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Contemporary knowledge about God, Evolution, and the meaning of human life.
Methodology of spiritual development.

I Was Sick with Cancer More than Once

Life for God/I Was Sick with Cancer More than Once

I Was Sick with Cancer
More than Once

Vladimir Antonov

I have several times suffered from cancer, having performed not properly justified healings of patients with this severe disease. And then, I every time had to heal myself. Moreover, God — against this background — showed me new key techniques of spiritual development.

I remember, I had fallen for the first time into such a situation after the healing of one of the physician-women near St. Petersburg.

I was then promptly called to help people in one of the other settlements. And the disease made itself felt there, away from home. The focus of the disease was formed in the lower left hypochondrium. Pain quickly grew with each passing day. It got to the point that even the slightest waving of the body when walking caused severe pain. I have almost lost the ability to move.

What to do? I decided to resort to the already well-known to me “winter swimming”. And it was just at the beginning of winter. I asked a local to show me any natural water body. There, on the lake, I broke with a stick not yet thick ice and bathed in the technique described by me in [18]. Immediately the relief had come. Then I repeated this procedure two more times in the following days, cleaned the body with meditative techniques — and the disease completely receded.

Thanks to this situation, I not only had found a wonderful method of healing from this so widespread illness, and I am now sharing with you, — but I also received the most important meditation on the same reservoir to continue my own spiritual growth and for helping others worthy.

… Another time, I healed, too, a physician-woman from the growing right breast cancer. She quickly recovered. And I… The tumor soon began to grow — also in the right mammary gland. The tumor had already reached the size of a walnut. The “nodules” appeared and increased away from it — to the axillary lymph node…

And it was not winter, there was no opportunity to apply the “winter swimming”. I began to seek meditative solutions. Found! It turned out to be an amazingly effective meditation, which I called “headlighting”. It was necessary to feel the mammary glands (this meditation is quite suitable for representatives of both sexes) — as car headlights.

“I’m driving along the night road, lighting my way with the ‘beams’ of the headlights, sending a bright white and slightly golden light ahead…”. This meditation is performed during walking or meditative running [18]. First I am lighting from the chakra anahata, then — the opportunity opens to shine already by the Light of the Holy Spirit — from His or Her Immensity, which is behind the anahata of my body…

You are welcome! Learn this technique all, and not only in a case of the need for healing, but also — which is incomparably more important — for your spiritual growth!

The tumor in my body then began to decrease. In the beginning — up to the size of a pea, then — even less. Its remnant even now can be still felt — as a reminder to me that I should never heal someone’s body before healing the soul first!

… It was and such a case more. There were malaises in the lung, a cough, against which nothing helped… It was time to do the following vaccination against tick-borne encephalitis. In those years, an obligatory condition for such vaccinations was the preliminary passage of a fluorographic survey. The x-ray image had showed already a significant in size pathological proliferation… The physician-radiologist was alerted and offered a second test after twenty days. In the meantime, he said, “drink the decoction of the ledum”…

… I had to go with the result of the examination to the therapist. But I did not. I turned to God: what should I do?

And, as a result, I had received a unique knowledge about the four segments of the human body. This knowledge and practical experience had created the necessary prerequisites for healing my own body and for continuing to advance along the spiritual Path.

… Many other cancer sick were healed just due to the fact that they earlier engaged in the programs developed by us — right up to mastering the technique of the meditative running [18]. I did not know anything about their misfortune during the training. But they shared their joy with me at the end of the course: they were completely healed! Both the pain passed, and the tumor completely disappeared, as if it had dissolved!

Among them, there were those inoperable sick women with breast cancer, which were — by the physicians — sent home to die.

… It is pertinent to ask: what were the remote consequences?

Since we held those classes, it has been decades. Because of such remote consequences, I cannot say anything. But for about five years, I had met with them several times, as if by chance, in forests when collecting mushrooms — in the places where we once were together. And they thanked me for both saving from cancer, and for pointing out the Way to God!

… I’m not telling this to attract patients. No, I will not heal any more. The healing was for me only a stage of my own spiritual growth [12], then I went further. And this allows me now to tell you not only how to heal yourselves, but also about much more: how can one effectively build a positive destiny, and approach to God in the quality of the soul.

And if you want to use my recommendations, first consult with physicians — with those of them who do not act for their own profit, but for the love for patients and the feeling of their professional duty.

* * *

I will tell you, too, about my last episode of healing a cancer sick.

I was found by a desperate woman, who once participated in our training in the meditative running [18].

… How it was then blissful — to run for hours as a group on the forest paths, without feeling the fatigue of the bodies, in the Embrace of the Holy Spirits, filling our bodies with Their Divine Light!…

But it was not possible in those years in Russia to talk openly about God. And I did not say…

… Now — I happily responded to her request for help.

… Back then, decades ago, she was not yet twenty years old.

When those lessons were over, she married a member of a bad sect who denied even the very existence of God! And she had entered this sect for many years…

Soon she began to suffer from a toothache. This lasted for years. But she did not go to a dentist: it was not encouraged in that sect, the whole “medicine” there was limited only to chatter on the theme of yin-yang… Teeth — “decayed”…

But infectious problems in the teeth affect not only the teeth: almost all systems of the body, including the brain, suffer from this!

… Her whole head inside was filled with dense energy mud! I had never seen such blackness inside a head!

Her intellectual status already bordered on dementia. Including, she almost could not read. And what she could read, was not remembered…

But her main problem was the growing pain in the depth of the upper half of the abdomen.

After seeing her body, I saw: the beginning cancer, caused by a very large spirit.

… Well…

I explained to her that God really exists, told her what He is like, presented her my books, where it was told in detail about God and His Teachings.

I recommended immediately go to a dentist. Also — “winter swimming” — good that it was winter!

After asking God’s blessing, I drove out of her body that spirit.

She — has risen and… found it unnecessary to follow all my recommendations…

Then the spirit was again returned by God to her body…

Realizing this, she went to the ice-hole and to the dentist, who removed her four teeth and healed the rest.

I asked the spirit to leave again. He obeyed… I hoped that now — it was forever…

… But then… her boring demands began, so that I should teach her meditations on the places of power

… For a long time now, I do not conduct any classes or other public events: everything that is needed for those, who wish to be able to successfully advance through the version of the Path chosen by me, is set forth in books and films. But, even if it were otherwise, such activities could only be carried out for a person with a strong intellect. But she had almost dementia…

I answered “evasively” — for not to injure — that it can happen not earlier than after years…

… As a result, I received from her an angry letter, where she, including, exclaimed that she regretted that she asked me for help at all!…

… So I, as it turned out later, stayed with that spirit in my body… It “nestled” in my pancreas, and in the left segments of the chakra manipura [39], where it was harder to notice it, and I did not notice long…

The disease manifested itself years later…

With my own meditative efforts and direct help of Jesus Christ, I managed to eliminate bioenergy injuries. Although the anatomical changes remained.

… So I got one more and, I hope, the last warning from God that one cannot act in relationships with other people, following only one’s own emotions of compassion, but without His specific Blessing for each of such actions.

* * *

We all need to understand that God does not live on some earthly mountain or a distant planet! And He does not ride on the clouds, looking at us from there! But He — eternal and infinite — is present always and everywhere, including, under every cell of our bodies — in the multidimensional depth!

We do not have the opportunity to see Him until we ourselves learn to easily stay in the subtlest layers (eons, lokas) of multidimensional space.

But He sees each of us constantly! And nothing can happen with us without His knowledge and consent! Moreover, He creates difficult lessons and tests for us, trying to help us in becoming better, in approaching the Perfection! It was for this — that He embodied us on the Earth!

Therefore, everything that has already happened to us, should have happened. And if we do not like it — the cause must be found in ourselves.

And what will happen is also to be taken as a manifestation of His concern for each one of us. However, one’s own future can still be changed: namely each of us builds one’s own destiny!

But in order to somehow change oneself in accordance with His Will, we must first study His Will. This is most fully represented in the book [17], where His Commandments are gathered, which He gave to people from the time of Atlantis — up to the present days.

* * *

Let’s try to trace again: what is the reason for the pain that we have to endure because of wounds or illnesses?

Most often, the reason is that we did not take into account the pain of other embodied beings, either killed by ourselves or others killed for us.

Compassion for other beings is one of the most important principles of that love that God wants to teach us!

So, when we are in a situation of our own intense pain, it makes sense for us to accept it as a help from God. The empathy for those, who have suffered because of my ethical mistakes, will be in such a situation just what will make it easier for me to facilitate my destiny — both now and in the future.

* * *

So, the main cause of cancer is a bad fate, due to one’s own ethical mistakes.

The mechanism of the emergence and growth of cancer tumors and similar pathologies are genetic mutations.

But the reasons for the latter — are maybe a few. Tumors can arise as a result of irradiation with “hard” energies. There are also suspicions that carcinogens are some chemicals that enter our bodies with food or other ways. But, be that as it may, the cancer process will or will not develop — it depends on us and on God. From us — in the sense that we can show or not to God our efforts to become better. Then God makes the appropriate conclusions.

And yet, apparently, the most frequent mechanism for the expansion of cancer is the introduction of spirits into our bodies. These — most often, according to their latest incarnations — are animals, primitive in terms of levels of their development. They, being sent by God to the bodies of their victims, begin to settle in them, changing the genotype of the cells of these or other organs of the body “to their taste”.

These spirits can be observed in the form of black energy clots. They can move inside the sick’s body and even leave it for a while, for example, under the influence of a healer or physiotherapy procedures. But then they usually come back, being ruled by the Holy Spirits.

The tumor can be removed from the sick’s body by surgical techniques. But cancerogenic spirits will leave the body forever or for long — only by the Will of God; we have already discussed this. This will determine the outcome of the treatment.

Thus, with cancer or similar diseases, it makes sense to rely, first of all, on one’s own forces, understanding everything that is happening with oneself — as learning from God. After all, it is for this purpose — i.e., so that we could learn from Him — He embodied us in the material bodies on the Earth!

(At the same time, I do not advise to refuse the usual help of physicians: it makes sense in such situations to fight in all possible ways at the same time!)

The disciples of God, like in any earthly school, can be good or bad. Let us be His good disciples!

And good disciples should study the Will of God, sincerely strive for its fulfillment and assure Him: “I now understand what You expect of me! I promise You: from now on I will not live for myself, but for You! And I ask You: give me a chance to have time to transform myself in this body!”

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