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Contemporary knowledge about God, Evolution, and the meaning of human life.
Methodology of spiritual development.

Messages of the Divine Teachers of the Taoist Tradition

Taoism/Messages of the Divine Teachers of the Taoist Tradition

Messages of the Divine Teachers
of the Taoist Tradition*

Huang Di

“Now I like chess very much…

“Nowadays, when on the Earth there are no Divine Rulers*, like the wise calm and foresight of a chess player who knows the future for many moves in advance.

“My Son grows now in China. He will teach people of the Earth the Wisdom of God — on the basis of the deepest Calm and Divine Strategy of life…

“I want to tell a little about that which is eternal — as eternal as the shining of the stars in the universal space…

“The eternal is Love! Civilizations come, flourish, and disappear, new life arises and vanishes in various corners of the universe — but Love remains everywhere as the unchanging Basis of Everything.

“Love is the language of life that God speaks in the universe! Love is the language that helps people to understand each other! Love is the language that helps man to understand God! After all, God is Love!”

“Huang Di, how did You cognize the Creator?”

“It was so long ago that I cannot recall it!” jokes Huang Di. “I became One with the Primordial Consciousness so long ago that it hardly makes sense to tell My story now.

“I was always! I was at the origin of the Earth, and all its development from the beginning up to the present days happened with My help.

“My Mission is universal. Stars, galaxies, the entire manifest universe is contained in Me.

“As for the seekers of Me, I reveal with Myself the unmanifest to them. I also give them a possibility to cognize ‘the building material’ of the universe.*

“I do not construct Brahmanic Mahadoubles, and almost always remain on the other side of the Mirror*. I come to the Creation from My Abode through the worlds on the other side of the Mirror.

“… Being a Universal Divine Soul, I joined the stream of life on the Earth. Like many Others, I attained Divinity not on this planet. But no matter how various may be the Path of the ascent of souls, the law of the development is one for all.

“There exists Great Boundless Tao, and there are individual souls, created by Tao, that have to learn to use correctly the freedom of will granted to them by Tao.

“The freedom of will is a very interesting thing. It can bring the soul to falling into the abyss, or it can bring it to unbelievable heights… Everything depends on how one uses it.

“The correct use of the freedom of will brings one to impeccable life.

“There are three stages of mastering impeccability:

“The first stage that the soul has to master implies living in the world without disturbing its beauty, harmony, and balance. This is the ethics of relationships with incarnate beings and with all other elements of the Creation.

“I, like any other Avatar, told people about the laws that they had to follow in their relations with the environment. I taught people ethics, first of all. It is people that need to be taught ethics: lower forms of life almost never disturb the harmony of the world. But people are inclined to violate the laws of Tao…

“A soul which is capable of comprehending intellectually these laws, of embracing them, and of building its life in accordance with them — masters thus the first stage of impeccability. And Tao allows such souls, impeccable in the earthly matters, to advance further.

“At the second stage, people who observe the laws of beauty have to transform themselves into beauty. They have to merge with beauty into one, have to become it. Of course, it does not mean adorning the body, it implies transformation of oneself as a soul into beauty. This stage is mastered through the methods of cleansing the chakras and other structures of the organism, and then — through development of oneself as a spiritual heart.

“There may be many methodological variations here, but their essence is one: there is the ‘Heaven’ — Tao, and there is the ‘earth’ — the material world, also there are souls that have to walk the Path from the ‘earth’ to the ‘Heaven’, from yin to Yang. At the end of this Path, the soul merges with the Beauty of Tao and becomes It.

“The third stage of mastering impeccability implies that the soul merged with Tao learns to create actively the Higher Beauty on the Earth with each word, thought, or deed, emitting thus to the world the Sparks of Beauty from the Boundless Ocean of Tao…

“… I began My Service as an Avatar at the dawn of life of this planet. For millennia, China was the main area of My service. I brought to people the laws of ethics and the laws of cognition of the Highest. I manifested the Love of God in this world — so that people may desire to become similar to Me.

“There is the law of similarity: ‘Similar things are attracted to each other’. I sowed in souls the seeds of Love — and then for many centuries I could attract them into Myself with the Universal Magnet — with the Great Love!

“Many times I came to the Earth. People remembered Me in legends as the first Divine Emperor of China.”

“Did You have many successful disciples — those who cognized the Creator?”

“Yes, I did. I opened for them the Highest as I did for you.

“There are two fundamental things that My disciples cognized and that allowed them to master successfully the rest. They are calm and the arms of the spiritual heart.

Calm is the basis of the ability to dissolve oneself. Calm is the basis of the ability of the consciousness to remain unstained, to remain transparent… The one, who is capable of becoming calm, is capable of cognizing.

“There is the phenomenon of transparency. There is the transparency of water, the transparency of air. And Tao is the Subtlest Transparency!

“In order to learn to cognize oneself*, one has to feel — in calm!the arms of the consciousness: the arms of the spiritual heart. One has to learn to touch with the hands of these arms the objects on the non-material plane as with the hands of the body we touch material objects. One has to learn to feel the multidimensional space as water — and to move in it with strokes of the arms as in the water… If one masters this — then the worlds on the other side of the Mirror are easy to cognize. And There one finds the Great Calm

“… A separate ‘I’ cannot possess the absolute power. In the universe, there is only one such power — the Power of the Creator!

“In order to unite oneself with this Power, one needs, among other things, to learn to accept the course of events as a manifestation of the Creator’s Will. One also needs to understand and accept the fact that the Creator controls everything happening in the universe.

“Mergence with the Power is possible only if there are no manifestations of the individual ‘I’ at all, that is when you accept the events without desiring some particular outcome for yourself. Only then are you invincible.

“… My Life is an unceasing development, an unceasing advancement to the new. I never remain the same, I am always changing.

“Everything existing, anything that happens is directly related to Me.

“In the Depths of Me is the origin, the beginning of everything.

“From there — from My Depths — comes the Power that gives beingness to everything. Every thing exists because I gave it the possibility to be!

“Now you can understand that behind every thing, behind every event there is Me.

“All manifestations — even those appearing most despising to you — may happen because I granted them such a possibility.

“Therefore, do not condemn anything or anyone!

“… The great, boundless Ocean of Tao is the Basis of the manifested world. Nothing exists on its own, independent of Tao.

“Everything in the world of the Creation becomes manifested and disappears with time. But Tao remains — Living, Ever Existing!

“Let everyone try to feel this, confronting everything transitional, limited in the manifest world — with the eternal, infinite Life of the Ocean of Tao.

“For those who have realized and felt this relation it becomes clear to what goal one has to aspire in life. This helps them to make the right choice and to avoid becoming deluded by viewing something in the material world as the essence of life…”

“Huang Di, please tell us something of Your biography.”

“Of which one?”

“Tell something that can be useful to us or something that is pleasant for You to recall.”


“… One of My incarnations was quite different from the others. That time I had seven strong disciples, whom I initiated into the final stages of Buddhi Yoga. They were all to Me like children, they were all to Me like brothers! Every one of them could jump after Me into the abyss or enter into fire without hesitation… They all listened to Me with their minds, hearts, and consciousnesses.

“It was a rare fortune! It was like the shining of seven Suns that later merged simultaneously into the Father. Such things rarely happen in the history of the universe… You know what a group meditation is… The power of merged, synchronously acting consciousnesses increases by many times…

“It was remarkable. They aspired to Me, and I guided them. In the universal Depths, I accepted them and dissolved in the Infinity of the Creator…

“… When later They came to the Earth, They took sometimes the name Huang Di… This name was Theirs by the right of inheritance, and it seemed to Me sometimes that I was incarnated again on the Earth through Them…

“… Bright future is ahead of you! The light of knowledge will come to the Earth through you! But We understand that this is a gradual process.

“We all are with you! Together with you We work for the cause of the evolution of people and the Evolution of the universe!”

* * *

“All the multitude of material things cannot satisfy the needs of man, because man is not flesh and man’s needs are not limited to material things only.

“I am the Ocean that you have to cognize!

“Yet if you discover a pearl in the deep, it means only that you have been here, it does not mean that you have cognized the entire Ocean…

“I can describe My form in words. Yet words cannot express Me fully.

“I can put on a material body. But those who worship My body cannot see Me beyond it.

“I am beyond the boundaries of the manifest — I abide in Great Transparent Calm.

“I am right here!

“Even though you cannot grasp Me with the hands of your body, it does not mean that I am ungraspable.

“And if you cannot cognize Me right now, it does not mean that I am incognizable.

“I am present in everyone. Yet I am not everyone.

“In every breath of any manifestation of life, I am the One who gives the power to breathe!

“I have control over the entire Creation. Therefore it makes no sense for you to change in the beginning anything but yourself.

“You may ask: why do I need to change myself? You have to do it in order to cognize Me! Only they can approach Me who have become similar to Me!

“At the time when I was living in a body on the Earth, the deceased were called the returned and the living were called the traveling.

“When you cognize Me, you will cognize Tao!

“Can people come to understanding of the earthly and the Heavenly, of the manifest and the unmanifest only by reading about the inner and the outer? No, they cannot. Yet the one who knows that there exist Tao and Te may want to cognize Them. And the one who has never heard about Their existence is in great difficulty…”

* * *

“It should be understood that each individual alone is responsible before God for himself or herself! Work in a group does not resolve completely the problems of the development of each individual in a spiritual School. Each one should understand that he or she is personally responsible before God for his or her progress!

“The euphoria of the successes attained during collective work should not overshadow the personal efforts directed to the self-transformation and realization of one’s own place in the Evolution of the Universal Consciousness.

“Only in this case one will be able to combine oneself with God within the framework of the realization of Godcentrism.

* * *

“‘Don’t kill anyone; love everyone!’ is a motto that I want to implant all over the Earth, including inside China!

“Aggression should give place to tranquility, love, and a situation when one holds every human and any other being on one’s arms of tender care!”

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