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Lao Tse Treatise on Health of Body and Soul

Taoism/Lao Tse Treatise on Health of Body and Soul

Lao Tse
Treatise on Health of Body and Soul

Written down by Anna Zubkova

Bodily health is good.

Keeping the body in a healthy state is a boon for the development of the soul that dwells in that body.

Disharmony of energies in the body leads to diseases.

Whereas, harmony promotes health.

Restoration of harmony quickly leads the patient to recovery.

It is appropriate to begin treatment before a disease begins to destroy the body.

And it is worth thinking about bringing yourself into harmony before illness and old age render harmony unattainable.

* * *

It is necessary to take measures against diseases — before their onset.

It is wise to prevent the pain of the body and the suffering of the soul by behaving righteously and by cleansing and bringing to harmony both the outer aspect, that is, the bodily one, and the inner aspect, that is, the spiritual one.

However, for some reason, not so many people are in a hurry to do this before the pain comes. And such pain is an indication of the downhill process of energy imbalances in one’s body and of one’s violations of harmony.

Even upon realizing that pain and suffering can be the result of one’s own wrong actions, people, nevertheless, choose to continue indulging in passions and vices!

And how much more so is this true for those who are still completely ignorant of the laws constructing destinies!

* * *

The health of both the soul and the body are interrelated.

By healing the soul, the recovery of the body can be accelerated.

By influencing the body, it is possible to improve the state of the soul.

Good health, both of soul and body, generates bright thoughts, cheerfulness, and joy. Then, both rest and motion — smoothly flow into each other in the life of such a person, depending on what is needed in each particular circumstance. Energy is not wasted in this case, and there is enough energy for everything that is needed.

The vice-oppressed state of the soul gives rise to gloomy thoughts and excessive lethargy; or, on the contrary, to excessive activity and even aggression. Instead of natural rest or motion, apathy comes from the lack of energy or fussiness from its excess. Calm and joy are lost. All the organs of the body go into disharmony — and a disruption of their functions or illness can be the consequence.

* * *

Bodily health should not be an end in itself!

The main aspiration of the soul, namely, to transform itself and cognize Unity with Tao — should not fade into the background!

But a sick body has a bad effect on the life of the soul, which dwells in it, and creates obstacles on the Great Path.

Furthermore, the Path must be travelled while in a material body. It is for this purpose that souls — according to the Will of Tao and under the fulfillment of Te — receive bodies; that is, in order to do the work of cognition, improvement, and service!

It happens that a disease is given to spiritual zealots for admonishment or purification. These are those obstacles and lessons, overcoming which the students of wisdom become even more purified.

It’s good if a disease is successfully avoided. If, however, an illness has happened, then one should not rely only on medicines or on external treatments from doctors. All illnesses originate from inner causes. External remedies treat external manifestations, but it is also necessary to resolve the hidden causes, which consist in violations of the inner harmony of the soul.

Having understood the reasons, one should thank Te and Tao for the given understanding — and then it is easy to remove both the causes and their consequences in one’s body.

* * *

When a person is sullen, depressed, unjoyful, or subject to anxiety and fear or resentment and anger — this disharmony of the soul tells the body to begin self-destructive processes.

It is important to feel the bliss of life! This bliss comes from keeping oneself in harmony with the Whole!

This must be understood! This is important to follow!

For each level of development of the soul, there is a corresponding level of expected compliance to the Laws of Harmony of Tao.

For the devotees of spiritual labor, the bliss of life is born from Unity with Te and Tao.

For someone who is just beginning the spiritual Path, it is important to start learning bliss. This can come from admiring the beauty of nature or from the skillful management of one’s own healthy and flexible body. Such bliss can even come from delicious food or from living a peaceful and quiet life. And it is appropriate to appreciate such bliss and give thanks to Te and Tao for it!

* * *

Often, it is not until one loses health that one thinks about how valuable it was…

And, usually, it is not until one has destroyed calm and peace in one’s own life, or until one has brought disaster to others, or until one has violated the harmony and purity of nature, that one notices the priceless treasures that could have been possessed!

And it is difficult to bring back what has been lost!

It is not easy to restore what has been destroyed!

It is good to gain wisdom from small mistakes and, thereby, prevent great disasters!

* * *

Many people knowingly or unknowingly send their energies to each other and to other beings around.

Everyone also influences the universe as a whole, because everyone is an integral part of it.

A person can give to surrounding beings either love and calm — or anger, depression, and other negative states.

Everyone chooses: either to be healthy and righteous and to bring harmony to everyone — or to indulge in a vice-filled way of life.

The one who strives to destroy harmony inevitably destroys oneself. It’s unavoidable!

The world order is maintained by the work of Te. It is They Who, in accordance with the Great Laws of Development established by Tao, help souls to purge themselves of dirt.

* * *

So, cleanse your thoughts and emotions from hatred and all evil! Fill yourselves with love and peace!

Create a habit of living in love and harmony! This will be a good foundation for the health of the body and soul!

You build your own destinies, and the future of the Earth!

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