Life for God/Some More on Religious Perversions
Some More on
Religious Perversions
Vladimir Antonov
Recently I have received the following letter (I reproduce it without any corrections):
“Hello, dear Vladimir! I accidentally found your website and read your speculations. Sorry, but you are very wrong about God and the ways of knowing Him. The worst thing is that you mislead others. To know God and the truth, it is necessary, first of all, to read the Bible. Jesus said: ‘I am the way and the truth and the life (eternal), no one comes to the Father except through me.’ The Gospel of John 14:6. The Scripture speaks about the repentance and faith in Jesus Christ! All the rest is from the evil one.
“‘But even if we or an Angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let them be anathema.
“‘As we said before, so now I say again: If anybody is preaching to you a gospel other than what you accepted, let them be anathema.’ (Galatians 1:8-9)
“Please, watch YouTube video ‘What church does not teach’. May God help you.”
This polite woman, threatening me with curses (anathema) seems to wish me well sincerely. Moreover, she considers herself as a Christian as opposed to me.
Yet… here it is a habit of lecturing everyone, considering oneself as the one who knows more than anyone else, even though she… just started the path… of acquaintance with the Bible…
Having read only some small part of my works, she reproaches me for not knowing the Teachings of Jesus Christ and not following them…
However, I am the one who wrote the book The Original Teachings of Jesus Christ [5], in which these Teachings were analyzed and systematized by the thematic sections. Later these materials were included in the collection “God speaks. Textbook of Religion” [8], and then in the book “Classics of Spiritual Philosophy and the Present” [17].
Moreover, this woman does not know that Jesus was the One Who many decades ago blessed me to pass the knowledge obtained from God to people [12] and that He has been my non-incarnate Teacher for many years and led me, along with other Divine Teachers or Holy Spirits, to the cognition of all that was described in this article and of many other things... She does not know either that the communion with Jesus and with other Divine Teachers became for me as usual and easy as with incarnate interlocutors. More than that, I can not only see and hear Him and Them but also embrace and merge blissfully with Them…
… That woman who wrote me this letter has not learned anything yet, but she already lectures others…
May God help her to understand this and many other things!…
* * *
The actions of ethically vicious people have always contributed to the distortion and even to complete perversion of the Teachings given by God. It is so, because one of the main intentions of such people is to dominate others, to enslave them.
A striking example of this is a claim that an aspiration to make effort to become better is... sinful, since one can become proud of one’s own spiritual progress, and this will be, supposedly, the worst sin!
… Once, 20 years ago, I guardedly asked Jesus about His attitude towards the organizations in which such distortions — opposed to His appeal to us to become perfect as our Father in Heaven is perfect — predominate (Matthew 5:48). He replied that He considers such organizations as criminal before God and people.
… Many absurd and malignant opinions existed and exist in the religious field.
Those Perfect Ones Who came to the Earth as the Messengers of God were tortured and killed by aggressive and primitive people...
The same was done with those who strived for the Perfection, realizing the Will of God by this. Let us recall, for example, the lives of many Hesychasts…
There is a belief that the more of the “infidels” (i.e., people who have different religious views) you kill, the more chances you have of getting a place in paradise, although, actually, it is quite the contrary…
There were and are religious organizations, including “satanic” sects, in which people offer bloody sacrifices supposedly to God or to spirits, torturing and killing animals, and sometimes even people… But is it what God wants from us?…
In different schools of black magic, the magical methods for harming others are taught…
Now there are sects in which the main task is to destroy the intellects of their adherents. For this purpose, drugs or special psychological methods may be used. The meaning of such actions is “theoretically justified”. How? The general scheme is the following:
An intellect is the carrier of the lower “I” of a person and creates the feeling of his or her individuality. The feeling of one’s own individuality is the basis for the duality or dvaita in Sanskrit. This term implies that there is “I” and there is God, whereas only one “I” should remain — the “I” of God. To reach “enlightenment”, one should eliminate this duality by destroying the ability to think. The mind is the main enemy of a person. Therefore, by destroying the mind, an adherent merges with the Primordial Consciousness.
To accomplish this task, a practitioner masters the “spontaneity” of thoughts, emotions, and actions, accompanied by the rejection of all limitations, which implies, among other things, the rejection of the basic decency in relations with other people, the admissibility of any emotions, and the readiness to commit any crime. “What I want I do without thinking even for a moment, since God is directing me!”, this is their motto.
In these sects, drugs are usual help on the way towards a total ethical degradation and dementia.
Demons find pleasant and attractive the coarse uncontrollable emotions of the adherents of such sects, and possession among them becomes a usual phenomenon.
What is the main error of this absurd pseudo-religious concept? It is in the total lack of the understanding of what God is and what He expects from us.
He offers us quite the opposite: the development of an intellect, the control of one’s own thoughts and emotions (which implies, among other things, avoiding even the slightest rudeness), ethically irreproachable conduct, qualitative and quantitative development of the consciousness, based on the purity and inner silence of the spiritual heart that became huge. Only when we become such, we will be truly worthy of flowing into the Primordial Consciousness, since It receives inside Itself only really worthy ones!
Concerning the mind, we should not destroy but to develop it in every possible way and learn to control its activity.
… For the young souls, it is hard to understand where lie is and where the truth is. What can they do in such a situation?
The answer is quite obvious: they need to seek truth at God, and not at these or those people proclaiming themselves as spiritual leaders.
If we are not able yet to speak directly with God, it will be useful for us to broaden our horizons by studying the outlooks of different religious organizations and the religious experience of all humankind from a historical perspective.
In this case, it will become clear that there are no “saving” rituals and that belonging to those organizations which promise paradise in exchange for their membership does not save from hell.
… Try to ask yourself: why did God need to create us, humans? Could it be that He did it only to sort us into those who go to paradise and those who go to hell after the end of our earthly lives?
This conclusion seems absurd for any reasonable person!
And how few are those who have looked for the answer to this question. And even fewer are those who have found it…
So, what is the answer?
It is as follows:
The Life of the Absolute is a constant self-development. This Life is the Evolution of the Universal Consciousness.
We are these living units whose purpose is also self-development, realized in order to flow into the Primordial Consciousness after gaining the Perfection. Thus we enrich It with ourselves.
This happens not only on the Earth but also on other planets of the universe, inhabited by intelligent beings.
… So God is directly interested in that we, people, dedicate our lives to self-perfection!
He sent us to the Earth so that we can develop ourselves day after day, trying to come closer to the Perfection!
Those who have achieved success on this Path flow into the Primordial Consciousness, enriching It with themselves, while those who impede, in one way or another, the realization of this plan of God place themselves as His enemies and construct for themselves the respective destinies…
* * *
Ivan Krylov, an ingenious fabulist who lived in Russia in the 18th-19th centuries, wrote a fable on this subject. Its gist is the following:
Two friends met. One of them told that he was in the zoo and saw many wonderful bugs there! His friend asked him: “Have you seen an elephant?” “Well, sorry, friend, I haven’t noticed it…”
… We have already discussed that we were incarnated on the Earth in order to perfect ourselves actively, trying to obtain Godlikeness. As a result of our spiritual efforts, we should cognize God directly and flow into Him. This is how non-duality or advaita in relation to God is achieved.
Yet in the circles of pseudo-followers of Advaita and in those Buddhist sects in which the existence of the Primordial Consciousness (i.e. God) is rejected, it is said that our goal is not the Primordial Consciousness, but “Nothing”. Therefore, each of us should transform himself or herself into “nothing” in order to… disappear forever from the world of samsara…
Such people are very far away from the understanding of the essence of God, of the Evolution of the Universal Consciousness, of the meaning of our lives on the Earth…
… Actually, God is the Greatest Universal Organism, the greatest Being of all beings! He is really Akbar — the Great, the Greatest! It is necessary to add to this that He is also the Subtlest One in the Aspect of the Creator, of the Holy Spirits and of the Messiah! Besides, He possesses the absolute Wisdom and Omnipotence.
To come closer to Him in these Aspects, we should learn to love Him emotionally, because love is, among other things, an aspiration to mergence; love is what brings everything together.
When we love God like this, the necessity to serve Him arises naturally, and we try to turn the course of the development of other incarnate souls in the right direction.
Besides that, we should actively develop ourselves, which implies, among other things, our quantitative growth. To flow into Him — Eternal, Universal, and the Subtlest One — is the only way of the true fulfillment of Advaita!
Those who, instead of this, strive to go in the opposite direction, transforming themselves into “nothing”, just waste their incarnations or go to the garbage of the Evolution, since “nothing” — in this perspective — is equivalent to “worthlessness”…
… Truly, having become the adherent of such destructive sects (destructive for the consciousness), one can spend the life without noticing the Greatest Being of all beings…
* * *
A pertinent question arises: how can one start the realization of the aforesaid? After all, it is always useful to start from the beginning, and not from the end!
One should start with the acceptance into one’s outlook of the knowledge about the Evolution of the Consciousness, about one’s own place and role in it, and about the methodology of spiritual development, based on ethics [12,17-21].
Jesus taught that God is Love! (1 John 4:16). Therefore, to come closer to Him and to cognize Him, we should become gradually similar to God in this.
It is all about the transformation of one’s own emotional sphere, since emotions are the states of the consciousness. Consequently, we should try to be always only in the states of love, immediately noticing in ourselves all other states and eliminating them.
It is quite possible to learn to control our emotions! For this, we need to master the regulation of the activity of our chakras. Let all chakras be cleansed and developed, especially the anahata chakra, which is a bioenergetic structure located in the chest (primarily, in the area of the lungs) and which should become dominant.
It is from the cleansed and developed anahata that a spiritual heart — the main part of the soul — can begin to grow then. We should become it and grow, refining ourselves. In this case —gradually— all the highest will become possible.
… In addition, we should remember that our emotions are produced by thoughts to a considerable extent. Therefore, it is very important to learn to control them and immediately stop those thoughts that can make us leave the state of love.
Besides, every one of us should comprehend that God — in the Aspects of the Primordial Consciousness and the Holy Spirits — is not “out there” but everywhere, including here, in the place where a body of each one of us is now. He is inside you, in the multidimensional depth beneath you.
He is in other spatial dimensions. Hence, we cannot see Him, but He can see every one of us very well at any time. He sees our bodies, feels our emotions, hears even each thought…
If you want to come closer to God, if you want Him to allow you to do this, you should assume the responsibility for the control and regulation of your thoughts and emotions. Let each one of your wrong emotions or thoughts immediately stir up shame, first of all, before Him!
“Every instance of leaving the state of love results in the accumulation of bad karma!” — this is how He taught me once [12]. That really helped me a lot!
Well, many other useful things can be found in our books and other materials [5-22].