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Contemporary knowledge about God, Evolution, and the meaning of human life.
Methodology of spiritual development.

Chapter Seven: New Meeting

Chapter Seven:
New Meeting

Ever since the day when Alexey saw the miraculous healing accomplished through Rada, he hoped for an opportunity to meet her again and find out from her how she had acquired this skill. But no one knew anything about the mysterious healer and had never before seen her.

Over time, Alexey sometimes even began to feel that everything that had happened was only a wonderful vision, revealed by God.

He lived — as before. In his solitary predestination before God, he tried to be like the elder Nicholas and envisioned a similar future for himself…

Autumn and winter passed… And spring has come.

The snow had already disappeared altogether. Nature awakened vigorously this year.

* * *

And one day that spring, Alexey got lost in the forest.

This happened to him for the first time! He had already been living for so many years in the taiga! He always easily noticed and remembered the road! No matter how far away he went, he always knew the right direction to go, and how to get back!

But now he walked and walked, and was exhausted and could not even imagine which direction to go to now. In the evening, the presence of a nearby wolf pack became apparent. Alexey kindled a campfire. The wolves did not approach, being afraid of the fire, and then they completely disappeared.

He spent the night by the fire…

… The morning was clear, everything was shining and sparkling in the light of the rising sun!

“How stupid it will be just like this — for nothing, not for anyone — to perish among this wonderful beauty!” — Alexey thought. In this way, he calmly thought about it, without fear, without sadness.

The words of prayer flowed easily:

“God, lead me out! Show me the way — if it is Your Will!”

He had plunged himself into the inner silence — and then walked confidently and quickly in the way which, it seemed to him, God directed him to go.

* * *

Two strong young men, protecting the peace and security of the community, noticed a monk who was heading straight to their settlement — so quickly and confidently as if he knew the way.

After consulting each other, they decided to tie him up and lead him to the headman Blagoslav to find out where he came from, what this scout was up to, and what to do with him.

With a canvas bag over his head, for him not to notice the road, Alexey was led for some time with his hands tied. He did not even have time to see those who had tied him up. They acted cohesively and dexterously, they did not beat him and did not cause him any pain. They walked in silence.

Because their steps had slowed down and because voices began to be heard around — Alexey guessed that they had come to a village.

He was removed from the bag — and saw the people around.

In front of him stood a tall, white-haired and bearded old man, who was mighty despite his old age, and who was holding a staff in his hand. Alexey, was put before this old man — who was apparently the headman of this community. It seemed like a court.

The old man looked at Alexey for a while in a special way, as if he were looking through him, then spoke to the two tall guys who were still holding Alexey by the shoulder on either side.

“What have you done? Why did you bring him here? He is not a peeper, he does not think evil! He is not even afraid! What to do with him now?”

“Forgive us, Blagoslav! We did not know what to do: he went straight to us, as if he knew the way. So, we decided to lead him to you…”

… The people, who had gathered around, were sympathetic and calm. They looked silently at what was happening and waited for the decision of the headman.

And then, suddenly, Alexey saw among the surrounding community members… that healer!

Everything flared up inside of him with great joy!

He thought: “So that’s why God led me here!”

Alexey noticed that the headman could perceive everything clearly. It seemed like he could read the thoughts of other people like an open book:

“That’s your monk, granddaughter!… His heart is open, and his thoughts are pure! Go to lay the table, Rada! We will all gather: to determine what to do with him.”

Rada bowed to the headman, gave her glance to Alexey with caress, warmth, and encouragement. And then she went to the hut.

The majestic old man looked again at Alexey, as if piercing through him with his look:

“You will be our guest, Alex! Because God brought you here!

“My name is Blagoslav, I am the headman of this community and Rada is my granddaughter.”

… A barely noticeable smile touched his lips when, at the name of Rada, joy once again stirred in Alexey — from understanding the miracle and the Providence of God!

And already addressing those who held Alexey on both sides by the shoulder, Blagoslav said:

“But untie him at least, you fools!”

… Then he went, without looking back, to the hut, confident of complete obedience of all those around.

* * *

They sat down at a long table covered with an unbleached canvas.

Many adult members of the community gathered at the table: both men and women. Rada also sat next to her grandfather when she finished serving.

The food was simple: bread, vegetables boiled with fresh herbs, sauerkraut, and salted mushrooms.

They ate in silence, without hurrying.

Afterwards, Rada brought brewed up scented herbs and honey.

After drinking, the headman spoke:

“You, Alex, probably think that you’ve fallen into a community of the Old Believers. And that we are hiding from punitive troops in order to survive and to preserve our faith. Right? Well, say out loud everything, how you think, what you have in your heart — so that everyone here knows about your thoughts!”

… Alexey remembered the ashes, remembered the dissenters burned alive, and he wanted these people not to suffer such a terrible fate.

He spoke warmly and sincerely:

“There is no difference in how to fold the fingers when making the sign of the cross! We all raise our prayers to Jesus and His Heavenly Father, in Whose Power are all our lives! There are only differences in rituals! And this is baseless! Because of this, life is not worth both taking away and giving away!…

“I can baptize all of you according to the new rites — and then, there will be no oppressions and persecutions in your lives!

“Jesus commanded that people love one another — for all to be like brothers or sisters before Him!

“So why do we split ourselves there, where peace and faith must be clear?!”

… Blagoslav smiled:

“Did you see and hear these things yourself? Life, as it turns out, can also truly be lived in this way!…”

Then he said to Alexey:

“You have not yet understood everything about us, Alexey!… We are not Old Believers!…

“In Russia, before Christianity, people also lived, serving God!…”

“Are you Pagans?”

“Even before Christianity had come to Russia, the real knowledge about God began to be replaced…

“The sovereigns commanded the people to make idols, depicting ‘gods’, and ordered them to perform rituals in front of those idols — so that the people lived in submission and fear of disobedience.

“This is how Paganism appeared.

“Those sovereigns confirmed Paganism — instead of the Knowledge, which people had directly received from God.

“In order to validate the sovereigns ‘order’ — the people were told to sacrifice to those ‘gods’ and to the priests…

“Due to this, many people have forgotten how to see and feel the real Living God!

“Reality was replaced by idols, made of wood or cut out of stones…

“Communion with God had been forgotten…

“A few Magi preserved the memories of that Knowledge and of those great skills. But they disappeared into the forests… They began to be called sorcerers…

“You are now among such ‘sorcerers’, Alex! And now, you must make a choice: whether to renounce your faith for the sake of the Great Knowledge — or not to renounce…

“Okay, that’s enough, we have talked…

“Go in peace, friends!

“And you, Rada, make a bed for our guest for the night and answer his questions!”

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