Lecturi recomandate1. Antonov V.V. (ed.) — Spiritual Heart: Path to the Creator (Poems‑Meditations and Revelation). “New Atlanteans”, Bancroft, 2007 (în rusă). 2. Antonov V.V. — Spiritual Heart. The Religion of Unity. “New Atlanteans”, Bancroft, 2010. 3. Antonov V.V. — How God Can Be Cognized. Autobiography of a Scientist Who Studied God. “New Atlanteans”, Bancroft, 2008. 4. Antonov V.V. (ed.) — How God Can Be Cognized. Book 2. Autobiographies of God’s Disciples. “New Atlanteans”, Bancroft, 2008. 5. Antonov V.V. (ed.) — Spiritual Work with Children. “New Atlanteans”, Bancroft, 2008. 6. Antonov V.V. (ed.) — Classics of Spiritual Philosophy and the Present. “New Atlanteans”, Bancroft, 2008. 7. Antonov V.V. — Ecopsychology. “New Atlanteans”, Bancroft, 2008. 8. Antonov V.V. — Forest Lectures on the Highest Yoga. ”New Atlanteans”, Bancroft, 2008. 9. Antonov V.V. — Anatomy of God. “New Atlanteans”, Bancroft, 2010. 10. Antonov V.V. — Life for God. “New Atlanteans”, 2013. 11. Antonov V.V., Zubkova A.B. — Taoism. “New Atlanteans”, Bancroft, 2013 (în rusă). 12. Apocrypha of John [Apocrifa lui Ioan]. In: Apocrypha of Ancient Christians. “Society for Vedic Culture“, Saint Petersburg, 1994 (în rusă). 13. Apocrypha of Matthew. In: The Book of Thomas the Contender Writing to the Perfect. In: Trofimova M.K. — Historico‑Philosophical Questions of Gnosticism. “Nauka”, Moscow, 1979 (în rusă). 14. Cullen B. (comp) — The Book of Jesus. “Polus”, Saint Petersburg, 1997 (în rusă). 15. Donini A. — The Origin of Christianity (from Beginning to Justinian). “Politizdat”, Moscow, 1979 (în rusă). 16. Dowling L.H. — The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ. “Wilder Publications“, 2009. 17. Farrar F.W. — The Life of Christ. “Nachalnaya Shkola”, Moscow, 1887 (in Russian). 18. Golubcova N.I. — The Origin of the Christian Church. “Nauka”, Moscow, 1967 (în rusă). 19. Okulov A. et al (eds.) — Apocrypha of Ancient Christians. “Mysl”, Moscow, 1989 (în rusă). 20. Spalding B. — The Life and Teachings of the Masters of the Far East. “Sofia”, 2007 (în rusă). 21. Tatyana M. — On the Other Side of the Material World. “New Atlanteans”, Bancroft, 2012. 22. Teplyy A. — Book of the Warrior of the Spirit. “New Atlanteans”, Bancroft, 2008. 23. The Gospel of Mary Magdalene. In: Okulov А. et al (eds.) — Apocrypha of Ancient Christians. “Mysl”, Moscow, 1989 (în rusă). 24. The Gospel of Nikodemus [Evanghelia după Nicodim]. In: Apocrypha of Ancient Christians. “Society for Vedic Culture“, Saint Petersburg, 1994 (în rusă). 25. The Gospel of Peter [Evanghelia după Petru]. In: Around Jesus. “Society for Vedic Culture”, Кiev, 1993 (în rusă). 26. The Gospel of Philip [Evanghelia după Filip]. In: Antonov V.V. (ed.) — Classics of Spiritual Philosophy and the Present. “New Atlanteans”, Bancroft, 2008. 27. The Gospel of Thomas [Evanghelia după Toma]. In: Apocrypha of Ancient Christians. “Society for Vedic Culture”, Saint Petersburg, 1994 (în rusă). 28. The Life of Saint Issa, the Best of Sons of Humankind [Viaţa Sfântului Issa, cel mai bun dintre fiii oamenilor]. In: Around Jesus. “Society for Vedic Culture“, Кiev, 1993 (în rusă). 29. The Way of a Pilgrim. Kazan, 1911 (în rusă). 30. Tibetan Gospel [Evanghelia tibetană]. In: Around Jesus. “Society for Vedic Culture“, Kiev, 1993 (în rusă). 31. Zubkova A.B. — Fairy Tale about Princess Nesmeyana and Ivan. “New Atlanteans”, Bancroft, 2007. 32. Zubkova A.B. — Dobrynya — Bylinas. “New Atlanteans”, Bancroft, 2008. 33. Zubkova A.B. — Dialogues with Pythagoras. “New Atlanteans”, Bancroft, 2008. 34. Zubkova A.B. — Divine Parables. “New Atlanteans”, Bancroft, 2008. 35. Zubkova A.B. — Book of the Born in the Light. Revelations of the Divine Atlanteans. “New Atlanteans”, Bancroft, 2008. 36. Zubkova A.B. — Parables of Lao Tse. “New Atlanteans”, Bancroft, 2011. 37. Zubkova A.B. — Parables about Elder Zosima. “New Atlanteans”, Bancroft, 2013. 38. Zubkova A.B. — Divine Stories of Slavic Lands. “New Atlanteans”, Bancroft, 2013. 39. Zubkova A.B. — Story about Knyaz Dmitry and Volhva. “New Atlanteans”, Bancroft, 2013.
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