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Contemporary knowledge about God, Evolution, and the meaning of human life.
Methodology of spiritual development.

Chapter 7. Mary Magdalene

A Book about Master Jesus/Chapter 7. Mary Magdalene

Chapter 7.
Mary Magdalene

Now, for those reading these lines, it may be difficult to imagine, but we, the closest companions of Jesus, sometimes did not fully agree with Him on everything. His actions sometimes puzzled us. Yet, even then, we absolutely believed that He was Divine, that He was the Messiah, the Savior of the world!

However, the human mind, not yet immersed in the spiritual heart, not yet accustomed to thinking in love, has a natural tendency not only to remember, understand, and contemplate but also to easily generate a desire to criticize the incomprehensible and even condemn it.

Of course, we tried not to show Jesus these occasional problems that arose in our minds. And, of course, Jesus saw and knew everything! Sometimes, mentally and emotionally, we could disagree with His actions that did not fit into our understanding at the time. Sometimes we discussed it among ourselves, sometimes argued. Sometimes, we would ask Jesus. And Jesus patiently taught us understanding, acceptance, and agreement with thoughts, emotions, and actions. He taught us, sometimes intentionally not explaining everything in words, so that we could find the answers ourselves.

Even then, He knew how difficult it would be for us to achieve full unity with each other and with God in our thoughts and in the deeds of spiritual service when His physical presence was no longer with us. How challenging it would be for us to decide “who is right?” and “what to do?”. Jesus was already teaching us us to address questions to the Heavenly Father and receive answers from God, to seek the depth of understanding through the dissolution of personal “I” in Divine Love and Wisdom!

* * *

It was precisely in connection with Mary Magdalene that there were quite a few situations that perplexed us during the early days of her life with us! A woman with an imperfect past became a companion and disciple of Jesus. We did not understand why we had to deal with so many problems and dirty gossip when we were already facing criticism and persecution from those who held spiritual or secular power. Even ordinary people sometimes looked disapprovingly at Mary's presence next to Jesus.

This became our next trial, because the role of women in the beliefs of that time was supposed to be different: a woman's place was in the kitchen, her duty was to serve, wash, clean… that was the norm. Mary, of course, tried to do all this for Jesus and for all of us, considering it her duty, but it was not enough for us to accept the situations that kept repeating.

We could not forget her story. We witnessed the revelation that Mary was “impure,» that she committed adultery with a married man, for which they wanted to stone her, and Jesus intervened. And not only did He intervene, but she was accepted by Him and became His disciple.

It greatly offended us that Jesus treated her as an equal among us, and sometimes He even highlighted her love, tenderness, humility, care, and devotion as the most important qualities of the soul that pleased the Heavenly Father. And here she was, walking with us, eating with us, resting beside us, listening with us. He kissed her on the lips, stroked her hair, approved her words or her silence. He cared for her more than us. When she was utterly exhausted, He could make her rest almost forcibly, while He started preparing food and accommodation Himself, or suggested that we do the washing, cooking, at times when we thought it was Mary's responsibility to do it for all of us. It bothered us, and sometimes we didn't fully realize it, but we were deeply disturbed by it internally.

And those around us added fuel to the fire: how can He be a Prophet, let alone the Messiah, when there's a harlot next to Him, and He allows her to approach Him?

We loved Jesus, and we saw that Mary loved Jesus, and that saved us when our minds couldn't give us answers or agreement.

Gradually, the most important understanding, repeatedly learned through our experience, came to us: only love helps overcome all difficulties on the spiritual Path. Through Mary's humility, through her words and actions, we also learned this. Physical fatigue, anxiety about the future, the hatred of others towards us — Mary hardly noticed all of this because her love for Jesus overfilled her.

One day, my brother Simon, unable to restrain himself, burst out and said to Mary quite sharply:

“You're a woman, and you should know your place, yet you constantly try to be close to the Teacher!”

“Yes, I know… I'm just a grain of sand clinging to His feet… And His mercy is that He carries me instead of shaking me off like a hindrance.”

“Aren't you afraid that Jesus will drive you away? That He won't allow you to always be like this, close to Him?”

Mary thought for a moment, then replied with a tender smile:

“No… I'm not afraid… If He drives me away, then I will die on that day… In Him is my entire life!”

At that moment, Jesus approached and said:

“He who loves Me as she does is always in My Heart! Know this, Mary, and all of you, when My physical body is no longer with you… I will still be with you in Spirit!”

* * *

Through Mary's example, we saw again and again that “love is patient, kind. It does not envy, love does not boast, it is not proud, does not behave rudely, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.”*

It's one thing to hear these words and understand their profound truth, and another to truly become such love and live that way! Mary demonstrated this without any deliberate intention, without contemplating how or what she was doing. In her love for Jesus, she completely forgot about herself. Her absolute devotion to Jesus allowed her to experience the Heavenly Father, with Whom Jesus is One.

Sometimes her fearlessness, her loyalty, and her faith amazed us and served as an example. We learned to love Jesus, we learned to love and accept each other, we learned to direct our love to the Heavenly Father. We gained the knowledge that only love provides the opportunity for mergence, dissolution, and existence in Unity!

Through our own experience, we realized that it is the Fire of Divine Love that burns, melts away any problem in our lives!

* * *

Over time, I developed a very trusting relationship with Mary. This friendship with Mary and her older sister Martha meant a lot to me, it was significant! I gained a deep understanding of men and women on the spiritual Path during that time. I saw through Mary's example how a woman, guided by unconditional love, walks the spiritual Path. Jesus taught us that men and women equally have the right and can approach God, to experience Unity with the Heavenly Father. And sometimes, it is even easier for the possessors of female bodies, especially if they are truly led by a Divine Master.

Mary's love for Jesus was pure, boundless, and vast as the heavens. One day, I asked Mary:

“What do you dream of? What do you expect from the future?”

“Nothing… Jesus has given me everything one could dream of… and much more. You see, Andrew, all of you were worthy of His Grace when He called you, but I was not. How can I describe the miracle experienced by a sinner when the happiness and mercy received were not deserved after years of a righteous life? Without being worthy, I received so much… I receive the Great Gifts of Love every moment now! Even when His body is not here, I have learned to feel His Love! His Heavenly Light, which is now within me, is a greater miracle than all the external miracles we witnessed when He healed or multiplied food. I feel His presence all the time, day and night… The Sun of His Love now always shines in my heart!”

* * *

Jesus once said to us:

“Do not think that only very serious and wise listeners are needed for me now. I came to help those who need help. Food is needed for the hungry, water for the thirsty, healing for the sick, comfort for the suffering. I give faith to those who do not yet believe; I give understanding to those who seek the Truth. I give knowledge of God the Father to those who have matured in Spiritual Love and seek only Wisdom and knowledge of Higher Being! I cherish equally those who are taking their first steps on the spiritual Path and those who are resolutely advancing towards the Summits. I am pleased to see those who are simply happy to sit and listen to me with trust, even if they do not understand everything yet. This is the guarantee of their future success! I am happy to open the doors to the Chambers of the Heavenly Father for those who are able and worthy to enter! This is the task of the spiritual sower — to sow and cultivate the seeds of love in the field of the spiritual. God is LOVE! And only with pure and wise love is the opportunity given to become One with the Heavenly Father! God the Father is that Boundless Primordial Consciousness that begets Love itself, allowing the Power of Love to exist, to create lives, and to form worlds.”

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