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Contemporary knowledge about God, Evolution, and the meaning of human life.
Methodology of spiritual development.

Chapter 10: Arrival of Victor’s Parents

Chapter 10:
Arrival of Victor’s Parents

Victor’s parents were scheduled to arrive in a few days to take Victor to their home in the city.

Victor, grandfather Basil, and Asya decided that they would not inform them in advance that Victor could stand and even walk by himself. They wanted it to be a happy surprise!

And now, this day had come.

A couple of hours before the expected dinner arrival of Victor’s mom and dad, grandfather Basil said:

“Our dear guests are late… Their car got stuck.”

And, turning promptly to Buddy and Purr, he continued:

“We ought to meet them!”

“We also want to meet them!” — Asya and Victor declared amicably.

“Well then, our four-legged friends, run ahead and show the road to our guests! But you, Victor and Asya, do not have to go so far. You can meet them closer!”

* * *

Leaving the car stuck in a puddle, Victor’s parents walked along the forest road. The navigator in their phone had already lost signal several times, but now the signal completely disappeared…

Tired of the unusual walk, Victor’s mother, upset, sat down on a stump at a fork in the road and took off her high-heeled shoes, which were making it very difficult to move successfully…

Then Buddy appeared from the forest and — in greeting — wagged his tail.

“Aah! A dog! It can attack us! Stick, grab a stick!” — in fright, Victor’s mother cried out to the father of Victor.

Buddy was very surprised at such a reaction. He smiled with all the cuteness of his face and wagged his tail with all his might.

Then Purr caught up with him and stood beside him and even rubbed himself against his friend to show his peacefulness and goodwill.

“Oh! A cat!… It’s not afraid of the dog! Kitty kitty!

… Purr condescendingly responded to such a primitive appeal and came closer.

He rubbed himself against Victor’s mother’s legs and said very confidently:


… Victor’s dad uttered:

“Do you remember, Victor wrote to us that this healer has a cat and a dog in the house? Maybe these are them?”

“But how did they know to find us?”

“Well, we don’t have any GPS right now, only these… tailed ones. They are well-groomed and domesticated, so maybe they will take us to a dwelling… And maybe we can find some tractor to pull our car out of this mud!” — Victor’s dad said, trying to reason logically.

Buddy couldn’t restrain himself any longer, and, hoping that Purr’s diplomacy was successful, he ran to Victor’s mom and dad and began to get acquainted.

Victor’s parents followed their new guides.

Victor’s mother in a tight skirt and high heels kept falling behind and stumbling, feeling angry about what was happening:

“Wait for me, I cannot do it so fast!… Well, great, now my heel is broken!…”

… She burst into tears with frustration, like a young child…

Standing on the ground in torn tights, which were bought in Paris itself, and with a dirty and broken expensive shoe from one of the most famous fashion designers, she felt so unhappy!…

… Purr and Buddy decided it was time to intervene. Buddy gently took Victor’s dad, who until then had continued to move forward without turning around, by the edge of his jacket and pulled him back to Victor’s mother.

And Purr began to call upon all the familiar squirrels and birds.

Victor’s mother heard how the birds began to fly from all sides. They sat down on the branches, preened — and began to sing!

Some squirrels settled nearby, a hedgehog appeared from behind a tree, and a bunny looked out a little cautiously from the bushes…

The sun was shining! The rays of light streamed through the foliage of the trees! The birds tried their best!

And then — it happened: Victor’s mother suddenly saw this beautiful World around! She saw the beauty, and not the uncomfortable road under her feet and her broken heel. She wiped away her tears and… smiled!

And Victor’s father also saw…

“Well, are you upset, my Cinderella, about your shoe?” — he said affectionately to his wife and took her in his arms.

“Now, I’ll carry you ‘to the hut’, like when we met! Do you remember?”

… And for a while a passage was opened for them to the Magical World. They heard the music of love and saw the light of love — because they recalled that once… they also knew how to love!

* * *

Asya and Victor settled on a hill near the road, not far from Basil’s house. Victor still tired quickly, and so they decided to wait for the guests here, and not to leave to meet them far from home.

Asya said:

“It is necessary to have time to show the Magical World to your parents! Well, at least a little bit! Grandfather says that for souls, who are not completely blinded and deaf, the beauty of nature can help! If at least a little love is revealed in the heart, then the Magical World becomes visible. Well, maybe only the closest part of this World becomes tangible. But people say when they feel this bliss that they are ‘in paradise!’”

“Grandfather said that in the Magical World there are deeper and more secret spaces where you can even speak with God! But you shouldn’t tell everyone about it, otherwise people will stop understanding us…”

… And then the children saw a wonderful picture. Buddy was walking along the road, Purr walked with dignity, and behind them — Victor’s dad carried his wife in his arms.

“Wow!” — Victor could only say.

“It seems, Buddy and Purr coped with grandfather’s task perfectly!” — Asya exclaimed.

And when Victor’s parents saw Victor walking independently to them, their joy was without limit!

… And then everyone dined and shared their impressions of the wonders of the Magical World!

In the evening, grandfather Basil, with a tractor driver whom he knew, pulled the car out of the mud from where it stalled, and brought it to the house.

* * *

In the morning, Victor said with joy:

“Now this wheelchair can be thrown away!”

… Grandfather Basil thoughtfully looked at him:

“Why throw it away?… It might come in handy for someone! It could make it possible for someone to move along the street. You could find that boy or that girl on the Internet who really needs such special equipment to play outside and get to school. You could find this person by yourself and give it to them! After all, not everyone has the money necessary to buy such a modern and easy-to-use device!

“In this way, a ‘chain reaction of goodness’ can be started! After all, you now have many new things to share with others, including the knowledge about how your health improved!

“Having received something as a gift, it is important for a person to further want to transfer that welfare and knowledge — to others! And then, a lot of good things can happen!”

Everyone listened to the stories of grandfather Basil about the Magical World and about how, by listening to the silence and admiring the beauty, it is very easy for a person to find an entrance to the Divine World.

… Grandfather Basil finished the conversation like this:

“It is important to understand that the entrance to the Divine Magical World is always revealed precisely from within — by love that flares up in the spiritual heart.

“If the gentle radiance of love is not burning in one’s chest, one will not be able to see and feel the endless Magical World, no matter how beautiful and quiet it may be externally. But when love is both inside and outside — then the gates are easily opened.

“And even if something unfavorable occurs around oneself in the outside world, one can stay in unity — by one’s heart love — with the Divine World!

“A person is given a miracle: the magic ability to love! This is how a person learns to be a permanent resident of the Magical World!”

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