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Contemporary knowledge about God, Evolution, and the meaning of human life.
Methodology of spiritual development.

Shakyamuni Buddha

Poems and Revelations about the Path/Shakyamuni Buddha

Shakyamuni Buddha

My acquaintance with the Divine TeacherShakyamuni Buddha — happened many years ago, in the most incredible way.

It was a financially difficult period in my life… At that time, I sold the family heirloom at the antique shop — a very beautiful bronze statuette of Buddha that my great-great-grandfather had brought back from an archaeological expedition.

It was very hard for me to part with this item, but I had a small son and needed resources to live and continue on the spiritual Path, to go to God.

The next day, while I was crossing a bridge over a large river, the Radiant Image of Buddha appeared in the space around me in the shape of this statuette. It was as if the Buddha’s statuette had come to life, but on a huge scale, extending hundreds of meters upward, downward, and in all directions from my body; He was composed of shimmering white-golden Light.

Then He said:

“Don't worry, I give you Myself in place of the statue! No one has ever sacrificed Myself to Me before! I will remember you and I will be helping you!”

… Many years have passed. My students and I conducted sessions in a country with ancient and profound Buddhist traditions. There were numerous altars, Buddha statues, many monasteries, and temples…

And a new, incredibly significant stage of learning from Shakyamuni Buddha happened for me —directly — from the Great Divine Soul to me as the soul.

The poems and Revelations are just the tiny sparks of that Light, those Gifts that were received…


“People come to Me and go,

The Buddhas come — and stay forever!”

— They say it’s forever: the mergence of inseparable hearts!

— They say it’s forever: Nirvana — the crown of all lives!

The inseparability of Great Souls in One Ocean —

Unity in Love and Peace

Where there is the Universal home!

… I've entered this Home so many times…

May I never leave again?

You are not a guest, you are welcomed into the Depth,

You can always be here!

Cognize the inseparability of the soul and the Creator, as Yourself, as the Essence!

Remember, I am Love within you!

Be Me! Be! Be!

The Temple of Unconditional Love

1200 very steep steps lead to the top of the mountain to the statue of Buddha…

Why were you climbing these steps?

Was it just to meet the sunrise?

Why have you been climbing the steps for so many years in this lifetime?

Where is that Buddha Who is hidden within your Depths?

Where is that Light which is forever rising in you and in Me?

Feel My Universal Temple —

The Temple of Unconditional Love!

This Temple exists within you,

As the source of Existence — from within!

Push all the boundaries and push all the walls —

And all the barriers in this life will fall!

Realize — the time has come!

Realize that I am within you, I am HERE!

I am always in the Eternal Temple of the Heart,

My bright Dome is above the Earth!

And Love flows from the Depths

Into this world as an endless River!

This Love is yours!

This Temple is yours!

This Love is Mine!

This Peace is Mine!

It's the unity of All,

Who have walked the Great Path!

Here and everywhere, there are Depths,

In Which the Universal Home is!

Look — My Dawn is within you!

It will be an era of new Love!

There is only My Primordial Light —

Your boundaries disappeared in It!

There is only Me! Everything lives within Me!

And it is through the great River of Love,

I nourish the lives of all,

So that they can come into the Depths!

Blessing of Buddha

Accept My Blessing:

“Sing with all your heart!”

Accept My Love —

Come into Me, Come Home!

And no longer have empty earthly worries,

Let the Primordial Light

Always live within you!

Immersing yourself in My Depths,

Drink the Power of Those Who Create!

Together with Me pour out

Light and Love to all beings!

The Path of the Bodhisattva is so simple:

While entering Eternity,

To realize that all beings are a part of you!

You continue to live in the Depths,

Now everything is within you!

All beings are in the palm of your hands,

Just forget about yourself!

Your depths are within Me,

Your Home is within Me!

Just be with Me, only with Me,

Forget about all earthly things.

Come with Me,

I am leading you into Myself!

To where you are Me —

The Higher Self!

Your depths are within Me —

Breathe with Me,

My Depths are everywhere,

Be in the Silence!

Cognize the Infinity of Depths

Within yourself!

Get rid of selfishness, forget about egoism!

Be Me!

Your depths are within Me!

My Infinity is your Home!

Forget yourself, dissolve,

Dissolve in My Calm and Peace!

Leave Everything And Follow Me,

Leave everything and follow Me —

Follow My Great Path!

Leave everything and become only Me,

In My Primordial Peace!

The Path of Buddha is open for all

For many centuries, not yesterday:

This Path of Love and Goodness is

In mercy towards every life!

The one who gives care like I do,

Forgetting himself forever,

That one is Mine, that one with Me,

That one is forever within Me!

The chains of karma will fall!

The freedom of Love is so easy!

Let the Radiance of God rise,

Dispersing the darkness and the clouds…

Remove Your Shoes

Take off your shoes,

Take off all the garments of your soul,

Immerse in My Silence,

Breathe with Me, do not hurry…

Dive into the Deepest Essence,

Into Foundation of all Existence!

There I AM you,

There is only United I!

Remove Your Shoes

Take off your shoes,

Take off all the garments of your soul,

Immerse in My Silence,

Breathe with Me, do not hurry…

Dive into the Deepest Essence,

Into Foundation of all Existence!

There I AM you,

There is only United I!

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