems clearly and without embellishment.

And sometimes, it’s scary to face the truth. And then a person tries to close his or her eyes more tightly... And many succeed...

But without penitential cleansing, the spiritual Path is impossible!

In the battle for the purity of the soul, in the battle against your vices — God is always next to every such person!

I help the brave!

I give strength to those striving for Light and Love!

I support those seeking cleansing!

I open understanding to those hungry for wisdom!

I am waiting for the hesitant to decide...

All souls are visible in the Divine Gaze...

Anyone who tries to hide from understanding and “makes a cozy nest” for one’s vices — will certainly face the need to solve the problem of repentant cleansing if not in this, then in the next incarnation.

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