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Cunoștințe contemporane despre Dumnezeu, evoluție și sensul vieții umane.
Metodologia dezvoltării spirituale.

Literatură recomandată

Parabole Divine/Literatură recomandată

Literatură recomandată

  1. Antonov V.V. — The New Upanishad: Structure and Cognition of the Absolute. Bancroft, “New Atlanteans”, 2008.
  2. Antonov V.V. — Sexology: Development and Regulation of the Reproductive Function. Bancroft, “New Atlanteans”, 2009.
  3. Antonov V.V. — How God Can Be Cognized. Autobiography of a Scientist Who Studied God. Bancroft, “New Atlanteans”, 2009.
  4. Antonov V.V. (ed.) — How God Can Be Cognized. Book 2. Autobiographies of God’s Disciples. Bancroft, “New Atlanteans”, 2008 (în limba rusă).
  5. Antonov V.V. (ed.) — Spiritual Work with Children. “New Atlanteans”, 2008.
  6. Antonov V.V. (ed.) — Classics of Spiritual Philosophy and the Present. Bancroft, “New Atlanteans”, 2008.
  7. Antonov V.V. — Ecopsychology. Bancroft, “New Atlanteans”, 2008.
  8. Antonov V.V. (ed.) — Forest Lectures on the Highest Yoga. Bancroft, “New Atlanteans”, 2008.
  9. Antonov V.V. — The Bhagavad Gita with Commentaries. “New Atlanteans”, 2008.
  10. Antonov V.V. (ed.) — Tao Te Ching. Bancroft, “New Atlanteans”, 2008.
  11. Antonov V.V. — Spiritual Heart — Religion of Unity. Bancroft, “New Atlanteans”, 2008.
  12. Zubkova A.B. — Story about Princess Nesmeyana and Ivan. Bancroft, “New Atlanteans”, 2012.
  13. Teplyy A.B. (comp.) — Book of the Warrior of Spirit. Bancroft, “New Atlanteans”, 2012.

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