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Contemporary knowledge about God, Evolution, and the meaning of human life.
Methodology of spiritual development.

About \x93Faith in God\x94

About "Faith in God"

Vladimir Antonov

Translated from Russian by

Vladimir Antonov

Corrector of the English translation —
Keenan Murphy

People talk about faith in God. But, at the same time, they usually do not even think about the meaning of these words!

And their meaning — at first glance — is the following: faith in the existence of God.

Do we need to have such faith?

Yes. But it has an insignificant significance — in comparison with the personal and very specific knowledge of God.

In primitive religious tendencies, the conviction dominates that God is unknowable for us. They say that we can only know God after we disincarnate. At that point, we will then face His “terrible judgment” when He will sort us out, deciding whom to send to paradise and whom to send to hell…

An intelligent person will doubt: why does He need this?… But foolish and stupid people — simply will believe…

Moreover, opinions about who and how one deserves paradise or hell are usually found at the level of children’s fairy tales (that is, for children and low-minded adults).

But we will not go into this topic now, because it has been discussed in detail in many our books. Now I will only briefly note that people go to hell or paradise not for their actions, but for the qualities of souls which have been acquired by them during the incarnation. People who have accustomed themselves to coarse emotional states deserve a “posthumous” life in hell among their own kind. Those who have reached a high level of refinement settle down in the bliss of paradise.

And from the stage of paradisiacal existence, a direct path then opens up to cognition of God in His non-embodied state: He becomes visible and heard. It now becomes possible to embrace Him, merge for a while, and then to gradually ingrow into Him.

Let us remember: God (in the Aspects of the Messiah, the Holy Spirit, and the Creator) is the most subtle Consciousness of the universal scale.

And hell is the abode of the owners of emotional rudeness (which is usually associated with violence and self-centeredness in their various manifestations). Hell is the “rubbish heap of the Evolution”…

In order to really cognize God, we need to be ethically pure and refined consciousnesses. Such purity and refinement is gained through mastering the functions of the spiritual heart.

And those who have not transformed themselves in this way, but insist on their communications with God, communicate not with God, but with demons, devils, or spirits of the “astral plane”, who, joking and tempting such foolish people, call themselves God.

Jesus offered the following: Learn from Me! And I, — He spoke about Himself, — am meek and exist in meek wisdom in the Depths of My Spiritual Heart! (Matthew 11:29).

So, one of the main duties of those who wish to become Christians is to develop their spiritual hearts. As for the rest, they will not be allowed to enter…

* * *

The term “faith” also relates to a variety of rituals and traditional beliefs. There is such a phrase: “blind faith”, that is, belief in something that is non-existent but accepted on the basis of trust. Trust — in relation to bad leaders or stupid traditions.

For example, in the following rites (“sacraments”), the masses of people believe that:

infant baptism (as opposed to adult baptism “by faith”) changes something for the better in children’s destinies: nevertheless, such children, like others, still get ill, fall into different dramas, and become criminals when they grow up…,

ordination in the church’s “ecclesiastical ranks” elevates a person over other people and even as if makes him “holy” and gives him the right to command others, to roughly interfere in their destinies…: but such “ordained” people can vary greatly: from quiet humble Hesychasts — to arrogant, blind and aggressive primitives…

ecclesiastical marriage makes matrimonial relations more harmonious and strong…

And sins are not at all “released” due to the appropriate ritual (“sacrament”)… Everyone should work on removing them, but not in that way! A simple enumeration of one’s own sins at confession and the subsequent gestures and words of a “priest” do not at all cleanse us from our vices!

Namely, we must isolate the vices, the results of which become our ethical mistakes-sins. And — through reasonable repentance — we will eliminate such vices! Only then will we stop sinning and cleanse ourselves of inner filth before God!

God needs us in the form of a soul that has been completely cleansed of vices!

And it looks equally ridiculous (for intelligent people and God), for example, to throw stones at an imaginary devil: because material objects cannot harm any non-embodied being. But it is appropriate to search for the devilish qualities in oneself — and to radically cleanse oneself from them.

I repeat that rude emotions are the quality that is characteristic of those who guarantee themselves a life in hell.

Such people also have an inherent propensity for violence, cruelty towards people and animals, different manifestations of egocentrism, such as self-admiration due to actual or imaginary successes, self-interest, envy, jealousy, tediousness, desire to humiliate others, deceit, touchiness, intolerance towards peculiarities and opinions of others, the willingness to avenge, the desire to have something that belongs to someone else, arrogance, the habit of mocking others, and condemning and desecrating everything and everyone around…

By the way: there are millions of people on the Earth who call themselves Orthodox, but there are very few Christians among them!

Why do I say so?

Because I believe that only those who live in accordance with the Teachings of Jesus Christ can be called Christians. And not those who merely were baptized and sometimes “go to church” to “pray” for something very material and “light a candle” — “just in case” God actually does exist… The majority of such people are not even interested in what Jesus taught…

Repeatedly, I have heard in radio speeches of Orthodox hierarchs that the Teachings of Jesus Christ are the “10 commandments” received by Moses…

What do Christianity and the dominant trend of Orthodoxy, formed by Ignatius Brianchaninov, have in common (as opposed to the beliefs of non-money-grubbers-hesychasts)?

Namely, it is the name of Jesus Christ and the words: God the Father and the Holy Spirit…

And what distinguishes these beliefs?

Everything else!

Did Jesus teach rituals?

Did He teach murder, self-interest, anger, aggressiveness, and cruelty towards all who think even slightly differently than oneself? Look at the history of the ages… Look at what has happened in recent decades…

Jesus taught tenderness-love, love-care, forgiveness, inner peace found in the depths of one’s own spiritual heart, lack of conflicts, meek wisdom, reverence for the Holy Spirits and learning from Them, striving to cognize God the Father. That is what true Christianity is!

We are sent by God to the Earth in order to become better, acquiring and developing in ourselves precisely these spiritual qualities!

* * *

God really exists. I, as a scientist who studied God, long ago finally became convinced of this. For me and for those who have traveled with me on the Path to Him, this is not faith, but knowledge, which has been confirmed an infinite number of times through personal experience.

And, if God exists, then “something needs to be done about it”… But what, exactly? The answer is to transform ourselves, above all, from an ethical standpoint!

Let us use — as textbooks for life — such books that are composed mainly of God’s sayings, like “God Speaks (Textbook of Religion)”, “Classics of Spiritual Philosophy and the Present”, “Teachings of Jesus Christ about the Meaning of Our Lives and How to Implement It”, etc. (They exist in hard copy format or for free on the Internet at www.swami-center.org).

Let’s implement the Teachings of God! Let’s start to realize it in ourselves! And then, we will become worthy of embarking on the Path of direct cognition of Him — through the methods of Spiritual Self-Regulation and Ecopsychology!

* * *

Material temples are needed. However, they are needed not for ceremonies, but for studying the Teachings of God and for group meditations.

And God can be cognized not in temples, but in the vastness of nature!

But first, we must learn to love His Creation — and only then can we love Him, the Creator.

Additionally, it is very important to understand that God is cognized in love for Him, and not in fear or indifference.

Love — brings together. And fear — pushes away, separates… Sects which inspire fear of God to parishioners are harmful and criminal in front of people and God!

He Himself is Love (1 John 4: 8; 4:16). And we, in order to draw closer to Him, must also gradually turn into Love by the quality of souls.

* * *

The Latin word religion, as well as, by the way, the Sanskrit word yoga, originally meant the merging of man with God or the path to such a mergence.

But here is the paradox: in the entire Bible there is no description of God!

Jesus spoke of this, but His words were not included in the New Testament.

That is why in the Orthodox faith (and not only in it) all that remains about God — is only the word “God”… And, because of this, large numbers of images of God the Father appeared on icons in temples in the form of a flying old man. And the Holy Spirit began to be thought of as being the form of a dove… Or a priest at baptism blows from his mouth crosswise on the person being baptized, as if depicting the breath of the Holy Spirit…

But how can one strive to merge with Him if one has no idea about Who He is? And how can one learn from the Great Holy Spirits — our Divine Teachers — if They are seen by you in the way that I have just listed?

Without having the full knowledge of God, people turned Jesus Christ — instead of a Divine Teacher, from Whom one should learn — into an object of worship. Nothing more…

But was it for this purpose that Jesus accepted the death of His body, being nailed to the cross?

We now hear: “You must pray, pray, and pray again!” — instead of becoming better…

What is God’s attitude towards such “teachings”? Think for yourself.

Did Jesus teach this?

It is right to worship, honor, and thank God. But should this replace personal efforts on purifying oneself-soul and developing in oneself the missing positive qualities?

* * *

Religious life is needed for people. Temples are also needed.

But in the temples (and not only in them), the true knowledge about God, man, and the meaning of our lives on the Earth must be taught, clarified, and discussed. And also — how this meaning can be realized by everyone.

In other words, the knowledge should be introduced about how people can improve themselves in the Face of real God — God, Who is not “somewhere out there”, but is actually present at each moment directly under the atoms of our material bodies, in the multidimensional depths.

Let’s consider a metaphor which can be used as a meditative theme only by those who have already become extensive and extremely refined spiritual hearts; the rest are at risk of getting lost in the multidimensionality of the space — and this will lead to adverse consequences for life:

God is like an Ocean of universal proportions, and we live as if on the surface of this Ocean. And we do not know about this: after all, with our coarse state of souls, we cannot see what is happening in the other (subtlest) spatial dimensions. In order to cognize the Ocean, we must become like It by the quality of souls. Only then, will we be able to dive into the Ocean — gradually, and for ever greater time and ever greater depth. And then, we will merge with It altogether, become Its Inalienable Parts — and only periodically, will we proceed from the Ocean as Holy Spirits to help incarnate beings in their development.

But from the subtle and subtlest depths of multidimensionality, everything that is happening in more dense and coarse eons is clearly seen. And God can see how people, believing that they will be “saved” in this way, are engaged in “religious” movements and quarrel among themselves about whose program of such “gymnastics” is better… It is ridiculous for God to watch this, isn’t it?

* * *

Kids love to play the following game: they “build a city” from wet sand on the beach. Having built it, they then say a “magic spell” drawn from children's fairy tales — and it seems to them that they, satisfied with themselves, did a gigantic and necessary work…

In the altars of temples, the “ordained” wave over bread and wine a special light fabric, mysteriously called “air”, and then they say certain words designated for such situations… And it seems to them (and not only them) that they have accomplished a great miracle of transformation of ordinary bread and wine — into the Flesh and Blood of Jesus Christ…

Similar things happen when other “sacraments” are performed…

Is all this useful for people and for God?

Especially, if one considers that Orthodoxy denies knowledge about the Evolution of the Universal Consciousness, also prescribes the killing of animals to satisfy human gluttony by eating their bodies, encourages the “ritual” killing of millions of coniferous plants “at Christmas”, forbids people to become better attuning emotionally to the nude beauty of harmonious human bodies?

I can’t say “no”. You, my readers, should answer this question for yourselves.

The fact is that the Holy Spirits use situations of “children’s games” in the “religions” of seemingly adult people — in order to explain something to those who are able to understand. It happened like this to me as well when I began my exodus from the dull materialism, in which I was raised from childhood.

But about everyone else? Would it not be better for them to “go to church”, than to get drunk or inject heroin?


But, on the other hand, would it not be more useful for them to start thinking about their vices and sins, and to understand that God is not a monster who just wants to punish forever each of us in hell for our sins?…

Now very many people have the opportunity to easily get acquainted with the full information on all the major issues of theology — which we give in our materials. Use it! And tell others!

* * *

To help people get rid of coarse and selfish emotional states, to teach them the emotions of love for the Beauty in the Creation and then for the Creator — that is the purpose of those who have taken responsibility to help others in spiritual matters.

Morning Song

Wake up! Wake up: the sun is rising!

Wake up! Wake up: it’s time to smile!

Breathe in, breathe in the morning freshness!

Breathe in, breathe in the smell of grass!

Listen, listen: birds are singing!

Listen, listen to their joy!

Smile, smile: it’s time to smile!

Smile, smile: the day is fine!

Love, love! It’s good to love!

Love, love! Give others your heart!

Remember, remember: God is near!

Remember, remember: God is Love!

Look, look: so much beauty!

Look, look all around!

Be kind, be kind, let us all be kind!

Be kind, be kind! Let goodness shine!

(Written down by Keenan Murphy
in May 2019)


Love is the beginning. And Love is the end.

To be It, be pure! And do not pretend!

Listening to God, forgetting bustling mind,

I finally saw That Which is behind.

I wanted to say something, but had forgotten all words!

I listened to melody that came from other worlds!

I had tasted the Truth, now I knew!

There was only Silence, and Bliss that grew and grew!

The Light! Oh Light, from everywhere pouring!

The Bliss! Oh Bliss! From where are You coming?

Ah!… You were once only a dream, but now filled all reality!

I disappeared… And only You remained, the Totality!

Love is the beginning!

And Love is the end!

To be It, be pure!

And do not pretend!

(Written down by Miguel Ledro Henriques
in May 2019)

The Path

When that, which is unimportant, disappears

And God becomes evident —

We find the most important

Of all the possible ways.

We then move on the true Path

Leading to the Creator’s Depths —

To merge with Him into One

Dissolving in Him to the end!

This Path isn’t at all simple,

But it is a happiness — to go to God!

And the heart burning with love

Advances on the Straight Path!

(Written down by Anna Zubkova

in May 2019)

Your Path

What do you see looking back?

Your journey was long, full of losses and grief...

You died and were born again so many times!...

It took you so many earthly lives to forget and recall later again your real Home, the true You and Me!

But now, when you are lying on My loving Chest, you know all the answers. Finally — you know them!

Instead of the painful “Why?” and “For what?” — deep peace settled in your heart. And now you can find even under someone’s smallest tear — My infinite Love! And under the strongest wind — My infinite Silence.

If earlier, I showed you My Beauty, Which was covered with words and matter, now you are allowed to see the sacred naked Beauty of My Essence!

… But so many souls do not want to notice Me!

I gave them life on the Earth, I gave them everything necessary for righteousness in this life!

I gave them the Law of Love — the shortest way to find Me!

I gave them motherhood, so that tender love gently bows over baby cradles!

But most chose to wander in the darkness...

I brought forward to them the thirst for cognition of My Love, along with the choice: to quench that thirst — or to continue to behave outrageously and idle, suffering!

… And those who managed to cope with this My final exam, having made the right choice, became My Love and give It to others.

(Written down by Katerina Ostapushchenko

in May 2019)

Thoth the Atlantean — to His Disciple

Heaven opened widely — like wings — behind your back. Wherever you are — God is always near: He is near you!

The entrance to the infinity of Heaven is in your heart!

After all, I gave you the key of love to your real Home!

The Ocean of the Great Love — wave after wave — is covering you, is dissolving you, and is carrying you to the Deepest Peace: to the world of the United We of the Creator’s Ocean, to the world where you’re dissolving entirely in the Unity of the All, to the world which is everywhere in its boundlessness.

Remember: from now on, My Love lives in you! And now it’s you who has to open the door to Heaven for others! Now it’s you who has to invite people to the Depths of the Creator!

(Written down by Anna Zubkova

in May 2019)

Conversation with God

“Oh my God, I missed yesterday without You, and I was a little sad...

“I hoped that Your Love shelters me in such a way that only Your Great Transparent Peace remains, in which there is no longer a separate me and I would become You!”

“Where in the universe have you found a place where you cannot embrace Me?

“Where have you ever found ‘emptiness’ which is without the Peace of Love and the Radiance of My Fire?

“How can you be sad if I am always with you?

“Learn to recognize Me in everything, and to be only Me in the Depths!”

(Written down by Anna Zubkova

in May 2019)

The Living World of Sophia

My dear Sophia holds my hand.

With infinite Love She makes me understand:

"You are not alone, and will never be!

God is here, embracing you and everything!

“When a soul grows, it can realize:

The world of matter exists, but it is a disguise;

Beneath it — lies the Truth, and It is so beautiful!

The Whole Existence sings and dances, it is so joyful!

“The Earth is alive, It is a Being!

Filled with energy, It is breathing!”

... I touch Its vastness, feel Its deepness,

My heart is dancing, full of happiness!

The wind is speaking, try to heed it!

The Heaven is guiding me, it’s not a dream!

Everything is telling us a story:

The magical tale of Love’s glory!

(Written down by Miguel Ledro Henriques
in May 2019)

From Ódin

When you make headway,

“Burning the bridges” behind:

No ways to fall back,

There is only your Way to Us!

Infinity of the Great Freedom —

Is opened in front of the soul!

There are only God and you!

God embraces you with His Love!

In this way, you go to the Infinite Light,

To Tenderness and Pure Love,

Dropping the chains of vices, sins, of fear,

Of deals vain and futile!

Human malice cannot further

Touch you with poison of hell!

Even the death of the body is taken

While loving God and aspiring to Him!

With infinite trust to God,

You choose this course of life.

You understand that you no longer want

To turn away from the Path and relax...

This is the Path on which

You give yourself to Him to the end of life.

This is the Path on which the “little i”

Dissolves in the eternal Divine One.

(Written down by Anna Zubkova

in June 2019)

From Adler

Do not try to make verses, but just listen with the soul!

Listen to the music of life: the surf, the singing of birds, the chirr of the cicadas, and the whispering of the campfire!

Listen to My Silence, plunging into Me!

Open your embrace of the soul — and love and breathe with Me!

Together with Me — caress blades of grass, flowers, and reeds!

Fly along with the white gull up there, and do not forget: both it and you are flying in Me!

Glide by the River of Pranava! Hold all creatures in the open spaces of My Earth — on your palms of love!

Together with Me dive into the Deep Peace!

And — being the Holy Fire — give the Tenderness with Me!

Always remember that you live with Me, in Me!

And find your true Home in My Depths!

(Written down by Anna Zubkova

in May 2019)

Time to Go Home!

In My Depths, the glimmer of stars breathes in calm...

With My Love, I created the Earth, where you are,

Where your quiet town is, where the sunlight — so alive!

And aroma of bread... And the mother’s voice: “It’s time to go home!”

There the paths in parks keep the secrets of lovers,

Through their kisses — the Eternity continues itself:

On the swings, a children laugh soars into the sky...

But I invite to My Depths — for now — not everyone:

May they grow in goodness and peace — and, in their turn,

They will hear My Eternal Voice, which is calling Home!

I will firmly take everyone by the hand, like I take you now,

And they will be able to open the doors in their hearts to My Abode!

(Recorded by Katerina Ostapushchenko

in June 2019)

* * *

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This is a huge spiritual heart, which has been grown on the natural expanses and consists of Divine Fire.

Let's strive to become the same!

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