Poems and Revelations about the Path/Sulia — Parable about Revenge
Sulia —
Parable about Revenge
One man insulted another with words…
The other — in response — hit him as hard as he could…
And the man who received the blow fell down and was very badly hurt…
Then the friends of the man who was injured killed the one who struck the blow…
Then all the kinsmen of the one who was killed, brutally put to death all those who took revenge…
In return, the families of all those who decided to retaliate were killed…
Then all the people rose up and for a long time killed their kin in internecine battles…
And who started the feud and who caused it, no one remembers…
… And it all began, let me remind you, like this: one person — with anger — uttered insulting words to another…
… What words we say to others — is up to us!
We must not settle disputes with a sword!
* * *
There are other — gentle — words which can be used to straighten out grievances and make amends!
Let us love, forgive, embrace, and help one another!
Let the words of love — like birds — fly over our common Earth!
And let them begin to sprout in human souls like tender shoots in spring!
(Written down by Anna Zubkova
in March 2022)