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Contemporary knowledge about God, Evolution, and the meaning of human life.
Methodology of spiritual development.

Pythagoras: New Places of Power and Initiations

Poems and Revelations about the Path/Pythagoras: New Places of Power and Initiations

New Places of Power and Initiations

A new encounter with Pythagoras! His new immense Place of Power is revealed. He displays His Immensity, which we had not yet been able to perceive so clearly… He embraces everyone with Love and serene Tenderness, opening the entrances to the Space of His Divine Life in the universe.

He reveals the Majestic Streams of Cosmic Love — Streams of Divine Light that create worlds. He is One of the Many who live in such a way, radiating the Creative Light-Fire.

Pythagoras begins to speak:

“These Streams of God give rise to everything in the manifested worlds and in the hidden realms. These are the energies of Love-Power, the creative energies. If the Power of God ceases to manifest the existence of all this, everything will disappear, and will cease to be. Adler has already told you about this before. And it is necessary to remember that, of all the beings created by God, only human beings have the possibility of self-development as a soul.

“Human beings are given the opportunity to feel and manifest this Divine Creating Love. At first, man learns to perceive this Love as God, the Creator, to love Him with reciprocal love, to dissolve in His Love! Gradually, in this interaction, man's Love and God's Love become more and more united. The human being as a soul learns the art of merging with God, learning to love everything and everyone together with Him. And then comes the possibility, growing and consolidating in the Divine States, to realize oneself as the Higher Self, as an inseparable Part of the Universal Primordial Divine Consciousness…

“In the transformation of the soul to Divinity lies the Path from a human being to Being God, which I have taught and continue to teach. To perceive the Divine through personal experience, the soul must undergo certain stages of development. This is the science of soul advancement taught by all Divine Messengers. This is the ‘Methodology of Spiritual Development*’!

“The first and the most fundamental of these stages is the ability to live constantly in a state of love and harmony regardless of external circumstances. The ability to be refined love allows one to feel My Presence, see Me, merge with Me, and feel everything from Me as I feel it.

“And now, observe:

“… In the depth of the multidimensional organism of every human being, there is a stream of the Divine Flow, a Flow of Power creating life.

“From that Depth, where you connect with God's Love, you can learn to see other people along with God, feel their ‘maximum depth’, the ‘spark of God’. The phrase ‘seeing God in every person’ is precisely about this.

“It's time for you to learn this. Sometimes it can be challenging, especially when the conversation partner disagrees with us on something or when dark or negative thoughts and emotions bubble up in the superficial layers of the soul. And if you manage to speak with a person at the right moment, from a place of peace and heartfelt love, looking into the depth of their heart, gently touching that depth with the love of yourself as a soul, sometimes tiny wonders of realization, transformation, and understanding can occur. Thus, God can act through you! There should be no personal desire to prove something, impose your point of view… simply through each of you, Divine Love can touch another individual's spiritual heart in the most intimate depth — without force, without violence. Most won't notice it. But sometimes, in someone, anger may fade, in another, a brief warmth may ignite and then extinguish again, a spark of goodness may briefly flare up and then fade out again, and in someone else, love may come alive. Thus, God can reveal Himself.

“I touch each heart in its time!

“This is an important lesson of My universal Love!

“I taste all the fruits growing here!

“Thus, the Holy Family of Divine Souls grows!

“In the theatre of the earthly world, I have already played My role,

“And now, from the Eternity of Life, I create the future!

“I open God's Schools here, on this Earth.

“I initiate into Higher Knowledge those who are devoted to Me!

“I direct their lives, flow in them, like streams in riverbeds.

“I teach them how a human being can become God!

“Yes, I ignite love in every soul when the time comes to awaken. The seed of love sprouts, the shoot strengthens, then comes the time of flowering and the season for harvesting the fruits. The results of all efforts in nurturing souls belong to the Divine Whole. We merely labor, assist, and joyfully observe the progress of each soul on its journey toward the Light!”

* * *

Here is another new place of power of Pythagoras on the ocean shore. Another encounter with this Great Teacher, another lesson from Him.

… Here, on the immaterial plane, His School exists: semi-transparent, snow-white temples, rotundas, gazebos, porticos, and stairs leading to the water, adorned with flowers and beautiful trees…

Pythagoras makes it visible on subtle planes and invites everyone to enter:

“All of you, those present now and all capable of feeling Me, you are not guests in My School, you are My students!

“Creating places of power like this, with different structures and forms, is just one way Divine Teachers assist their students. Various methods exist, for a student developing the ability to perceive the Divine, to feel the Teacher's Presence. It could be an Image perceived in the anahata within the body, a reminder of a significant statement made by the Master, simply a vivid sense of Presence in the space around, or any form of Mahadouble… The main task is to teach to perceive Our Love and Guidance.”

… In the space of Light, solemn and beautiful music begins to play.

Pythagoras continues:

“We called it the ‘Music of Spheres’, the music of Creation, the process of life with God in the service of consciousness evolution in the Cosmos.

“There is an image to explain the process of Co-Creation between devotees and Divine Souls for the benefit of all beings, like the Harmony of an Orchestra. In such an Orchestra, each is responsible for their instrument, for their part in the Music of the universe! Initially, this role may seem small, but everyone contributing their energy of love to the collective effort is very important and necessary! Feel yourselves as participants in this Co-Creation Process, where everything resonates in the Harmony of Divine Love!”

* * *

… All Divine Teachers who have been guiding us in the last month of our spiritual endeavors approached, enclosing us in Their Circle, in Their Embrace of Love.

Tomorrow we leave these places… We are to retain the knowledge and skills acquired and share this Wisdom with people. Each of us is to do this in our own country, on our own continent… Our Earth is not so vast, especially when the hands filled with love of spiritual hearts unite to embrace it. And if there are more such hands and hearts, the "spiritual climate" on the planet will change.

… Nevertheless, it's a bit sad to part with these wonderful places. Pythagoras, sensitive to every emotion, consoled each one with these words:

“The body will leave here, but I will remain within you!

“The Ocean of Universal Love—It is always and everywhere!

“Carry with yourself as a soul the Sun of My Love!

“Let streams of Light flow into the hearts of people!

“Thus, you unite worlds and spaces, where you and I are ONE!

“Thus, you open a window to other Eons in this world!”

(Written down by Anna Zubkova

in November 2023)

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