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Contemporary knowledge about God, Evolution, and the meaning of human life.
Methodology of spiritual development.

Chapter 9. On the Miracles of Jesus, on Fear, and on Fearlessness

A Book about Master Jesus/Chapter 9. On the Miracles of Jesus, on Fear, and on Fearlessness

Chapter 9. On the Miracles
of Jesus, on Fear, and
on Fearlessness

The concerns of the authorities and clergy grew as the crowds of people around Jesus grew. We began to be persecuted as “disturbers of the peace”.

The tension intensified after the resurrection of Jairus's daughter. Jesus brought the girl back to life and this was shocking to the many people witnessing it. Jairus was a prominent man—the leader of the synagogue and was considered a person of high standing who was obligated to follow all the rules and rituals of the Jewish people. This highly respected man, surrounded by the crowd, approached Jesus and asked Him to heal his twelve-year-old only daughter who was on the brink of death.

Amid this large gathering, a servant from Jairus’s house came out and told him: “Your daughter has died, do not trouble the Teacher…” but we followed Jesus as He went into that house where everyone was overcome with grief. Jesus then changed what seemed irreparable as He restored the soul to the girl's body!

First, Jesus filled the entire space of the house with Divine Presence. We had already learned to sense this and watched the miracle from a distance. As He approached the girl's bed, Jesus asked the parents to step aside and stand by the wall.

Then Jesus' became almost completely motionless for quite a while as He held his palms over the girl's body radiating a special energy. To us it seemed as if the Divine Light enveloped her and then the girl took a breath and sat up on the bed.

Jesus still held her hands for a sometime longer.

After all of this had happened, Jesus, addressing Jairus and his wife, said:

“She was just sleeping; I woke her up. Now she is completely healthy and do not worry.”

Many people witnessed that the girl's body had been lifeless and cold for quite some time…

Jesus asked those who witnessed this miracle not to talk about it, but the rumors of Jesus' incredible healings were already spreading throughout the land of Israel.

There were numerous witnesses to these miraculous healings and as the stories spread from mouth to mouth, they stirred up many. Relatives of many of the sick and/or deceased individuals, as well as those who suffered themselves, dreamed of experiencing such miracles.

This could not go unnoticed by people of authority, both secular and spiritual: “Who is this person who can heal the incurable diseases and even raise the dead?” “How should those who teach the Torah react to this?” “Is it true that this person is a Prophet, the Messiah?” “How should representatives of secular authority, such as the Roman governors, deal with such a person?” All of this became a very big problem.

Imagine if, today a Man came from God, who boldly and openly proclaimed Himself as the Messiah, the Avatar, the Son of God, possessing the fullness of Divine Power, and at times demonstrating this Power before the nations.

As soon as the influence of such a God-Man spreads throughout it could undermine the authority and the religious cults, and as a result they inevitably began to closely monitor Him and declare Him a false prophet, leading to the persecution of both Him and His followers. This pattern has repeated itself many times throughout the history of Earth's spirituality.

* * *

And for us, the closest disciples of Jesus, a time of trials by fear came…

The fear of death lives in our human nature.

Every person naturally fears death and seeks to avoid suffering. Fear has a powerful impact on individuals. Initially, this trait is predetermined by God to protect bodies from unnecessary harm. However, as one progresses from the point of view of perceiving themselves solely as a body to perceiving themselves as a free soul, it becomes necessary to learn how to overcome fear. The ability to overcome fear is aided by the willingness to repeatedly face situations where one must overcome one’s fear.

We had to learn this with great difficulty. Courage was not considered as an important virtue in the traditions of the people of Israel as it was per say amongst the Romans. Roman youth were raised from childhood to be fearless warriors. For the Jew’s, displaying courage was often perceived as recklessness, while prudence and caution were considered more useful qualities than fearlessness and courage.

Roman legionaries often looked with disdain at the members of our people who avoided confrontation and sought to buy their way out to avoid persecution or dangers. But it should be noted that the courage of a warrior fighting with weapons in hand and knowing his own strength is quite different from the courage of those who rely solely on the Heavenly Father…

And Jesus taught us courage, which should be shown, when necessary, when it serves the work of God. He also taught us humility and wise patience. Sometimes He did not respond to humiliations from soldiers or insults from priests with anything other than a state of Love and Peace, even though He had the Power to resist and to prove His Divinity. Often, He responded with weighty words but did not display Divine Power and Authority. Possessing Infinite Power, He used these capabilities quite rarely, only in exceptional cases for our protection. And these situations themselves became lessons for us and for all participants involved.

* * *

Overcoming fear was indeed not an easy task for us as we were ordinary people.

… To die right now or to become crippled by the beating of stones — such the fear of pain and suffering we had to live through and overcome more than once… Our faith in Jesus being with us and knowing that He would protect us and heal us was a great source of help.

Only by the time of my crucifixion and departure into the Father's abode did I become completely free from physical pain and the fear of death.

Perhaps only Paul resembled the Romans in his fearlessness. Time and time again, without hesitation, he threw himself into deadly situations. Paul joined us after the resurrection of Jesus.

It is indeed very important to strive to keep the body alive and healthy as the body is truly necessary for the refinement of the soul in this world!

But inevitably, all people living on Earth will have to pass through the gates of death, leaving the body behind. It is possible that soul-cleansing sufferings will act as gatekeepers in this transition. Only on the other side does Light and Love embrace the kind and pure soul, freed from the flesh.

Old age and death are inevitable in the material world, and one should prepare for the transition to other worlds without fear, in peace and love for God.

To leave the body by one's own will, to take on a bodily form again without being born – such is possible only on those levels of existence that are comparable to the Knowledge and Abilities manifested by Jesus in his earthly life.

* * *

We encountered the fear of death again and again and continually overcame it. This process was important.

For example, once we were surrounded by a detachment of Roman cavalry with orders to arrest everyone for questioning.

Fear gripped the bodies of many of us. Running from armed warriors on horseback was utterly futile… Before the mind’s eye of many of us, flashed images of imprisonment and torture…

In a state of shock, we watched as Jesus stepped forward and, looking into the eyes of the leader, calmly uttered:

“Not now! The time has not yet come!”

And the horsemen seemed to forget everything, as if they stopped seeing us, as if this encounter, these words, never happened. They turned their horses and galloped away.

…Or the story of Jesus calming the storm. This situation is known to all who have read the Gospels.

We were very frightened by the raging water storm at that time. Once again, we faced the fear of death. We watched in horror as the waves were about to engulf the boat that we were in, while Jesus calmly slept nearby. We woke Him up, and the storm immediately subsided, obedient to His Will:

“What are you afraid of when I am nearby? What concern is there when you already know the Heavenly Father?”

…Another time, a crowd became furious when Jesus said that He would not heal anyone today. Stones flew, and we were preparing for the inevitability of terrible beatings and possibly death.

Jesus stepped forward again and raised His hands in a calming and blessing gesture. We stood beside Him, stones flying, we were all covered in dust, but not a single stone touched our bodies. And Jesus stood still before the enraged crowd, continuously looking and sending Heavenly Love… And gradually the crowd's anger subsided, and the people dispersed…, and we left for Jordan to wash our clothes.

Thus, again and again, we tried to overcome fear, strengthening our faith in the Power of Jesus and His unity with God but there was not yet that fullness of Unity with God in which there was no fear.

Still, with each occurrence, it became easier and easier for us to do so…

It is necessary on the spiritual Path to face death from time to time! It is important to assess the value of life, the possibility of the body's death right now, and our Love for God, the acceptance of His Will… And how we will face the death of this body is very important: whether we cling in panic to life or enter into love and peace into the Abode of the Almighty.

[The translation will be continued.]

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