Secrets of the Pyramids
Rejoice, children of God! You are granted the happiness — to love!
Cognize the Love and Wisdom of God — and you will get His Power to Create!
Invite God into your life — and the Omnipresent Primordial Himself will appear!
Learn to recognize His touches, His guiding Hand, His words of Wisdom, His barriers and His guidance, and His crushing pressure on human self-centeredness!
In the field of love, crops grow at His Touch! Flowers bloom and fruits ripen in those souls, in which kindness and wisdom have taken root!
But on the cliffs of pride and vanity, His hurricanes strike, destroying the unacceptable and sweeping away the superfluous!
And to those places where there is spiritual desolation — the rains of His Grace do not fall!
If God gives you a heavy blow from His Hands, do not indulge in despondency! It was an indication that emanated from the Supreme Wisdom!
Accepting the Lessons of God allows us to approach His Heart!
The Omnipresent exhibits His Strength and Power to those souls that want to cognize the Divine Perfection in their possible future and are able to approach this Ideal, removing their vices and increasing in Love, Wisdom, and Power!
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The Heart of God and the heart of man — can connect!
Those who are worthy will cognize how great the Tenderness of the Divine Love is!
The seeker of wisdom will cognize how great His Wisdom is!
Only those who first gained His Love and His Wisdom, will cognize how great His Power is!
His Power connects with one’s own strength — when one has attained purity in Oneness with Him.
Comprehending life in the Depths, one cognizes that the “I” of God and the “I” of the One Who has reached the Perfection, are One!
It is not enough to learn to momentarily leave the body and enter — as a soul — into the Light. Instead, one needs to become the permanently Shining Divine Flame!
And then, the world is no longer divided into the one who strives to reach the Creator, and the One to Whom man has striven! Because that Man has become the Source: His or Her center now coincides with the Primordial!
Therefore, every Perfect One can cognize Him in Oneself, and Oneself — in Him!
Such a Divine Person can carry the Divine Flame by the Soul, Which is not separated from the Universal Primordial Fire. It is like a Wave on the Ocean’s surface: it is filled with the Power of the Depths!
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Oh man, you can put everything in its proper place in your understanding of the world, and restore order in your life!
What is significant — will then be revealed!
What is useless — will then disappear!
And hindrances — will then be eliminated!
Liberty comes only from bringing your life into harmony with the Divine Laws!
If you cognize the Love of God as a Manifestation of the Power of God, then you will attain an invincible and indestructible Foundation for your life!
The main quality of God is Love!
Perfect Love is indestructible, eternal, omnipotent, and wise!
It is in order to learn this and master this that you, oh man, have put on the body of flesh and live here!
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You will be able to dive into the Depths and obtain Power, once Love and Wisdom have sprouted inside you!
The United Power and the United Will — rule the universe!
The Oneness is the Unity of the Multitude. And Anyone Who is a part of the Divine Multitude can use the Power of the Divine Ocean of the Universal Consciousness!
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Cleanse yourself of prejudice, anger, lust, sloth, selfishness, and from everything that transforms a human being into a primitive animal! Cleanse yourself — and you will see Me — God — in yourself and in everything around!
Anyone who has cognized Me as Love in his or her heart — can then realize even more, namely:
It is I, God, Who gives strength to your body to grow, move, and develop!
It is I, God, Who can see the world through the eyes of your body — and you can begin to learn to see what I see!
It is I, God, Who can hear — within My Great Silence — the sounds that you hear. Do you want to know how I hear?
My Thinking can guide your thoughts. Do you want to learn to think as I do? Do you want to learn from the Source of My infinite Wisdom?
My Love fills all space! And you can connect your love to My Love — or resist It!
You can live in the Ocean of Pure Love, Light, and Bliss! But the choice is always yours, oh man! This is called free will!
My Care for every creature can become your care! Let your love and care envelop those whom you think about and whom you direct your emotions to! Such care of yours will guide you on the Path of Goodness!
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There is the law of conservation of energy, which can be mastered by the one who intends to master the whole Path of the Higher Knowledge and Skills:
Every non-essential word or act takes away your strength. But every act, which is in agreement with the United We, increases your strength and ability to interact with the Creating Flow!
Haste leads to oversights. Haste does not befit a wise person. Whereas, inner peace allows you to make reasonable decisions.
Those who have cognized the tranquility in the Great Calm — can both instantly see the correct decisions, and say the right words at the right time, and act quickly when it is necessary.
Let the Infinity of the Great Calm of God flow into your body, oh man, if you are willing to let this Calm be in yourself and you are opened up to It completely!
And if you give your mortal body for the service of the Will of the Primordial — then gradually His Strength and Wisdom will fill thee, oh devoted and faithful one!
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For many people, the pyramids of Egypt are only ancient symbols of a time long forgotten… But people still know very little about the nature of time.
I will talk about this a little bit.
There is the Eternity of the Divine Existence. And in it, there are certain cycles of life — of stars, planets, and souls in bodies.
Every such manifestation of life in matter has an end.
But eternal life in God has no bounds!
This eternal life is gained by souls that have attained the Oneness in the Divine Consciousness.
It is important not to miss the most important in your life!
For this, you need to think about what is most important: what is the meaning of your life, oh man?
It makes sense to devote the best years of your life and the best hours of every day to this. These best years and hours are when the strength of the soul is pure and active and when the ability of the mind and body is in the best possible state.
It is the Will of God that decides when you must leave your body. But you, oh man, have to decide how to spend the time that has been allotted to you for life in this body.
It is you who disposes of the minutes, hours, days, and years of your incarnate life! God only reveals to you your opportunities and helps you to achieve worthy accomplishments!
The time that you have to live in a body is precious! Try to imagine that tomorrow may not even come to you in this body. And then, see every minute of your life as a precious gift from God!
When We meet those people who are moving from the world, where they lived in material bodies, — into the world, where souls wait for new incarnations, We so often see how much regret they have: about misspent time, about major acts that were not done, about words of gratitude or repentance that were not spoken, about love that was not given, and about their futile anger and cruelty!
It makes sense to live in such a way that, when the transition occurs, you do not regret what you did and do not grieve about you did not do! Then, it will be easy to smile towards what ordinary people call death, and quietly accept the separation from the world of dense matter and soar into the realms of light, where worthy souls rest before new births on our planet!
Souls live and develop towards Divinity for more than just one life in a body, and each incarnation is a new opportunity to get closer to the Perfection!
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You may ask, oh man, how — having not yet developed the ability to hear the Divine Messengers, Teachers, and Assistants of humanity — can one distinguish between what is right and what is wrong in one’s own actions?
Yes, one who knows the basics of ethical life, understands that the mind may initially distort one’s understanding — because of, among other things, the imperfections of morality in modern societies of embodied people. But, the accusations of one’s conscience and the development of heart love will help one to learn the true understanding.
Those guidelines and censures, which are dictated by one’s conscience, are manifestations of the activity of the best and purest part of the soul.
The one who listens to the voice of one’s conscience and lives with a heart full of love — to such an extent that there is nothing for which to reproach oneself — very soon acquires the ability to hear and understand the Divine Instructions!
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Why is it that only after a catastrophe, or other large-scale destruction, do a lot of people begin to think about what is temporal and Eternal, about the Divine Will, and about the “posthumous life”?
Is it really necessary for all this to happen for humanity to destroy the illusions of temporal values and realize the presence of eternal ones?
The cause of all disasters and wars is not the Divine Will — but the destructive energies that are produced by humanity itself — in their emotions, thoughts, and intentions!
Small disasters happen every day for individual people. But many people who live nearby, seem not to notice as their brothers and sisters become disabled, indigent, or lose the social positions that they had been striving for with huge efforts for their entire lives… Being indifferent to their neighbors, such people do not show compassion, do not provide assistance, and do not conclude that such misfortunes could also happen to themselves…
But, do not wait for the painful consequences of wrong actions, thoughts, and emotions — to cause destruction!
One needs to think in advance about what is truly valuable!
It is necessary for people to understand that, by building a house, they gain — before God — above all, the ability to build, and that, by creating a family, they can develop the ability to love, or by managing a community, they gain the ability to take care of others. It is namely these skills — to think, to work, to create, and to love — that are taken by correctly developing souls with them to the “other world”, when leaving the material world. This is because the acquired skills become qualities of the soul.
But if a soul acquires the opposite qualities, such as: malice, a desire to control others, to steal, and so on — then it will be very difficult to get rid of these vices that have grown into the soul!
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The laws of development in the universe are the following: Love, Harmony, Calm, and Beauty!
God speaks to you, oh man, by both the beauty of sunrises, and the grandeur of mountains, and the vastness of oceans, and the defenselessness of small creatures that live in this beauty!
Knowledge about the Earth and about the connections between all those embodied on it, should hasten people towards an understanding of the Universal Love. Namely, such connections are those between one being and another, between one being and the multidimensionality of the whole planet, and between one being and endless life in the universe.
The Divine Power of Fire and Light is under every atom of matter, under every cell of the bodies of incarnate beings. All that exists is supported by this Original Creating Power!
You must understand that the creatures who live here are connected with you and with the planet — just like how the different parts of your body are connected into a single structure, to which you, as a soul, are bound.
Only one who has received a birth in a human body is able to evolve up to the awareness of oneself-soul in the Unity with the Primordial Light and the Creating Fire. This is the Highest Meaning of your life!
When a devotee has achieved the Divine State, this allows him or her to directly experience and understand the Creator’s Love. One can do this by developing in oneself love for all beings.
It is love that lets cognizing the wide space in the universe, where the Autocratic Lord is God!
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A soul can learn to dissolve.
The ability to dissolve teaches a human soul how to pour into the Ocean of Divine Souls!
The dissolution of the soul is the disappearance of the feeling of separateness and the acquisition of unity. It transfers the state of a separate being — into the United Whole. It is only possible to cognize this when in a state of love and calm.
Oh man, you can feel yourself not as being separate — but as being one, with the planet-mother, on which you live and develop!
You can learn to live in a beautiful universe that is filled with stars and distant wondrous worlds that surround your planet! You can learn to feel your connectedness with the development of all living beings on this planet, with its beautiful seas, mountains, and forests!
Everything that surrounds you has been created by the Creator so that your development may be carried out in the best possible way!
And so — by love! — connect with all the beauty around you!
A benevolent attitude towards all beings will allow you to quickly learn how to connect with the Creator Himself, Who loves His children with His Wise Love.
He will teach you not to connect with their imperfections, which they will have to eliminate.
And you, too, should eliminate in yourself all that is not perfect!
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Oh man, you can cognize that — in the subtlest planes of multidimensionality — under the Creation — everything is filled with the Living Divine Light and Fire. It is God in the Aspect of the Creator Who makes matter and directs the development of souls!
And you must also realize that this Light and Fire is the Unity of the Multitude, or the Oneness. These are the Divine Souls Who work for you, oh man: for you to grow and develop!
You should make efforts to join this Unity with Them, to join this dissolution in Their Universal United We!
That is where you, oh man, will find Supreme Happiness and Bliss! By joining forever, you will be Perfectly Beautiful, Divine, and Immortal! And then you will be able to perform deeds of God — for the sake of the common good in the universe!
One, Who has truly mastered the life of dissolution in the Divine Light, One, Who has cognized the True “I” in this Light, will no longer shudder at the storms of the outside world! The Calm of this One will not be shaken by anything, and this One’s Radiant Love will not disappear!
… If anxiety, anger, sadness, and sorrow penetrate the soul, then the outside disharmony of the space and coming unwanted events can attack…
But, if the peace of the soul is indestructible and merged with the Divine Peace, then nothing and no one will be able to harm such a Soul! The life of such a Zealot is included in the Life of the United We.
And this person is guided by non-incarnate Great Souls.
It is worthwhile to aspire to a life in Union with the Divine Will! And then the Divine Help will be with this One!
But if one turns away from the Divine Guidance, then the experiences of a life lived separately will be given to such a soul. In this case, one’s thoughts, emotions, and deeds build one’s fate and this person undergoes what he or she has prepared for him/herself. It often happens that a person erects a structure that may collapse… Or prepares food that is harmful or poisonous… All of this can be avoided… But the choice is always yours, oh man!
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It is I, God, Who created you, oh man!
It is I, God, Who wanted to live and develop in you!
It was I Who gave you a body and helped you to develop a mind capable of self-realization!
You must first understand that you are not the body or the mind! You are the soul!
Develop yourself! Also take into consideration that the process of development is long.
Everything that you have considered as yourself, oh man, is an illusion, which I, God, let you experience in order to develop your ability to become aware of yourself!
You grow up through the development of the ability to love, to plan, to manage, and to take care of others. But the “I” that is happy or sad, that manifests strength and will, that desires and achieves its desires — is temporary. It was necessary for your development. But later you can know that there is only one True “I” — the Divine “I”!
You can try to cognize your true “I” — in your Union with the Divine Origin.
Truly, there is no other “I” in the universe than the “I” of God!
It is I — or, rather, the We formed of all Those Who have cognized the Unity — Who manage everything!
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Until a certain time, one cannot stop being aware of oneself as a small individual ‘i’ — no matter how much one wants this. This is because this one has nothing to replace this natural self-awareness since he or she has not yet attained self-awareness as God.
No matter how much this one repeats mentally: “I am God!” — it will not help!
If, at this stage, the awareness of oneself as an individual were to disappear, then there would be no other “I”… This should not happen!
Just as a baby is designed to develop in a mother’s body for a certain time in order to be viable when born — so, too, must the Divine self-awareness grow and form in a gradual way.
Love for God and constant interaction with Him, allow it to happen faster. There is a birth in the Abode of the Primordial. And, after that, one must then grow and mature in this new state.
… Only after having acquired the ability to live as a soul that is free from matter and having cognized how to merge in love with the Divine Consciousness, one can gradually realize the identity of the best in oneself-soul — with God.
At this point, one can already start learning to move completely and forever into the Home of God.
But such resettlement takes some time. Sometimes it takes several incarnations of the soul.
Often, only that one who has more than once in a series of successful incarnations been aware of oneself — in God, and God — in oneself, can accustom oneself to the Divine Life in the Oneness of All Those Who Have Attained.
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Imperfect human desires lead to imperfect results. Implementing imperfect desires brings satisfaction only for a short time, and then new, similar desires grow…
Perfect desires and intentions are born from the Universal Divine Love.
By becoming One with God, such a Person reaches the perfection of His or Her motives, intentions, and will to implement them.
But anyone who uses the power of the soul for the pleasures of the self, gets only a temporary result from this during his or her temporal existence in the material world.
Whereas, the acquired Divine Qualities and Divine Strength of the soul can be nurtured and not be destroyed by the death of the body.
The best states of the soul are Love-Care, Subtlety, Bliss, and Tenderness. They are stored in the Underlying Treasury, which allows a person to eventually attain the Unity with the Divine Consciousness. Here, the Divine Potential of the soul matures and accumulates. Then, at the proper time, a person can become aware of this Energy and lead It through the body and identify oneself with It.
… Thus, awareness of oneself as a separate individual “i” is useful for the growth and development of the soul. It allows one to learn to act, to think, and to love. Gradually, however, it must give way to the Divine “I”.
The temporary individual human self-awareness is like a bud, which has to be formed, and from which the Divine Flower of Immortality of the Soul will grow.
This can also be formulated in other words, namely: the main purpose of the temporary “i” consists in letting a soul grow and develop, and then realize its own subsidiary nature, its predestination only to be a transitional stage to the Supreme “I”, to the “I” of God, to the Universal “I”!
Only by having nurtured your love, strength, and ability of self-awareness up to the Perfection, can you, oh man, realize yourself as God!
At first, such a state lasts for a short while, but, with time, it can last forever.
You can become Me! Or, to put it another way, you can become the One Universal Divine We!
By fully realizing and manifesting God’s “I”, the Soul thus discards the last old “shell” of its separate existence.
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I promised to tell you about the Golden Tablets.
You, perhaps, expect that I will reveal to you certain words that were cast in gold on special bars, hidden in a secret place.
Yes, there were once such gold plates. There were also many other tablets, papyri, stone slabs, and granite walls, on which were engraved the words of God. These material media, for the most part, did not survive up to the present days. Only a very small part of them is known to people. There are other similar records that are buried in the deserts or on the ocean floor. Some of the information, which was recorded on them, is present in the words that I told you.
But this is not the main thing.
Realize that the matter is not eternal.
But the Truth of the Essence of God and man’s Path to God are eternal!
This Knowledge can be found in the inner chambers of the soul, that is, in the sanctuary of the spiritual heart, filled with silence. This is a place of Love, in which God and man can talk.
There — God can always be present!
There — the sacred words will be heard in the language in which a person thinks and speaks! There — the answers may be heard, if a human soul asks questions to God!
This is the entrance into the Treasury of Indestructible Knowledge of the entire universe! This knowledge may be received by a soul from the Divine Souls!
The more purity, love, wisdom, and self-awareness grows in the soul — the more Knowledge may be disclosed to it by the Divine Teachers!
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Now in front of you, oh man, I will reveal the secrets of the Great Pyramids.
The pyramid is a symbol of God Who has gone out from His Original Dimension, which is located in the Initial Depth, under His Creation.
A person can build his or her own such Pyramid that connects his or her body with the Primordial Ocean of the Creator — thereby revealing the Divine “I” in him\herself and in his\her body.
But, why a pyramid?
A soul, which was once limited by a material shell, can cognize — through the shape of a pyramid — the immensity of the Divine Fire and strengthen the stability of its consubstantiality with It.
One, who learns to live in the House of God in such a way, easily attains the Oneness.
And then the form that one takes will no longer matter: there will only be the Divine Ocean both outside and inside the body…
So, oh man, you can build your own such Pyramid!
This will be your own entrance into the Ocean of the Creator and also the place through which you can come out from this Ocean to incarnate people!
This will be your Eternal Part in the Divine United We!
… In the whole universe, His Omnipotence has no limits!
Every One who has entered into a permanent Union with the universal Creator, acquires the possibility to receive the Knowledge on how the Great Creating Force operates and how It exists.
Every One who has attained such Unity, gains the ability to apply this Great Power to facilitate the Process of Evolution. This Person directs the Divine Power into the world of the Creation — through Himself or Herself.
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Not many people see and realize how beautiful is the world around, how perfect everything is arranged on the planet!
Look, oh man: walking on the Earth’s surface, you can embrace with love any open spaces — meadows, forests, mountains, valleys, and seas… You walk along these wonderful expanses — and below your feet there is the wondrous planet!
It is one of many in the universe. And yet it is — your planet! It gave you a wonderful opportunity to live, grow, and develop!
And then — there must be one more small step in the awareness of your existence: you should realize that everything here is created by the Creator and is permeated by His continuous Gaze!
God, the Creator of the universe, is always here!
He is closer than the sky!
He is inside and outside — in relation to your body!
He has given you a great chance: to develop, grow, and eventually become Him, having joined Him in His Infinite Existence!
The “Veil”, which separates you from the Creator, may be perceived as just a very thin transparent film.
When, with your love, you feel that the Creator is the Only Source of Higher Love, Wisdom, Power, and that He is the Reason of the existence of everyone and everything — then you will easily feel His Reciprocal Love!
When Love on both sides of the “Veil” becomes identical, separateness disappears — and the person perceives oneself — in God, and God — in oneself!
It is precisely for this that the Creation has been made! And, in this, is the meaning of your life, oh man!
Having found this Unity, you will merge into One with the Love, Wisdom, and Power of the Creator of everything!