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Contemporary knowledge about God, Evolution, and the meaning of human life.
Methodology of spiritual development.

Humble Mind and Flaming Heart (from Simeon the New Theologian)

Teachings of God
on the Achieving the Spiritual Perfection
/Humble Mind and Flaming Heart (from Simeon the New Theologian)

Humble Mind and Flaming Heart
(from Simeon the New Theologian)

The humble mind and flaming heart…

Is turned to God — the soul is sounding!

No limits are for me… Only God is here!

God — is plain, clear!

God is here with me — in every moment!

Embraces of Love are always open!

Universal God is within me and near!

And deeds so few to be done by me here:

Nothing is more important to me now:

Every day, every hour, every moment, without any fuss —

To be within Him and watching clear

His universal unseen Being!

In order to

Stay inside Him forever as Divine Sun!

In order to

Bring His Love and Calm to everyone!

Ancient Tales
(by Isida)

By greater wisdom and mysterious beauty,

We are attracted by ancient legends…

It seems, we’ll find in manuscripts

All secrets and the meaning of events…

But the entrance to the world of Truth

Is not outside — but inside!

The aspiration to Creator — let it lead us!

And strength of pure fire of my love let open this entrance!

How valuable — what Creator gives us!

Every moment — unique and fine!

Beyond the bustle of mundane

Is open Path to Him in every day!

In Silence

By consciousness — I dissolve in silence…

It’s light, transparent, infinite…

In it — so easy to be

One with God Who is in me!

And — Voice of God is plain in silence!

In it — to any question is response!

It will sound in the quietness of Love,

Where — Understanding, Unity, and Light!

About Silence
(from Adler)

Morning gentle, mist… It is the beauty!

Calm is in the forest and above the lake!…

Blades of grass — in transparent dew!

They, too, are happy in this Love of You!

Do not say surplus words!

Let silence have no boundaries!

Let be fullness of calm — in your heart and mind!

If you are in Mergence with Me — and are Mine!

Immerse yourself in My silence

All-embracing, from the depth — to full extend!

Get down in My Transparent Calm

To merge with Me into One!

And then you will know that I am the Only:

I'm living in all and in you!

And then — My Power fill your heart and body:

For you — by Love — to blossom!

Listen to My Silence!
(from Huang Di)

My wonderful stars

Shine for you in the night…

Hear! Be silent! And feel:

I hug you — in calm — by My Heart!

Hear My silence in

The space of Eternal Love!

Here you learn to be Me

Dissolving the boundaries.

Here — you can learn to rest!

Here — the strength of love is born!

And then — in Mergence with Me —

Come back to expanses on Earth!

And in the Divine Silence,

Let My words sound

For all times in which

Is Eternal Wisdom of Tao!

God is So Near!
(from Alexey)

The Path to God is so easy!

And God is so near!

But not all are willing

To seek Him for…

But you can reject the evil in yourself!

Become the Purity and Love!

The Temple of God is here, in you!

Plunge into depth of your heart!

Drown in this silence

Your fussy mind,

Feel God’s Presence

In you and around!

Despairs and fears will leave your mind,

As well as load of loneliness…

God — by Love — will lead you through life:

His Abode — at so short distance!

Be the Light and Fire!
(from Lada)

Become the River of Light that flows,

Pushing in vastness its banks!

Become the Earth in the center of which

Shines its Fiery Heart!

Become sunny song of your heart —

Joyful, gentle, lively!

Become the silence — transparent, gentle!

Become One with Me!

In Abode of Those, Who achieved the Unity,

Cognize the solution, “non-I!”

You will be then Fire and Light,

“Sun of God,” your Higher I!

And then — in the Depth of Infinity —

Sunrise of the Power starts:

Like Sun, gently shining,

God — by Love — appears to us!

Not Time for You to Relax Now!
(from Assyris)

You go, not forgetting the meaning of life

And reconciling the way by your love!

Analyzing, what here is given to see, —

You strive to search God’s eternity!

In your heart, His words you hear,

You are cognizing: God is Alive and Real!

Being Light and passing “Heaven’s Gate,”

Enter in His Love and Rest!

But it is not for you —

The chance to relax now!

You have to help the striving cognize:

What is the spiritual Path!

Cognizing the Life of the One,

Consisting of Multitude,

You can — with the help of Fire,

Alighted by Him in you, —

Help worth to begin

To give the spiritual light!

Explain how to shine by love

And their lives to improve!

You can explain to people about the “ladder” of Path,

Tell them that the real — just God, One!

Who is striving to Him — must be out of fright,

For God is Love — all borders and time beyond!

Conversation Around Campfire
(from Yemelyan)

The lonely traveler lighted campfire

And addressed the question to God:

“How can I continue living and serving

“For people striving to go to You?”

“Why are you in doubt and sorrow?

“Is no one to whom to give My Love?

“But — make the Big Fire in heart —

“And people will come to sit and ask!

“Someone — only glance and go away,

“Someone — will sit for a while,

“But someone will be able to understand

“And — overcome all the Path to Abode of Mine!

“My Tales you retell

“To children that will sit near fire!

“And then — when adult — they

“Will recall and Me recognize!

“I’ll go through life of each of those

“Who are willing and able to go to the Goal!

“I will be close every day, every night

“Helping to overcome all troubles on the Path!”

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