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Contemporary knowledge about God, Evolution, and the meaning of human life.
Methodology of spiritual development.




When we intended to visit two Divine Teachers for interviewing Them, Huang and Han, and it was closer for us to go to the favorite place of Han, I asked Him:

“We are going to visit You tomorrow. Will You receive us?”

“No,” He answered. “According to seniority, you should go to Huang first!”

… So, yesterday we visited Huang. And today, since early morning we stand around a fire near a Mahadouble of Han.

We are in the fir-birch forest. It is the time of dawn… A flock of tits cheep in the branches of trees. The white smoke of our fire wafts up and dissolves in the air on the background of the blue sky and white clouds…

We ask Han to tell about Himself, about the methods that He used for attainting Perfection. Until now, we knew only that He is from China and that He attained Perfection in the Taoist tradition. We also ask Him to give recommendations for us, and — through us — for other incarnate people.

Han says:

“Silence of the mind! Become silent all whose minds are developed! Only then the arms of the spiritual heart can be opened, and then the Embrace of the Heavenly Father will open towards them!

“With the arms of love embrace all the living in the Creation and then — Tao!

“This is how I traversed the entire Path, and so did Every One of Us. In the same way I guided into Me every one of you, who ‘put on the hat of Don Juan’* already or are going to put it on soon.

“In all times on all continents of the Earth, in all countries, only one strategy helped righteous souls to advance radically to Me: it is silence of the developed mind!

“Only when the developed mind becomes silent, then in such a body and through such a body I begin to speak!

“I let into Me only those developed souls whose mind learned to be silent! Then it is enough to have one United Mind! The second mind is an obstruction!”.

“Will You tell us how You developed?”

“In that very silence I bloomed as a flower.

“In ‘velvet’ conditions My Master raised Me. He was Huang!

“A garden, ponds with lotuses… It was His ashram of Tao…

“The theory of growing the ‘golden flower’ was also formulated for the first time by Huang. You read these thoughts many years ago. The title was Mystery of the Golden Flower. Unfortunately, these ideas came to you in the form perverted by the translators.

“The essence of this treatise is the following:

“The corolla of the ‘golden flower’ is the developed anahata.

“Its stem is that part which goes into the Abode of Tao.

“The ‘golden flower’ grows with its roots into Tao.

“The ‘bulb’, like that of a tulip, is formed in Tao. Into this ‘bulb’ one has to move with the anahata with arms.

“And then — as you know already — an individual ‘bulb’ merges with the ‘bulbs’ of all Those Who are There… Actually, there is one united ‘Bulb’ There… It is infinite in space and time… It is Tao.”

“Thank You. It is clear to us.

“Tell us please, why have You settled in Russia?”

“Here I raised you!… You cognized Perfection thanks to Me, thanks to Us!…”

“Thank You, dear Han! But please do not consider this work ended! I am not satisfied with myself! I know that I have to develop further! I know the next steps that I have to make…”

“In the coming spring you will master the intended stages…”

“Han, tell us please something of Your past that can be valuable for incarnate people, for example, how You learned from Huang.”

“I sought an Immortal* Master of Tao who would show Me the way.

“I saw many. They all told Me that they knew the truth, that their methods could help one to achieve immortality… Yet I did not trust their competence and went further…

“Once I stayed to rest near a brook. Nearby there was a monastery where I was going.

“A man approached Me and asked permission to sit nearby. His body was filled with soft calm

“He asked Me where I was going.

“I answered that I was seeking a wise man who could teach Me how to cognize Tao.

“Huang (it was He) said:

‘In this way you will never find what you seek! You have to seek not a person but Tao! Then Tao will be your guide and will bring you to the Goal!’

‘Thank you for your wise advice,’ I replied. ‘Tell me: in what direction should I go?’

‘You have to go not farther but deeper! Tao is the Subtlest, It is in the depth beneath everything. It is everywhere. When you master the silence of the mind, then you will see the Path which can be cognized only by the heart.’

“… I understood… that I did not know where to go… So I became a disciple of Huang.

“… Then for a long time I lived in the delusion that He did not know answers to the questions which He asked us, His disciples. In reality, He… just brought us to the threshold of new discoveries, but every one of us had to move further only by making personal efforts…

“For a long time I lived so, being ignorant of His Greatness… His wisdom was… quiet.

“Only later, recognizing in meditations His gentle smile and tenderness, I realized eventually His all-embracing Unity with Tao…

“He helped many people, Me in particular, to cognize this Great Unity.”

“What would You advise those who want to control the mind?”

“Silence of the mind can be mastered through the lessons that I give to people.

“Accustom your minds to respect every life.

“Teach your minds to be grateful. The grateful mind is lowly and obedient. In the grateful mind, the seeds of pride can never grow, a grateful person never becomes haughty.

“Enormous is the work and infinite is the patience of the Ocean of Tao in raising souls! Immeasurable is the Power of Tao’s Love which feeds every life!

“In essence, people have nothing to be proud of. Everything they achieve in worldly affairs or in spiritual search is a result of the efforts of many and not only of this particular person. One receives knowledge from books, from other incarnate and non-incarnate souls, from the infinite variety of life on the Earth. And behind all this, there stands the Heavenly Father, Who created the sky and the Earth and all the living. People just use gifts of the Heavenly Father, efforts which they make on development of themselves as souls is a very small reward for all His Love and Care!

“The greatest event in the universe is when a human soul opens itself for Tao! Such a soul-flower is an invaluable treasure for Me! There is nothing more important than this!”

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