Chapter Twelve:
The Divine Heritage
Earthly life continued…
The new spring was at its zenith… Nature awakened, filling everything around with beauty and strength.
But for Rada, this time was not easy: “How to carry on living, how to cope with the responsibility that I now have taken?”.
Little Eremey sat on the floor and caught with his hands the rays of sunlight from the window…
Suddenly, an ever-increasing Divine Light filled the space…
Rada saw in this Light the Great Magi of Russia and many Teachers Who had come through the other spiritual traditions.
There were a lot of Them. They were calm and beautiful — these Divine Men and Women. Some among Them were very young and others were gray-haired.
They all were here for her — for Rada!
They came to help her, and support her:
“Do not be afraid of difficulties! Do not be afraid of the responsibility! What you are taking now is your work for God! It’s Our Common Deed, Our Common Heritage! This is the result of Our labors from Our many incarnate lives! We will help and continue to teach you, so that you will be able to help others even better!”
… Rada was — in this Radiance of Love and Light — completely free and happy!
Alexey approached, and embraced her with the Divine Tenderness and Affection.
Then the Others also came up. Their Appearances began to grow, filling the space with the Great Power!
Their Divine Bodies of Light were huge, like the Mountains. The Foundations of these Mountains were in the vast Depths, unattainable for ordinary human vision, and the peaks had Radiant Appearances with Faces and Hands.
Rada was now standing among Them, also in a similar body made of Light. She was a little smaller, but still — one of Them!
Alongside her, were Alexey, Radomir, Blagoslav, and many other Divine Souls, Whom Rada had already known. But there were Many Whom she had never seen before. They became bigger and bigger… It was like Waves of Light, rising from the One Primordial Ocean in the vast expanses around! They were the Peace, Majesty, Tenderness, Love, and Power!
“Each of Us has Our own Work. Everyone fulfills One’s own Task, which is a part of the Divine Plan! Do you now accept your share of the Divine Labors?”
“Will you not be shaken by the burdens of life in the world of matter, or from personal earthly desires, or from dangers that can threaten your body or of those whom you love?”
“I will try not to…”
“You will always live under Our Watch, in the Rays of Our Care!
“So, take the Power of the Divine Love — and carry It into the world of incarnate people!”
* * *
Rada’s body seemed lifeless, she herself was still There, in the Radiance of the Divine Light.
… Little Eremey crawled on all fours and began to try to get to her breast, which was full of milk. It was time to feed the boy.
Rada had to work hard to enter her earthly body again.
She lifted her son in her arms and put him to her breast.
Then she sang softly. And in this song, there was not even a shadow of sadness. The Joy, Light, beauty of the Earth, and Beauty of Divine Souls — all this sounded in unison. Little Eremey seemed to hover in this field of Light and Love.
She sang to her son until he fell asleep in her hands.
And — the Silence began to fall, in Which there were only God, His Peace, His Love, His Omnipotence, His Understanding, and His Wisdom… And all this was now in Her, Divine Rada!