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Contemporary knowledge about God, Evolution, and the meaning of human life.
Methodology of spiritual development.

Chapter Seven: Gifting the Truth

Ariadne/Chapter Seven: Gifting the Truth

Chapter Seven:
Gifting the Truth

The boy Nikos, after having been healed by Pythagoras, began to visit Ariadne’s house often. Ariadne and Diantha began teaching him writing and counting.

Soon, several other children joined Nikos, with whom special time was now allocated. It was a wonderful experience of giving knowledge to other people!

Classes with adults at the School also acquired new dimensions.

The community of Pythagoras’ spiritual students and like-minded people grew gradually.

Lessons and lectures were now taking place not only from Pythagoras himself, but also from his older students. Those who had already learned a lot explained to beginners the ethical commandments and rules for a harmonious life, according to the possibilities of each person. This helped many to enter a new life — the life of the Pythagorean Community.

To Ariadne, it was so great to feel like a part of the spiritual Unity of people striving to live in love, purity, and harmony with the Divine Laws of the universe!

The construction of the School buildings also continued.

Several older students had already gone to perform in front of people in other cities and villages. They talked about what they had learned from Pythagoras and about the School itself. Among them, there was Theoritus, a friend of Leonardos.

But after his first such speech, he returned very upset.

He sat alone by the sea. The beauty, serenity, and grandeur that surrounded him did not comfort him now.

Ariadne saw this and decided to approach.

She stood behind and allowed a soft stream of heartfelt light and love to pour through her body and spread over the vast space. The place was beyond beautiful, surrounded by light azure waves of the surf, golden sand, and sunshine! Harmony and beauty in the transparent air combined with her caress of the soul.

Theoritus felt her tender presence and turned to her. He said:

“Have you come to comfort me, beautiful Ariadne? Thank you, but I do not deserve your help and sympathy… I am not worthy of being a student of Pythagoras: I did not cope with the assignment…”

“So what happened?”

“I so wanted to tell all those people about the real Knowledge, but I myself said everything in such a way that only hostility was created in them. My words were not understood. The people hated everything that I wanted to teach them! Stones, rotten fruits, lumps of clay, and mud were thrown at me… Those people ridiculed the Truth — and I was the reason!

“Before this, I had spoken to the new students of the School, telling them about the future!… Everything had worked out so well then! And I was sure that my conversations with people who had not yet thought about God and virtue would be just as successful.

“I told them about the need to strive not for fame, pleasure, wealth, and power in this short-term earthly life — but for the perfection of the soul! But they hardly listened to me. They were not interested in this!… And when I started talking about false beliefs, many were filled with hatred towards me for denouncing the fake “gods” and talking about the futility and criminality of those bloody sacrifices that they offer on altars.”

At that moment, Pythagoras himself approached them. He was in plain white linen clothes. His movements were smooth. And his gaze was filled with such an understanding that it immediately became clear that there was no need to tell him about what had happened, he already knew everything! His calmness and benevolence were special: as if a huge, invisible, but quite tangible field of Transparent Peace surrounded his body and those who were nearby. He filled the space around him with himself.

Pythagoras said:

“Do not be upset, Theoritus, tell all our friends today about what happened. These mistakes of yours will help everyone to be more careful when speaking to people. And it will be of great benefit to everyone! Let this become the topic of our common conversation today!

“Understand how important this is and, without shame, tell about everything that happened!”

“Yes, today I clearly understood that when speaking in front of people, it is necessary to remember not only about all this beautiful and perfect Knowledge and talk about it — but to see, feel, and understand all those who listen. And if I feel their thoughts, then I can talk to them about what is good, in a language that is understandable to them. And also, I can then know when to pass over in silence those topics that they will not understand yet. I realized that it is necessary to expand people’s knowledge gradually, captivating them, and not denouncing or criticizing them.”

… Pythagoras embraced Theoritus by the shoulders encouragingly:

“You understood everything correctly, my friend! Shall we?”

… Pythagoras, Theoritus, and Ariadne ascended to the Temple of Love, which had already been erected on the hill and where many conversations between Pythagoras and his students took place while the construction of a large amphitheater for performances was not yet completed.

It was a round, snow-white building with a colonnade all around supporting the dome. The interior of the temple was divided by four very wide double doors. In fine weather, these doors were opened and the entire interior of the temple was filled with light and a sense of spaciousness. The walls were almost imperceptible. In cold or windy weather, it was possible to close the doors and light the lamps. And then, the immaterial Expanse of Light and Silence also opened.

In this temple, one could retire for meditation or for conversations with Divine Souls. Here, initiations of new disciples often took place, and Pythagoras himself often conducted his lessons.

… When the senior students gathered, Theoritus told in detail about his journey and his unsuccessful performance in front of people.

Pythagoras added:

“Another mistake you made, my friend…

“When you denounced the ‘invented gods’, the Light of Truth that you wanted to convey to those listening to you, was darkened by your emotions of condemnation and anger. You did not notice this in yourself, considering your indignation at the ignorance and cruelty of those people to be righteous.

“The speech of an accuser is sometimes appropriate when punishing villains, but even then, there should be no hatred in it!

“You turned out to be subject to passion and did not pay attention to the fact that you had lost harmony in yourself. But any negative emotion generates a response in space — just like any positive emotion.

“Your anger at the primitive rituals and cruel ‘sacrifices’ offended them. You expected to evoke compassion for innocent animals, whose blood stains the altars, but we must understand that any indignation only evokes indignation in response. As a result, you failed to arouse sympathy and understanding in those people — when you could have instead awoken the righteousness in them.

“And the people who listened to you perceived all this as hatred and contempt for themselves and for everything that they still believe and worship. They took this as a condemnation of their beliefs, which they used to honor as righteous.

“But they don't know anything else yet!… And the knowledge, about which you were trying to tell them about, usually does not immediately penetrate the minds and souls of others through the use of spoken words. Knowledge comes gradually — starting with trust, and then through personal experience.

“You have observed many times, Theoritus, that it is possible to control the mood of the listeners, directing their delights, desires, or hatred in a certain direction to achieve a desired result. But we should not suppress the will of people, even for good purposes! It is necessary to gradually awaken conscience, kindness, and justice in souls! But you — unconsciously and very carelessly — evoked brute emotions in them. And those emotions were then directed back to you, in return. Through this, your mistakes were pointed out to you.

“Sadly, it’s much easier to excite a crowd through strong brute emotions, such as emotions of fear, anger, or a desire for material gain. It is like pushing a stone off a mountain, and, by its fall, it causes a collapse. Speakers sometimes manipulate people with such deception, calling on them to join military campaigns, promising rich rewards, or speaking about the need for a preemptive strike in order to avoid bloodshed on their territory…

“How shameful it is to use this skill to convince others of such things — I don’t need to explain this to you!

“It is necessary to gradually raise the listeners to the perception of truly wise and righteous Knowledge. It is similar to building a temple: stone by stone and step by step.

“But you have to be especially discerning talking about matters of faith. Yes, this is not easy: to change the views of people, to awaken the ability to think and discern, to kindle love and striving for Truth in souls, and to do all this without violence against minds and souls.

“It is not right to give unreasonable people the entire completeness of Knowledge about the Divine World Order, all at once.

“If a person already possesses strength, but has not yet acquired the ability to understand, then criticism of what this person believes in will only evoke hatred in him or her, which can result in aggressive actions and malicious emotions! Such a person will begin to take revenge on ‘the one who has offended their gods’… And this will complicate their fates and can lead to sad events.

“If the faith of a naive person in his or her ‘deity’, even if fictitious, is based on the emotion of love, then, cruelly denouncing, criticizing, and ridiculing what they worship, can destroy the love in them and cause unnecessary pain.

“That is why we should tell people about the Highest Truths that they cannot perceive in their entirety very carefully!

“Let's remember the rule: ‘Do not violate the Harmony of the Whole!’

“By forcibly pushing a person to go to the Light, we only cause resistance in him or her. And, instead of striving for love, he or she will begin to spend energy on opposing the Truth.

“That’s how many very important things were said today thanks to Theoritus!

“Let us thank him! After all, to be able to sincerely and openly tell about our mistakes and failures is a huge victory on the spiritual Path!

“But I must continue so that everyone, not just Theoritus, understands that failures should not stop us. On the contrary, they can make us wiser!

“No matter how difficult it is to tell people about the Truth, we must still do it! It is important! For this we study, for this our School will exist for centuries! We will do this even when we are no longer here in material bodies, when by the Radiance of Us, as Divine Souls, we guide Our followers!

“There were civilizations on this planet before… Some of them developed, while others degraded when the conceit and lust for power of the rulers prevailed over modesty and goodwill! And then the peoples, subject to them, were mired in ignorance for many centuries.

“In Egypt, I saw a lot of evidence of the achievements of a civilization in Atlantis and read some records about the reasons for its death. And the conclusion was clear to me.

“We must strive to create a life for the entire human community, based on the Divine Laws of Harmony, Peace, and Prosperity!

“There are simple concepts of goodness and justice that all people can understand. For example, not a single mother and not a single father want suffering, disasters, and death for their children in a bloody battle of wars… All people want happiness, peace, love, and prosperity! All people can understand that this desired situation can arise in the human community only when almost every person in the community carries virtue and harmony in himself or herself, putting all this into practice.

“And yet, the history of mankind in recent centuries is written in a bloody chronicle of victories and defeats. It’s monstrous! And people consider it… — the norm! Many are sometimes even proud of what they should instead be ashamed.

“The priests of various cults justify this with legends about how, supposedly, even the ‘gods’ are at wars among themselves… People have forgotten about where the true history has been replaced with tales of the pantheon of ‘deities’… of various dubious characteristics!

“And this was deliberately done by the rulers in order to gain power over the people! For centuries, they have attributed the ‘gods’ with vile human qualities! This is how they created false myths, calling those who had power in society as ‘gods’! And this served as an excuse for vices in human society, since, allegedly, even the ‘inhabitants of Olympus’ are not without vices…

“But all legends of this kind are just echoes of the fall of those souls who use their power to dominate others…

“This happened in Atlantis. Higher knowledge and skills were subordinated to the lower human nature and degraded to the level of black magic. And this led to a tragedy, a huge catastrophe of Atlantis itself, as well as floods and destruction throughout the planet.

“To prevent this from being repeated in the history of the Earth, it is important for us to tell people about the Laws of the universe and to preach love and virtue!

“We will gradually awaken in people the desire to live in a harmonious and creative society, based not on selfishness, or lust for power and the search for profit, but on benevolence and love!

“Is it possible? Yes, it is possible!

“Mentions that such civilizations existed before are also contained in ancient manuscripts that I saw in Egypt and Babylon. Some records are so ancient that the priests can no longer read them, for the languages and secret writing of those peoples are forgotten.

“But those who go to the Light always have the opportunity to receive Knowledge directly from the Treasury of the Spirit. Here, the Higher Knowledge is preserved and indestructible, not lost. Its Guardians and Givers are Divine Souls Who have achieved Unity in Divine, All-Embracing Consciousness. But the access to this Knowledge is acquired only as one purifies and develops oneself-soul.

“Only love and wisdom, which having grown in souls, open to the devotees every next page in this endless Treasury of the Highest Knowledge!

“This is what we will continue to devote our time to in training.

“And I would like each of us to be a model for all people in our behavior, words, and even thoughts!

“Even a small particle — by its changes — affects the Whole, the entire universe.

“Now I would like you, my friends, to feel how everything in the universe is interconnected — with each of us.

“The state of every soul, its emotions and thoughts, actions, even insignificant ones, and even just intentions to commit these actions — all this is very significant!

“And each person is responsible for the contribution that he or she makes — with his or her life — to the development of everything in the Infinity of the Whole!

“And this happens every moment!

“It is like a melody that consists of many sounding instruments.

“And each of us can consciously bring either harmony and coherence into the Evolutionary Process — or dissonance.

“If a person achieves Mergence with the Light of the Divine World, then even the very fact of his or her life, the very state of the One Who has attained Unity, already changes space and serves as an example to people, even if such a Person does not specifically teach anyone anything.

“But the One Who has received the Knowledge and Light has a natural need to share what He or She possesses!

“When the Divine becomes One with the souls that have reached It, this amazing, blissful state of a Shining Soul powerfully affects the entire universe! And the Knowledge revealed to such Devotees is wisely bestowed by Them upon those who need it at this moment!”

… Pythagoras fell silent. Then he took the lyre — and a beautiful melody was born under the gentle touches of his fingers. The understanding came in meditation, into which everyone who listened to Pythagoras plunged.

Then the music stopped. Silence, in which there was Love and the perception of God, remained!

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