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Contemporary knowledge about God, Evolution, and the meaning of human life.
Methodology of spiritual development.

Conversation on Working with Yidam

Essays on the Main/Conversation on Working with Yidam

Conversation on Working with Yidam

(Recorded by Anna Zubkova and Vladimir Antonov,

August 2021)

Sathya Sai Baba

“I congratulate you on the beginning of a new stage of your spiritual growth!

“The ‘Spiral of development”, of which I have spoken many times, will pass through the centuries — and a new generation of spiritual seekers will be born!

“The new School of God will grow gradually according to the methodical instructions and textbooks of religion described by you. Your task now is not ‘to keep your heads down’, but to observe the course of events. Amen!

“The stage which is begun to master by you is called the work with Yidam. This is the practice of working with the image of a Divine Teacher, Who is looked up by you and Whose Face is known for you well. Using this image as an aid to — you meditatively become one with this Teacher to the point where there is ‘no you’. To clarify, you still exist, but meditatively there is no longer any ‘you’.

“So, I invite you to become Me by infusing into Me and stabilizing yourselves in this state.*

Vladimir Antonov

“Sathya Sai Baba has now decided to lead us in this practice today. He will be Yidam to us.

“First, we form the familiar image of Sathya Sai Baba in our anahatas. As we work like this, the Appearance gradually ‘comes to life’: facial expressions and gestures appear.

“The next step is to spread Yidam’s ‘dwelling zone’ into the heads of our bodies. That is, Sathya Sai Baba — with His Head — fills everyone’s heads. This is very significant! Without this, the further meditations cannot be completed in their entirety!

“And then Yidam grows in size — throughout the entire space observable to the consciousness. Then, one loses the features of His Face — and only very subtle Divine Light remains! We merge into It — and perceive It as ourselves!

“This method gets rid of any harmful external bioenergetic influences. In particular, we become unaffected by attacks of incarnated energetically coarse people.

“The state of Mergence with Yidam during such work should become natural, a background for us. After finishing some work in the world of matter, we should ‘recollect ourselves’* — and come back to the state of Yidam again and again. At the current stage of our growth, this work has to absorb all our attention and become our main way of life!”

Thoth the Atlantean

“You must be sure to ‘connect’ the lower ‘bubble of perception’ to the developed and purified upper ‘bubble’! Thus, you will learn intellectual impeccability and attain the Higher Divine Knowledge!

“Through this, Divine Siddhis are later obtained!”

Thoth the Atlantean and Adler

“We* create a new Island of Spirituality, absorbing worthy devotees! It is up to you to watch how events unfold.

“That is, We do everything! You have to take part in the course of events, but do not run towards them!”

Sathya Sai Baba

“Fusion and Inseparability are formed first with Me, and then — with the entire Primordial Base of Beingness. Master this!

“After doing so, everything else will go on ‘as if by magic’, or ‘by itself’! It is so, because it will then be I Who make the decisions: when to act and when to wait, when to speak and when to be quiet.

“The main thing is not to pull away from Me, but to be Me! Everything else will then be added!

“Your task is to just watch how I control events around you. Get used to seeing them through My Eyes, to assessing them — with My understanding!

“Do not ‘protrude out of Me’ and do not get ahead of Me!

“Grow even more firmly into Me!

“As you look with more confidence through My Eyes at all phenomena and events, your understanding of My Life becomes clearer! This is the first ‘turn of the spiral’. After this, you will then be able to perform actions by Me and from Me!

“You will see how interesting it is: something happens to you or around you, and you look at it as a Divine Onlooker, a Witness of what happens without involving yourself into it…

“When you master this, you’ll see how differently you then perceive those phenomena or events that could have upset you before. This is not only psychical self-regulation*, but it is something else: a ‘shift’ of oneself as a consciousness into the Divine Life! It will seem like everything outside is the same as before, but there will no longer be a he or her who could be involved and be ‘bound’ by the events of the outer world.

“This is where freedom from matter and total nonattachment begin! There are many different terms for this… But it is the experience of the transfer of thinking and perception — into God!”

Sathya Sai Baba

“What seems important for you now in the affairs of Service and in your life in general, is, of course, important. But if you look more broadly, if you look from Me, — then the true ratio of your priorities will be clearer. Let the most important priority be the complete Oneness with Me! Everything else will then immediately fall into place!

“I will teach you how to perform the Work that Holy Spirits (Brahman) do to help people, including how to influence matter.”

... He shows:

“Here is My Ashram! In the space above it and beneath it, there is My great ‘Sun of God’: the radiation of My Love. Every ray of this ‘Sun’ at every moment carries My Face into the hearts of those who love Me. It sounds with the voice of My Love to those who are able to hear Me. All over the planet there are such places of power of Mine! And even without them, a person who lovingly tunes into ‘My Wave’ can perceive My Messages and Lessons, and see and hear Me!”

Thoth the Atlantean

“In order to merge with God, one has to ‘join’ God! This is what the Yidam method is for: to cognize the state of God confidently!

“It is through Merging with Yidam that one acquires the qualities of One Who has passed the entire Path and can give this Knowledge to other worthy ones!

“One has to master the Triplicity of being a Messiah: the state of Transparent Tranquility, the state of Light-Fire, and the material body. It is the third place that is assigned to the material plane.

“It is necessary to master this Triplicity of oneself!”

Sathya Sai Baba

“You need to learn the interconnections in the Triplicity of self, as Jesus called it.

“I am ready to show each of you, how I acted in this Triplicity of Self, when I Myself was incarnate. I am ready to teach you these actions! You must become Ambassadors of the Will of the One!

“There is the Boundlessness of the Transparent Tranquility of the Creator!

“There is the Creating Fiery Power — the Divine Love!

“And there is the material body of the Messiah!

“... Only by remembering God and the death of one’s body, can one become a spiritual zealot, truly living and appreciating every moment of life.

“The opposite possibility is to be a slacker or a seeker of empty pleasures!

“Only the memory of death can make one truly alive!

“One who remembers the mortality of one’s own body — lives!

“One who forgets this — withers!

“One can become alive namely consciously!

“Others just go with the flow in the stream of time, in the rapid kaleidoscope of vain affairs, pleasures, and sufferings...

“One can look out beyond the whirlpool of the ‘wheel of samsara’ and go out of its frame — only by remembering the brevity of life in the body and the possibility of sudden disembodiment.

“Life in the material world is sometimes quite abruptly cut short and passed into another reality: the life of the soul without a body. It is usually only then that the missing intangible values and reference points become apparent!

“It is very sad when this realization comes too late. After all, it is by living in the world of matter that a person can develop intensively, and learn to love and take care of others!

“One must become a collector of spiritual treasures, so that life in the body does not go to waste!

“... Most people, like blind men, do not notice that death may come knocking on their door today and that tomorrow may not come. They falsely believe that death comes only to others and not to themselves...

“... It is not necessary to be afraid of death, to tremble, to sow panic! But the other thing is needed!

“Life with God and remembrance of the body’s mortality — these are two milestones that allow one to make life pure and faultless and turn the death of the body into a calm and joyful transition to another form of life, a life that is beautiful and full of new discoveries and understandings! The development of the soul does not cease when one leaves the dense material shell, but it opens up other possibilities for perfection!

The more successfully a person advances on the spiritual Path — the brighter and more interesting become the achievements that await him/her beyond the threshold of the death of the body.

“But there are also opposite ‘developments’: ‘materialization’ of the soul, enslavements by egocentric desires, development of other defective qualities of the soul.

“The mortality of the corporeal shell should serve as a reminder for the individual — to ask oneself more often: ‘What am I doing in my life for myself? What am I doing for God? What am I doing for people?’

“Each person can remember that his or her hands can become the gentle and tender Hands of God. And the spiritual heart can become a source of Divine Love!

And I ask everyone who hears Me, who loves Me, who is ready to serve Evolution — to do this!

“I want to emphasize that it is not only great projects for the benefit of humanity that ‘count’!

“It is also important to warn people that violence in the name of supposed ‘good’ is very dangerous!

“Honesty, purity of thoughts, emotions, and deeds, knowledge about God and the Path to Him, simplicity in life, also love and care — these qualities should be developed in oneself-soul!

“A gentle smile and words of encouragement to support those who have become depressed, as well as:

— lovingly prepared food,

— a carefully cultivated plot of land with plants,

— benevolence in interactions with everyone you meet,

— the absence of hatred, violence, blame, and envy — these are examples of spiritual treasures!

“It is a joy to God to see the right aspiration and growth of love in each particular soul!

“And it is sad that unkind thoughts and emotions have been poisoning the karmic climate on the Earth for a very long time! Natural cataclysms should remind people of this... They are not ‘God's punishment’! But this happens as a result of the long soulless, consumerist, and destructive activity of mankind.

“Whether tomorrow will come for very many people depends on how each person lives today, right now!

“The fate of humanity as a whole is largely summed up from the karmas of people living on the planet today...

“I am not trying to create fear about coming cataclysms; rather, I want people to understand that if in former times the destruction could affect individual countries, now there is a threat to the entire Earth.

“The era of human consumerism and the destruction of nature is completely outdated! And the new era can come only with a creative, caring, and loving state in the majority of souls!

“It would be good if this were heard by people!”

Nguen One Kee

“You haven’t told us about Yourself...”

“I am as old as the planet Earth itself... I lived through those times when the former civilization was destroyed and the ‘tribe of children of mankind’ was reborn... I saw it...

“And that is why I now ‘have a special right’ to remind people of the value of life of every being and of the complete interconnectedness and interdependence of everything!

“Eagle and I will say many more things — for you and all people of the planet. We will narrate the Legends of the Great Native American Chiefs and tales of White Eagle, which you can write down...

“We will also speak for all people — with the quietness and beauty of nature: the whispering of leaves in tree crowns, the crackling of a fire, and the babbling of brooks. And in the smooth surface of lakes, we will see clouds, painted in wonderful shades of pink and gold at sunrise... And in the waves of the sea and the snowy peaks of mountains... — in all this, the Divine Power manifests Itself to those who see!

“If you want, both you and others will look at this beauty with Us — and then words interwoven with the Power of the Spirit and the Melody of Life will sound in hearts, and an understanding of the most important things will come!”

Sathya Sai Baba

“It is through words — more than through miracles — that one can most successfully help people!

“It is through words, deeds, thoughts, and emotions that each one creates the future for oneself and for others!

“And it is you who can help God! Your hands can become the Hands of God! Your spiritual heart can become the Sun of My Love!

“These words should be heard by everyone! And let him or her call Me into his or her heart, and then I will live and create in it!

This is My Call! This is My Request to people!”


“Your position now is in many ways more comfortable, more convenient than the Role which I and Sathya Sai Baba played in Our last incarnations. Feel these advantages and do not regret that you are not surrounded by crowds of devoted followers, who... want and want from God and can do very little on their own, being souls-children in adult bodies. This is a great Work, this is the greatest Sacrifice! This is the Mission of Avatars! They are needed in order to remind humanity once again about the Teachings of God, to proclaim the Eternal Truth widely, and to redirect the minds and hearts of many people to aspire to the Creator.

“There is a stage of a warrior of spirit on the spiritual Path. I speak about persons who fight against different forces of evil. These warriors fight against their own egocentrism in a long battle against their vices — for the right to approach the Divine Light, and for the possibility to cognize God!

“But there is the next stage, which may be called Brahmacharya or enchantment with God.

“Such a devotee no longer fights against anyone or anything. God fills his or her life completely!

“This enchantment, this absorption in God, is when there is no more fighting, but only expansion into the ‘not-I’ — into the Infinity of the Divine Life!

“The indriyas of such a devotee no longer cling to earthly objects, and no longer seek earthly bliss!

“And even earthly disadvantages almost do not disturb him or her.

“Learn to look at everything from Me! Impregnate every aspect of your life with Me! Do everything with Me or in the feeling of My Presence! Do everything — as a gift, as an offering to God! And then, the Oneness will come! There will be a real enchantment with My encouraging Smile! There will be a constant sensation of My tender Embrace and of My Hands guiding and supporting you! Waves of My Light, My Power will carry you through the storms and bad weathers of life on the material plane! To live in the material world, but to be ‘not of this world’ — this is what Jesus taught. It is real for those who have devoted their lives completely to Me and seek only Mergence in Love and Dissolution in My Infinite Life, in order to become only Me and manifest God in everything, in every aspect of life!"

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