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Contemporary knowledge about God, Evolution, and the meaning of human life.
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Try to Create a New World!

Poems and Revelations about the Path/Try to Create a New World!

Try to Create a New World!

Thoth the Atlantean

To my questions concerning all that is happening now on the planet, He answered:

“It only seems to you that what’s happening now is a ‘it can’t get any worse!’ situation and that ‘it can’t get any sorrier!’…

“But, sadly, it can….

“We once witnessed the destruction of Atlantis… And We could not change it then and prevent the destructions. All the efforts that We had made to preserve spirituality and to redirect the material aspirations of people — to righteousness, to the Divine, and all our attempts to stop the priests who ruled the society only for the sake of satisfying their personal ambitions — all this was unsuccessful.

“Then everything began to collapse: the configurations of the continents started changing and civilizations began to die…

“We thought at that moment not about saving the earthly lives of certain humans, but about preserving the innermost Knowledge in a form that was as accessible as possible to future generations…

“We knew, of course, that bodies are mortal, and souls are immortal. And when leaving the body, all receive the abode that they deserve, according to how they lived their lives.

“Yes, We felt very sorry for the many innocently suffering people! But the course of history, to which the mistakes and criminal actions of certain rulers and the connivance of the ‘masses of the people’ had led, was then already inescapable.

“Our tasks at that time, perhaps, need to be spoken of in a little more in detail.

“We understood well that on the subtlest planes of the Universe the Highest Knowledge is indestructible, you know this too. But the ways of conveying this Knowledge to incarnate people who have lost even the very notions about the topics about which we wish to speak, is a rather difficult task. That is why We made an attempt to preserve the Divine Wisdom for future generations and civilizations — in different possible variants on several continents.

“We did not think about ‘saving Our own lives’, about Our own ‘survival’ on the Earth… We were looking for ways to preserve the connecting links in the science of cognition of the Divine, to save the knowledge about the steps of spiritual ascension in the memory of future generations.

“The ordinary Atlanteans, who left their bodies, joyfully perceived then the end of their incarnations and went to the life in the Light, to the joyful freedom of the life without bodies. In their bodies, there might have been pain and fear. And in the spiritual world for the majority of those who left their material bodies, there was peace.

“And those Enlightened Atlanteans Who remained in Their bodies on the Earth took upon Themselves a heavy burden, a difficult Mission — to be the Teachers among the undeveloped human tribes remaining on the planet.

“For Us, the temptation to leave this world, to leave Our material bodies, was great.

“And it was a great Sacrifice to remain here!”

Nguen One Ki

“Learn the Peace and Wisdom of God!

“How good it is to be without a body! You experience this state in meditations, don’t you? Yes, this state can dominate and can be the main one, even if you have a body! This is what We are teaching you now!

“Find out what else keeps you in the body: karma, plans, wishes and intentions which were formulated some time ago but were not realized? Or emotions and attachments?

“When you see this clearly and in detail, then your freedom from the body will increase many times over! That is the Freedom in which, having a body, one can live in God, in full Mergence, and still continue to use the body in affairs of Divine Service!”

Sathya Sai Baba

“Give to the world My Peace, My Light, and My Love! Under present conditions, this is a tangible contribution to Our common Work!

“I am ready to be with you constantly! I am ready to fill your bodies, to make them perfect, so that they become Divine instruments in the Creation!”

“May I ask You a question? When will all this nightmare in the material world end?”

“The battle of ‘good and evil’, of ‘light and darkness’ never ends on the Earth! There are stretches of the road where tensions get high. There are also quieter long periods of time…

“Against the background of harsh external cataclysms, disasters, and battles — in every reasonable person there is always an inner struggle for the Light, a struggle which intensifies during such times. People learn to distinguish between good and evil, and each person learns to make their own choice. They learn those life lessons that they must learn, in accordance with their karma.

“God always suggests to choose Love, Kindness, Peace, Nonviolence, Understanding, Forgiveness, and Gratitude!

“Almost all people know this theoretically.

“But everyone goes through their own lessons and takes their own ‘maturity exams’.

“On the background of serious problems in the material world, some people cling even more tightly to God and strengthen in themselves the connection of human love and Divine Love. And others — immerse themselves in whirlpools of earthly passions…

“This is how one gains the necessary experience of life…

“Remember: these are lessons from God! And only the Fire of Divine Love in the heart, only the Unity with God allow us to go through such dark stages of history more easily and to come out of them wiser, thus helping many other people!

“The best thing that all people can do now is to put out the flame of war and create a new world: a world of understanding, forgiveness, unification, and love!”

(Revelations written down
by Anna Zubkova in March 2022)

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