Essays on the Main/Once Again about the Straight Path Once Again about the Straight PathThe term Straight Path is found both in the New Testament (2 Peter 2:15) and repeatedly in the Quran. Also the expression the Short Path is applied, which means the same: i.e., the quickest and easiest way to approach the Creator in terms of the quality of individual consciousness, cognition of Him and Mergence with Him. (See also in “Classics of Spiritual Philosophy and the Present”). For those who already have passed this Path, it is quite clear that in order to master this, one must have an understanding of what God is, and also develop oneself as the spiritual heart. It is only the spiritual heart that allows a person to perfect oneself simultaneously in two most important components of the spiritual Path: in a quality of love (because “God is Love!” — I John 4:7-8) and by the criterion of the quantitative growth of self-consciousness. (On the methods of this growth, we have told much in our books and films). … But, if we hear someone’s preaching about the Straight Path, this does not mean that there are not in his or her conception any voluntary or willful mistakes or lies. The total perversions in understanding of what is the religious Path were most clearly traced in the “Christian” movement during the era of the “holy inquisition” and the “crusades”, and now — among the fooled by false preachers (aggressive primitives, devils in the flesh) of certain (but significant) part of the Muslims. Namely, they allege that the Straight (Short) Path to God consists in sacrificing one’s life in a material body — with the taking with me “to the next world” as many as possible of those who think differently from the leader of my sect, whom I trust. … Sacrificing myself for the sake of others is righteousness before God! But if people sacrifice themselves for the sake of a false goal, committing not acts of heroism, but crimes — both before people and before God — what should be opposed to such people “to sober up” them? After all, they — having been deceived by the promises of paradise for their “exploits” — get not paradise at all, but hell! … God gave us life in the material body on the Earth — not at all for us to reject these Gifts, and even in such a rude, ignorant way! He gave us these lives for us to perfect ourselves! Everyone must apply this knowledge to oneself and to each other! We should strive not to kill, but to grow spiritually and help in this everyone whom we can! (About how to grow spiritually — we told in detail in our books and films). In my opinion, the knowledge about God, about our meaning of life and, correspondingly, about what God is expecting from us, about how He wants us to be — which is expressed by a simple for understanding language — this knowledge should be spread through the mass media, through textbooks for schools and universities — and, first of all, in those countries where the seats of this criminal sectarianism have nestled. But why don’t politicians do this?
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