When the doors to You feel locked,
And all I want to do is pity myself away,
Help me, oh Lord, to remember these questions!
And let them guide my way:
Do I still kindle the flame of love in my heart?
Or have I stopped performing this sacred art?
Do many distractions rule my life?
And am I free from unnecessary strife?
Do I still seek You at every turn?
Or are You no longer the One I yearn?
Do I live each day in inner silence?
Or has my life slipped into chaos and defiance?
Do I still make every effort to serve You?
Or is my help now long overdue?
Are You still my One and Only?
Or has my love for You become false and phony?
Do I still seek to become better with each passing day?
Or has my inner state fallen into death and decay?
Do I still love all the creatures made by You?
Or has an arrogance towards others been born anew?
If my answers to these questions
Are not at all what they should be,
Please help me, oh Lord, to become better,
Please help me to become One with You and free!