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Contemporary knowledge about God, Evolution, and the meaning of human life.
Methodology of spiritual development.

Amazement of New Discoveries!

The Master/Amazement of New Discoveries!

Amazement of New Discoveries!

My life was gradually becoming meaningful, and I was aware of its meaning. It contained more and more happiness from the presence of God.

The main qualities of God are Love, Wisdom, and Power. And in order to become like Him, we need to develop all these qualities in ourselves.

The first and most important of them is Love.

In the following pages, I have included descriptions of some meditations that I performed that helped me to master this quality through learning various skills and states of the consciousness. I have also included some notes that were made at different stages of my spiritual progress. Writing down one’s meditations, experiences, and feelings can be a very useful way of tracking one’s progress along the spiritual path. And I hope that the following descriptions will be helpful to others.

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Dazzling sunshine floods the front wall of the anahata, the front channel, the body segments, and the whole body. Glitter of waves, white clouds in the sky, flowers of lilacs and apple trees, the joy of a tousled starling wet from morning dew, the wind in the grass: all this fills me from inside, like a balloon. I swim in the common stream of spring, life, exultation, and love… I dissolve in it…

* * *

I am at the top of a mountain. The heavens of the sky and mountain peaks are everywhere, as far as the eye can see. I spread, open my arms of the consciousness, and turn them into huge powerful wings. I settle into a thick, transparent, luminous peace and then I fly. I fly through the space both inside and outside of the Creation.

* * *

Silence. Peace. An understanding of the essence of the Evolution of Consciousness. Liberation from false patterns of thinking and behavior, from erroneous goals and a vain sense of guilt… Acceptance of my fate: how beautiful it is, in comparison to everything that just yesterday seemed terrifying to me. An understanding of why everything happens this way. Gratefulness to the Creator!

* * *

Endless warm Tenderness and Love of the Holy Spirit.

I embrace and envelop with myself-soul everything that I see, everything that is below me: trees, grass, flowers, birds, and other animals… I pass through the surface of the Earth like a subtle light. I approach — with the palms of the consciousness — from below to the trees. I rise, becoming light, along their trunks, branches, and leaves. I blossom with fragrant flowers. I embrace a person who burrows their face in these flowers. I love everyone and everything!

I approach trees, flowers, and grass, from below, nourishing them with my power of love and then become them — refined and tender, sprouting and blossoming! It is so nice!

* * *

I am a dandelion with ripened seeds: white, fragile, simple, probably needed in this grass. A gust of wind tears its seeds off. Now I am — one of them: light, weightless! Without regret and easily, I fly away and swim in the warm sunlight: to where the wind carries me, to where I need to be! I am filled with Trust in the Love of God!

* * *

How to find a way to express my love? There is so much of it! I am now accustomed to love, to being love, to giving it to others — to everyone, even to those whom it wasn’t easy to love before! Sometimes it seems that I have always loved so. But no! Yet, I cannot get used to the fact that I can be loved too! But an avalanche of love, tenderness, and warmth falls upon me — from people and from God!

I don’t know what to do with it!…

* * *

I’m dissolving in peace. It is deep, gentle and warm! This warmth fills all the space around. And my body is lost, it has disappeared from perception. But I remain, perceiving myself now as the sea of this warmth, this peace, and this silence.

* * *

On the way to a place of power that I had not visited before, I listened to a recording by the Master. In it He talked about the application of all the commandments of God to oneself.

Oh how far away is impeccability for me, how infinitely far away it is! I do not understand how such wonderful treasures of God for the soul could be given to me — with all my shortcomings!

I am engulfed in the immense Divine Fire of God! His radiant Love, with Its innumerable variety of shades and edges, fills me and sweeps away the boundaries of what I am used to calling myself. Oh how I wish this state of being did not stop!…

* * *

I recall the words of God that were once said to me: “Is it — all THIS — really not enough for you? Am I MYSELF and everything I’ve given to you — not enough?! Do you really need anything else?”

These words bring about a deep understanding that now I really do not need anything else except God! I’m no longer defending myself, not waiting, not afraid! I live with You! And there is no “me” anymore. Instead of me — now We are!

* * *

I asked God: “What do You expect from me? What do I need to do to express You through myself, through my life?”.

The answer was unexpected: “Love!”.

* * *

I am learning to live alone with God, to carry His Silence within me, to feel Him, to listen, and to rejoice when I understand Him.

Almost every day, I experience the quiet amazement of new and wonderful discoveries! And there is no one to share them with…

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