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Contemporary knowledge about God, Evolution, and the meaning of human life.
Methodology of spiritual development.

Lao Tse

Taoism/Lao Tse

Lao Tse

“… Yes, the ancient Chinese civilization is one of those important cultures of the Earth that humanity still remembers about. Its development from the very beginning was guided by Avatar Huang Di.

“It is since that time that people began to call by the name Tao the One and Indivisible Whole — God in the Aspect of the Primordial Consciousness.

“Tao is above everything and in the depth beneath everything.

“It is beyond understanding of the ordinary mind, yet It can be cognized with a developed consciousness.

“Tao is the Highest, the most Subtle and Blissful, indivisible into male and female, into left and right, into more and less perfect.

“It creates. It manifests with Itself the Original Essence of all things and phenomena, yet It is not these things or phenomena.

“Tao is omnipresent.

“Everything in the world of matter has certain limits, but Tao is unlimited and eternal.

“Only those dedicating their lives to cognition of Tao and living in love and calm can cognize Primordial Tao.

“The Ocean of Tao gives Calm to those who hearken to It with all the soul. It submerges and dissolves you in Itself. And then ‘there is no you’, there is only Tao, and you are full of Him!

“Millennia pass…, but the Teachings about Tao and about the Path to It remain among people.”

“You said that You were a disciple of Huang Di?”

“Yes… Once it was My turn to come so close that I began to see Him… I managed to become calm and silence to such an extent that I could hear Him. Huang Di began to speak, and I wrote down the text called Tao Te Ching…”

“Tell us please how did You learn?”

“From a certain stage, a consciousness developed in past incarnations receives a direct guidance from Tao. There is a stage in a soul’s development when the Teachings of the Immortal Ones can be not only understood in words but also realized in life.

“Such was My last incarnation. I came to the Earth to renew and to purify the Teachings about Tao from everything superficial and to leave this knowledge to people.”

“Legends say that You were a philosopher, a historian, and a keeper of ancient archives, that You retired and went traveling, and that a guardian on the border did not let You pass until You expounded Your Teachings in a written form. Is it true?”

“Yes. As Anyone Who has achieved the Goal and crosses the border of life-death on the way from the world of incarnate beings to the Life in Tao — so I had to leave My Message to people.

“… Even before this, in the previous life I was a disciple of Huang Di in one of His Great Incarnations.”

“May we ask You to tell us about Huang Di, about how He taught?”

“How does God teach? Don’t you know?… He shows the Way and then creates obstacles for you to overcome. He teaches you subtlety — and then suggests that you strengthen your power. He suggests that you become aware of yourself — and then shows that there is no you, that there is only Tao… Softly and gently, as a calm tender ocean, He embraces you and immerses you into Himself. And then — in silence and Infinity — there remains nothing of you! Then there is nothing but Tao — All-pervasive, Infinite!… And above the Ocean of Tao, there is Light which has Names and Forms… One of these Names is Huang Di. These Names are as many as the rays of the Sun. Among Them there is also Lao Tse.”

“Did You see Huang Di living in a body?”

“I saw Him living in a body, disappearing and appearing again. Yes, I saw Him! I heard His words coming from His lips. I heard His words sounding in the depth of the spiritual heart. I heard the Silence of His Quietness in the Depths of Tao.”

“Could You tell us a bit more about Him?…”

“These are very ancient images from the life of China…

“Sunrise in the mountains… The Huang He river rolls its waters to the sea, which is called now the Yellow Sea. Do you know why? The Goldish Light of the shining of the Glory and Greatness of Huang Di reflected in it, and the water became filled with its yellow-goldish shining…

“The castle of Huang Di… Its form resembled a giant multilevel pyramid. Wide terraces on every level of the pyramid allowed one to walk around it. In order to come to the next level, one had to pass through a guarded gate into the inner rooms. There was a passage further — to the next level. People who had not achieved a certain level of the development of the consciousness were not allowed to come to the higher levels.

“In the inner rooms of the highest level, Huang Di accepted His closest associates and disciples.

“The first level was used for crowded meetings. Its giant gate opened outside — through it, solemn processions came out when ceremonies were performed.

“At that time Huang Di granted to China not only the Teachings about Tao but also knowledge for the material world: writing system, mathematics, astronomy, counting of time and calendar, many things of medicine. All this became available to people. Apart from this, His precepts about righteousness and order became the basis of welfare for centuries.

“… Quietly flows the Huang He river, the mountains’ tops are in the sky, and the Earth itself is their firm base… Look in the eyes of Huang Di and you will learn more…

“There are the eternal and unchanging Teachings of God. There is boundless Tao. Everything created by Tao comes and disappears, but Tao remains… It cannot be described with the help of words, but there are Immortal Ones Who have traversed the Path and cognized Tao!”

“Tell us, Lao Tse, do You have Your places of power?”

“Yes I do. I have many such places! Most of them are in China but there are some in other regions as well. I have been looking after the growth of many souls for many centuries. I like arts. I am a Patron of those who with a stroke of a brush on paper make viewers hold their breath and peer at that Unmanifest which becomes living on paper in the place where the picture left empty space. I am glad at the rhythm of verses which reveal quietness. I am a Guardian of the traditions of calm, harmony, and beauty. Calm and love are the basis of the righteous beingness!

“… Soon, much will change in China…”

“How can we find in China people who can become interested in our knowledge?”

“You can find them through Europeans and Americans who seek the ancient knowledge of China. Through them you will find people that I want to connect with you.”

“Will You advise us on something concerning our new site dedicated to Tao?”

“It would be good to link it with serious sites of the same subject. Then it would be possible to find people that I talked about.”

“Please say something for beginners.”

“The dense and coarse brings destruction, aging, and death. Therefore, you should aspire in everything to the harmony and subtlety of the consciousness! Find beauty in the Creation — in a tender flower, in a gentle wind, in a transparent brook! One must learn not to disturb this harmony by rude actions!

“Then one has to cleanse in the heart and in the entire body — a place for Tao!

“One has to learn to serve Tao, having become Te. This is a quality of the Perfect Ones.

“The Perfect Ones quietly tell the world about the greatness of Tao!

“Seekers listen to Them in the silence of the soul and grow in cognition and love!

The Subtlest has a great power to create and to spiritualize!

“Become similar to the Subtlest — and then you will be capable of embracing the Whole!

“The warmth of the Great Sun melts down the remains of the lower selves — and the Light of Love begins to flow freely through the bodies of those who have submerged themselves — as consciousnesses — into Tao! Then the Immortality of Tao comes up through their bodies — as they merge the consciousnesses with Tao and act from It. This can be likened to a blossoming peach tree: its branches imbibe the vernal life-giving current and produce beautiful flowers! In the same way, Tao comes up through the bodies and manifests to the world the Calm, Light, and Wisdom of the Depths! Having become rooted in the Depths, the Tree of Love grows and begins to bloom in due time, giving to the world the fragrance of the Truth!

“Listen in silence to how the blissful currents of the Light of Divine Life come up!

“Allow Tao to manifest Itself here! A non-doing of you is a doing of Tao!

“Come to know the Great Border after which there are no borders at all! The ‘bottom’ of the manifested world is just a ‘Curtain’ of the world of the Depths, which is infinite…”

* * *

“I become really upset about each flower that was torn off and thrown to the ground! I become really upset when a shot interrupts the song of any bird!

“I live among people and feel that I can’t help them!

“And I rejoice tremendously when I meet those who can perceive and accept the Will of God! They, among other things, do not tread on a worm that came out of the ground and give way to every ant and any other small creature!

“It is fundamental to merge firmly with the state of all-embracing Care!”

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