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Contemporary knowledge about God, Evolution, and the meaning of human life.
Methodology of spiritual development.

Chapter Fourteen: Spiritual Science

The Fakir and the Science of Miracles/Chapter Fourteen: Spiritual Science

Chapter Fourteen:
Spiritual Science

The new appearance of Ram through the wall and into the chamber was met by Pierre with undisguised delight!

“Oh! I have been waiting for You, sir!

“I thought a lot about You: what You said and showed!”

“It will please me, Pierre, if you will use the word ‘you’, and not ‘You’, in your addresses to me. This will make it easier for us to communicate more confidentially. After all, this is how we communicate with friends, this is how we communicate with God! Am I right that I can already claim to be your friend?”

“Yes, of course! Yes! What You… you showed me last time was incredible!

“And yet, where did all these miracles come from? You appeared here through thick masonry as if it was something ordinary and easy!”

“It is not difficult at all… To go through a wall is much easier than, for example, to defeat negative thoughts attacking one’s mind, or to transform negative emotions into love and peace!”

“So why don’t you teach me how to walk through walls too? Would we leave here right now and be free and happy?” — Pierre said, a little jokingly, but with hidden hope.

“What is stopping you from being happy right now, here? After all, you have already experienced that Divine Bliss is possible!”

“Yes… But it didn’t depend on me… That Miracle came and then just went away…”

“You can learn to make your happiness depend on you. Well, or more precisely — on the relationship between you and God! It makes sense to make an effort!

“We will postpone the ability to pass through walls for later. Unfortunately, one can’t be on the thousandth step of the ladder of the ascent without going through all the previous steps.”

“How do you know all this? Why do You do all this? How? Tell me, who are You… who are you, really? A magician? A fakir?”

“I am an heir to the Knowledge and traditions of ancient India…

“In fact, this Knowledge was known in many countries and civilizations. This was also known to Jesus Christ, of Whom you have heard a little, and Who is revered in European countries as the only Divine Son of the Heavenly All-Father. But many Messengers have come to people throughout the history of the Earth, to greater or lesser extents possessing the Knowledge and Power of the one God the Father for all peoples.

“This is precisely the Knowledge, the Divine Science. The Masters know and are able to do some of what people call miracles, but this is not the main thing. Jesus Christ also performed such miracles, but not for the sake of healing or other manifestations of God’s Power. He did this in order to tell people about the most important thing for them: about God, about how a person is supposed to live on the Earth and why.

“This is the most important Knowledge, the Laws about the structure and existence of the universe and about the structure of man, and about the purpose of life on the Earth. This is the Knowledge not only about the human body, but also about the existence of many other things in its immaterial nature. This is the Knowledge of how and why God created man and all life on our planet.

“After all, God created a unique connection between soul and body! And this life — makes sense! It can be dedicated to learning and improvement! This is what Jesus said: ‘Be perfect, as your Father in Heaven is perfect!’*.

“There is genuine Knowledge about God — it is not legends collected by someone, and, most importantly, it includes practical methods of cognition and research. All this has been verified by the experience of many ascetics over many millennia. All this can be learned!”

“And what? — can this Knowledge be used in modern science?”

“Yes, of course! This Knowledge is very important both in scientific research and in the everyday life of every person!

“God is the Foundation and Creative Force for everything! This is what some people believe… But… having just faith… only slightly brightens their lives…

“Some people in the modern world now argue that science can and should investigate everything without taking into account the existence of God. This is their great mistake! For this reason, materialistic research has come to a standstill.

“Such ‘scientific’ researches reach a certain stage — and then the end of success comes. The rest can be learned only with the inclusion of God in one’s worldview! Namely in this is the whole secret!

“The laws of God cover everything from the dense world — to the subtlest worlds. These non-material worlds are not perceived by ordinary people using the limited capabilities of the senses.

“Scientists have already discovered a lot with the help of instruments. And yet, there are Laws of the subtle and subtlest worlds, laws of Spirit, to which all the laws of the world of matter are subjected!

“For example, it seems to you that this wall is dense, thist water in a cup is liquid, and that air is weightless and transparent.

“And passing through the density of a wall with a dense body is perceived by you as a miracle… But it is natural for you to pass through liquid water or permeable air — with your body. There is no miracle in this. But water, air, and stone are made up of microparticles. And, as a person who wanted to devote your life to science, you know that. You also know that there is space between these particles. And this space is much larger than the particles themselves that make up matter. This has already been discovered by the physicists, which you also consider yourself to be.

“But that’s not what we are going to talk about right now.

“Different densities and other states of energy exist, too, in worlds that are not visible to the material eyes of an ordinary person.

“For example, emotions and thoughts that are evil give souls destructive states. Such souls have dark colors — for those who look with clairvoyance, that is, those who see with the soul, without the help of the eyes of the body.

“Love, tenderness, peace — they give souls lightness. They are subtle, luminous, and transparent.

“And one of the tasks of the human soul is to become a subtle and tender soul, becoming like God in this.”

“But what can I do right now, being here? How can I begin to learn, to study all this?” — Pierre asked.

“Let’s start with something simple, from the beginning!

“If we assume that God exists and that He is Love, what can a human soul do to get closer to God?”

“Maybe we can try to become Love too…”

“That’s right! But no matter how much you think about love, no matter how much you talk about loving, it doesn’t work, does it?”

“Yes… Yesterday, I tried to… I tried to love, to forgive… But this… is only thoughts, they are not as if living… But that other day, with God… — that day, there was Living Love!”

“You understand this correctly. And so, you need to learn to feel and give others this real, living love!

“Try to feel: where is love born in you? And what happens if you try to feel it in your head? — It doesn’t work, does it?”

“It doesn’t work… I’m just thinking about love, but it’s not what I want to feel…”

“Yes, because love is born in the spiritual heart! There is also a lot of words that have been said about this, but try to make this knowledge your own through experience! Only the success in personal experience makes us knowledgeable!

“Where the lungs are located, there is an immaterial structure called the anahata chakra. The spiritual heart can begin its growth from it.

“There are many immaterial structures in the human body: in the East, they are called chakras and nadis; these are special cavities and channels that conduct and accumulate subtle vital energies in the body.

“Try to fill with light the space in the body where inhalations and exhalations occur.

“Then imagine, for example, a lotus bud in the spiritual heart and give it the power to open up!”

“I’ve never seen a lotus flower… Only in pictures…”

Ram smiled mysteriously.

Then he held up a moving image between his hands: a white-gold-pink flower bloomed in space right in front of Pierre’s astonished eyes! It was very large, much larger than Pierre had imagined!…

Ram said:

“This plant has the property of not being wetted by water, even when growing in water. From the silt and mud of the bottom, the bud grows and reaches the light above the surface of the water. And then, a delicate flower opens!

“In India, the lotus flower has become a symbol of the purity necessary for the spiritual ascent.”

Pierre touched the shining pink-and-white flower with his hand. His fingers passed through the luminous three-dimensional image, but it felt as if he had touched a small Part of the Bliss that he had experienced before from the Divine Presence.

“How do you do it?”

“This is a simple visualization… You need to create a detailed image — and then it is filled with power-light and becomes visible to other people who are capable of clairvoyance. And if you practice this for a long time, then all people will be able to see it.”

Pierre again felt the bliss of the tenderness of the fragrant flower…

Then he tried to create an image of such a lotus in his chest. But… he was almost unable to do anything… He kept losing concentration and did not perceive anything, except his efforts.

Ram continued:

“Don’t worry! These are exercises that help develop the ability to see, perceive, and feel the worlds of subtle energies. You have time here to work on it well.

“First, you need to relax your body and mind. You can breathe deeply and calmly, concentrating on the breathing movements of the body. All efforts in this meditation must be gentle…

“You can use the image of not only the lotus, but any flower that you like. Each of them will add new shades of emotions to your nascent love.

“Or you can feel the gentle morning sun in your chest in the area of your lungs — and send its rays in all directions, trying to stroke everything around! And — illuminate the space with them as far as possible!

“Or you can imagine the image of a gentle candle flame — and fill the space in your chest with warm light. Then you will fill the entire torso, arms, legs, and head with this light! And then — you can spread this light wider and wider!

“You can create a space of peace and bliss within the heart chakra and send tenderness from this center forward, left, back, right, up, and down! Waves of unselfish love can spread over a great distance!”

Pierre tried several times. He gradually felt a subtle and blissful warmth in the center of his chest — and from there waves of tenderness began to be born.

He performed the exercise with the candle best of all!

Ram praised his progress.

Then they moved on to another topic:

“You asked: what can you do here? Here, you can still work by carefully reviewing your entire life, by recalling the moments of bright and pure love, and by learning to stay in such love without special external reasons. When reviewing your life, you can ‘turn on’ this state of love, and as if mentally relive — correctly — those moments of the past when you ‘boiled with anger’ or ‘were choked by despair’.

“In this way, you can re-evaluate wrong emotions and actions in the past — and repeat these situations again in your imagination, reacting correctly.

“To recall your own grievances or wishes of evil to those who caused you harm, and transform these emotions — it would seem that this is easy… But it is not so…

“’Love your enemies and bless them who curse you…’* , ‘Love is patient, love is kind, love does not envy, love does not boast, is not proud, does not behave rudely, is not self-seeking, is not easily provoked to irritation, thinks no evil and does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth… Love never fails…’* This is what God taught and teaches people. And such commandments are found in all true Teachings!

“Such work on oneself-the-soul of transforming oneself into love — changes a lot in one’s fate. It allows one to get rid of the negative past and start living in the present, which builds a bright future.

“This is a small part of the rules by which people’s destinies are built.”

“Are you saying that I should forgive the people who accused me of murder and locked me up in prison? And, that am I supposed to forgive infidelity and treacherous betrayal?!

“My beloved was the mistress of my so-called friend. She pretended to love me so that I would marry her… And now they live in my house… And my servant, who saw them together, became a victim of their crime. But she accused me of killing him ‘out of jealousy’. But they killed him: I don’t know if he or she did it, by accident or on purpose… But they lied to me to get rid of me! And I should forgive?” — Pierre was seething with indignation.

Ram looked at Pierre long and kindly, until the tumultuous indignation subsided, and Pierre himself saw all his anger as if from a distance. He saw himself as if it were through the eyes of Ram, who had just explained to him so much about the laws of love…

Pierre sighed guiltily, and Ram went on calmly:

“Yes! You can forgive! And it will make you much freer!

“Each of your emotions adds and multiplies the darkness — or the light in yourself and in the space around you! Even by just thinking a slightly bad thought — you add a little bit of badness to your fate!

“If bad thoughts accumulate in your head, then your energy begins to radiate sadness, condemnation, and hatred…

“Or you can live differently — spending the strength of the soul on the message of love and peace! And then God can enter your life! For you begin to do what He does — giving Love and Light!

“Do you want to spend your strength and your life — on hard feelings and a desire for revenge? After all, every moment of life in the body on the Earth is very valuable and significant! It was given to you by God!

“If in you-the-soul there lives hatred, jealousy, or the desire to retaliate — then the cup of evil in your fate receives an addition, and the cup of good is emptied by the same amount!

“After all, it’s inside you that such ‘scales’ exist! You are the owner of that power of the soul that can create good and joy — or, on the contrary, sadness and pain!

“And there is an opportunity to learn to control your mind and your emotions!

“However, the process of changing yourself-the-soul — takes time…

“Even what is understood and realized does not instantly become a new quality of the soul. It is necessary to learn to be love and peace — and to displace everything else from yourself!

“This is the great magic of the transformation of the soul — to learn to change the state of anger, despair, and resentment in yourself — to the state of tenderness, affection, love, and peace!

“And God is always ready to help a person in this! This is how God enters our lives, and we can begin to recognize His Presence by directing our love — to Him! From Him, a Response necessarily comes! This is how the relationship between man and God is built!

“From this page of the science of miracles, we started today…

“Try it! Learn to be love and give light and tenderness from the spiritual heart!

“Unless something else comes up, I will visit you again tomorrow!”

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