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Contemporary knowledge about God, Evolution, and the meaning of human life.
Methodology of spiritual development.

Chapter Eight: Principles of Life Established for Us by God

The Fakir and the Science of Miracles/Chapter Eight: Principles of Life Established for Us by God

Chapter Eight:
Principles of Life Established for Us by God

Every morning and every evening, Ram immersed in meditation in his room.

Once, Katya asked:

“What is meditation, what do you do when you sit so still? You have not done anything for so long… Why?”

“It is the body that sits quietly and does nothing. Meanwhile, the soul communicates with God.

“Do you read prayers in the morning, before meals, and before going to bed?”

Katya was embarrassed:

“Sometimes I read them, and sometimes I forget…”

"Why do you read them?"

“So that everything will be good — with Tom, you, me, and all people! I ask God about this!”

“And does God hear you? What are your thoughts on this?”

“I do not know… Sometimes I think that He hears, since all people pray like that. And sometimes I think that He cannot hear, since there is so much sorrow around.”

“Know, Katya: you can address God in the same way as you would address Tom, by using simple words, for example! He hears and understands everything. He is — Alive! And — He is always everywhere!

“He is invisible to ordinary sight, but you can learn to both see and hear Him by the soul.

“And you can interact with God. You can learn directly from Him. Through my meditations I learn from God.”

* * *

Once, Katya asked Ram:

“How do you do your miracles? Are you a Messiah-Wonderworker, a prophet? But then why are you performing in the most ordinary circus?”

“What kind of prophet am I? And, even less so, a Messiah…

“I just know a little more than most people do about how this world, visible by the eyes of our bodies, is arranged. And also — I know how to see by the soul in those worlds which are not perceived by the usual bodily vision.”

“Are you like those mediums who talk with spirits? We had a medium in the circus, his table jumped and spun when he summoned spirits, but then Mr. Lurie chased him away.”

“What mediums do is only a tiny little crack into the intangible worlds, and that’s assuming that such a medium is not a deceiver. And the spirits, with which mediums usually speak, are most often not Divine and are very fond of evil pranks and deceiving others. The fact that the world of spirits is invisible — does not mean that the Truth abides in it!

“There are so many invisible spirits…

“In the most dense and darkest layers of the invisible (for the ordinary vision) space, there are anger and violence. That place can be compared to the dirt of a garbage dump, the waste of the universe.

“In the middle layers, there are different gray states of sadness.

“There are also worlds of joy and happiness, which are usually called paradise.

“And there is the World of God, Who has created everything here!

“Those who are already entering the World of God, can continue to live in their bodies in the material world. Such persons can live in this world and be Conductors of Divine Love, Kindness, Wisdom, and Justice.

“This can be learned by anyone who is good — to the best of one’s ability. And this one becomes an example of a clean and righteous life, a life of love, without anger, hatred, condemnation, or the urge to snatch something for oneself at any cost.

“And this is more important than all miracles!

“Many sages have often told people the simplest rules of a righteous life! But people usually seek only physical health, happiness in the world of matter, power over other people, or supernormal powers for miracles — instead of observing those simple rules for a pure and ethical life that please God!

“But it is the observance of these rules that can lead to the true happiness that God gives to such people!

“It is possible to live among people — without suffering or bringing suffering to others.

“A constant calm and joyful state of the soul is a state of paradise that one creates for oneself and for other beings around.

“But, by constantly living in such negative emotional states as grief, anger, irritation, resentment, and others, one immerses oneself into a state of hell and also spreads it around, harming others.

“By living in one of these states at the present time, one also brings this into one’s future: the near future in one’s earthly life as well as in the future ‘posthumous’ existence of the soul.

“Have you ever noticed that when doing good, a person experiences joy?”

“Yes, Tom and I made the days so kind and happy! This was our ‘magic’ game.”

“And God also feels joy for that man who does good to others! In this unity of the joy of man and God, one can help others to be happy!

“And through this comes the sensation of Living God, of His Presence in one’s own life.”

“Can you teach me this? Can you teach me to feel God, to see and hear Him?”

“Of course!

“Most people in different religions are not looking for God at all! This is also true in my homeland of India. And everywhere: in Europe and in Asia, I have seen such huge perversions of religion! Such people only fulfill certain ‘rules’ — and expect that, in return for this, God must satisfy their desires.

“Another similar naivety is guard magic. You can see it here in the circus: one kisses a cross before a performance, another reads a prayer, a third puts on the accessories of one’s costume according to a specific sequence, or places a statue in front of a mirror… But all of this helps you only… to believe in your luck, not more.

“But to feel God, we need to establish contact with Him in mutual emotions of love! And your own love should be directed towards Him!

“God can be cognized only by striving with one’s mind and heart to such cognition of Him!

“This is how the world is constructed: one, as a rule, finds in it what one is looking for!

“The world is like a space in which there are a lot of objects. And one directs one’s attention from one object to another, according to what one considers necessary for oneself or for helping others.

“Until one finds an entrance to the World of God and rushes to there, — one will wander about among events and subjects that are not too important.

“Only through love for God, is it possible to cognize Him!

“It is love that allows us to connect — as souls — with the one whom we love.

“Try to feel the place where love arises in you! Think, for example, about Tom — and feel, how you love him!”

“Yes, it’s as if it becomes warm and joyful, here, in my chest!”

“Yes, love is born in the heart: not in the material heart, but in that one, which is in the soul. It is called the spiritual heart. It is located in the chest, where we feel the inhaled air.

“In India, such energy centers in the spiritual structure of an organism, where various states of the soul arise, are commonly called chakras.

“And here, right where the lungs are located, is the anahata chakra. It is here that bright emotions of love arise.

“You can learn to feel God by mastering this center. Thanks to this, the entrance to His World may be opened.

“Try to feel a little sun with rays in the spiritual heart! Try to shine by it and caress all good creatures!

“Soon you will learn that if you look at everything from the spiritual heart, then everything changes in a magical way!”

… Katya began to learn this, gradually mastering the ability to live always in a state of calm and joyful love for everything and everyone.

And Ram continued to reveal to her and Tom the rules for the life of souls in the material world.

* * *

Katya loved to ask Ram about that invisible and mysterious Divine world, about which Ram knew so much. All the magic of Ram’s shows was based on his knowledge and skills! And Katya thought that — very soon — Ram might even teach her and Tom, too, to create magical and good miracles!

And Ram repeated to them everything that he can do is not magic, like in children’s fairy tales, but manifestations of the Divine Laws of the universe’s life!

“The laws of God,” — he said, — “are not at all what some people invented and recorded in special books, so that everyone would follow them.

“The laws of God are the Principles of Love and Harmony, by which everything is created by God and must develop! Violation of these Principles — voluntarily or involuntarily — brings disharmony, the consequences of which are what people call troubles and suffering.

“But such events are only pointers to the fact that one has violated the rules of harmonious life and that one should change something in oneself.

“The robustness of one’s own life is ruined by oneself alone, when one violates those Principles that are laid by God as the basis for the development of the universe!

“The observance of these Divine Principles by people brings beauty and joy, peace and happiness to their lives!

“If all the people of the Earth for at least two weeks observed the Commandment of Jesus of not responding to evil with evil, of wishing peace and love to everyone around — then probably the ‘golden age’ would come on the Earth!

“Answering to evil with evil, we multiply evil.

“And answering with love and peace — we will transform the world for the better, even if only slightly.”

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