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Contemporary knowledge about God, Evolution, and the meaning of human life.
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Babaji — To the Traveler of the Great Path to Freedom

Poems and Revelations about the Path/Babaji — To the Traveler of the Great Path to Freedom

Babaji —
To the Traveler of the Great Path to Freedom

Life with God is a boundless happiness that settles in your heart!

Life with God is like a river of Bliss that fills both soul and body and flows through you into the world to every being!

You are here, in this body, to become more perfect than you were before, to draw nearer to God, and to merge with Him in the Unity!

Remember, oh traveler of the Great Path to Freedom: your life is a result of the challenge that you have accepted to fight against your own vices, against your own egocentrism!

In this battle, you can join the side of God! And you should know that in this battle, God always wins!

* * *

The Freedom is the highest Reward, which is found in the Unity with God!

There is the small freedom, and there is the Great Freedom — the Freedom with a capitalized letter!

Merging with God gives the Freedom to the Higher I, not to the lower self.

Understand the difference between the freedom with a lowercase letter — and the Great Freedom!

The little freedom means to do everything according to the personal desires of the mind. And it will always be limited by opportunities and circumstances.

“Give yourself entirely to God!” — how many times people have heard these words in slightly different formulations — from many Divine Messengers! Yet, again and again priests and rulers — with their selfish minded minds — start to distort the Teachings of God, replacing it with dogmas and rituals, which restrict the freedom of will of the people: in order to subjugate them to the secular authorities and leaders of a particular sect.

… The Path to the Great Freedom begins with love!

Know that your freedom to love —cannot be restricted by anyone!

Plunge into the Divine Love right now!

Cognize It, soak in It!

This freedom cannot be taken away by anyone! It cannot be constrained by the circumstances and difficulties of life!

All that matters here is your choice: to love or not to love!

The love that is in you — is God!

It is the freedom to manifest God, Who lives in you when you and the Ocean of Divine Love are One!

* * *

You are in Me!

Inhale and breathe by My Freedom!

Then My Smile will kiss every cell and every atom of your body — and there will be a transformation of both soul and flesh!

Feel our Mergence when I completely fill everything around you and in you! Even the “island” of your body sinks in My Light turning into a cloud of shining atoms-stars that smile with My Smile and blossom out with the radiation of My Love!

Look at the world around you, at the situations and the people in it — with My Eyes!

My Look, full of Transparent Calm, gives you a deep understanding of everything that you and I look at together.

My Look, full of the Radiance of the Divine Love, transforms souls even with just a light Touch of Mine!

* * *

God is Omnipotent and Omniscient! God is the Greatest Wisdom and Justice! God is the most tender and all-understanding Love!

Cognize all this in yourself!

The Freedom is found in complete Mergence with God in His Great Depths!

We must learn to come out from these Depths with Love and without losing the Oneness with God!

(Written down by Anna Zubkova

in August 2019)

A Message from Jesus

I’m here! I knock on every door —

And quietly wait for them to be opened for Me.

… In this world of earthly sufferings and losses,

Of struggle for successes and thirst for awards —

I smile from every flower,

I try to make you want to become My Love,

I touch souls and call them Home!

… Behind everything around — let Me become known by you!

(Written down by Anna Zubkova

in August 2019)

A Message from Krishna

I’m the Atman in you! I’m the Shining Temple!

I’m the Power of Creative Love!

I’m the rivers, seas and ocean!

I’m in everything, near and far!

I’m the sky and the mountains! I’m the sun and the stars in the sky!

And yet, I’m more than this whole earthly world!

I’m the Bliss and the Joy of attained Great Liberty

When you’re in everlasting Oneness with Us!

(Written down by Anna Zubkova

in August 2019)

A Message from Thoth the Atlantean

This is the Straight Path to Me:

Right now and always, wisely love —

Together with Me — all those who are near and far!

This will give you the main success in your life!

The River of My Love is Immense!

It flows through the years and centuries!

All live on the vastness of My Land

By the Power of this Creative Love,

(Written down by Anna Zubkova

in August 2019)

Surya —
Let the Soul Be Free!

A soul can become so wide —

Like a flooded river in spring!

Such a soul can be so great —

To embrace clouds above the land!

A soul can become a strong love!

With gentle purity, it caresses with hands

Seas and mountains, forests and fields —

Just like how Mother Earth does it!

A soul that has known the essence of being

Can live manifesting the Higher I.

It becomes forever One with God —

Almighty Father-Svarog!

(Written down by Anna Zubkova

in August 2019)

Odin —
God Speaks in the Spiritual Heart

The wind rustles in the leaves

And brings the sounds of the surf…

Like waves of a distant sea,

They sway here, singing their song…

And in the Depths, in the Silence,

In the Great Living Calm,

God speaks to me in me:

Embracing me in my spiritual heart!

He caresses me with His Arms

In the Silence, dissolving everything!

A clarity and understanding arise,

And words become almost unnecessary!

(Written down by Anna Zubkova

in September 2019)

Odin —
Accept My Gifts!

I give you My Wisdom!

In humility — accept it!

I give you the Power of My Love!

Together with Me now — create peace!

I give you My Voice!

Sing a love song with inspiration!

I’m always beside you and in you! You now live

In indissoluble Unity with the Creator!

(Written down by Anna Zubkova

in September 2019)

Call me!

Call Me — and I will come!

Heaven illuminates with a Clear Light!…

I come to your call — for a moment

Or stop by for half an hour…

Or I’ll come for your whole life,

If I’m really needed by you!

I will come — and never leave you!

I’ll stay forever in your life!

Call Me, call from the piritual heart —

And you will cognize My mystery:

“You cannot be without Me:

Because I’m waiting for you to be Mine!”

Without Me, you cannot live:

There is no breath without My Power!

Without Me there are no stars, no Earth,

Without Me there is no universe at all, entirely!

But I quietly and calmly wait for

When you will understand all this…

And then, then I know —

You will сall Me to live in Me!

(Written down by Anna Zubkova

in September 2019)

If It’s Hard…

If — suddenly — it is hard for me,

As if there is no power in me for the Fire,

I’ll take my old backpack

And go to where I always am beloved…

I will go to where the trees

Stroke the sky with their crowns…

I will stay where the lakes

Reflect the sky with little clouds…

Here, the excellent forest

Fills everyone with unworried beauty,

And the Gates of Heaven are opened

With God’s amazing calm!

(Written down by Anna Zubkova

in October 2019)

I’ll Enter the Peace

The forest opens its arms

With wondrous silence…

Having lulled my thoughts,

I’ll immerse myself in the peace…

One has to be persistent

In various trials,

One must be humble

With wise understanding…

I now wish for little

In this life:

Only the Creator’s Abode

For the soul is delight!

(Written down by Anna Zubkova

in October 2019)

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